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Mad Scientist Malfrost

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Everything posted by Mad Scientist Malfrost

  1. I see you are waiting for U-Iowa and Emory as well! Here is hoping for good news for both of us on those fronts here soon! Still, I'm jealous that you have some acceptances in already! None of the schools I have applied to have sent rejections or acceptances yet so I'm peak anxiety right now.
  2. The Dan Nexon tweet. If he's on the committee and the recommendations have been submitted then it's likely the release of decisions will happen soon.
  3. Congrats! IU is a great school!
  4. As we prepare to go into the first week of Feb where many of us are likely to at least get some decisions one way or another I just want to say you all are great and amazing people. Look to this scene from one of my favorite renditions of Henry V to inspire you throughout this trying week! For there is none of you so mean and base, That hath not noble lustre in your eyes. I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips ,Straining upon the start. The game's afoot: Follow your spirit, and upon this charge Cry 'God for Admits, Funding, and Saint Thomas!' (I have edited the end here to be a bit more relevant to our current circumstances!)
  5. Hopefully the stress can be over for you soon! Can't imagine we'll get anything till Monday but hopefully if you do get a weekend surprise it'll be a good one! I'm mostly just trying to not think about it but that is hard and I'm still checking these forums to see if anyone posts anything lol
  6. Congrats on the acceptance! Fingers crossed that much funding comes your way!
  7. It’s 5 PM so I guess we are all hunkering down and waiting for Monday now?
  8. Congrats! That is awesome! A&M is a fantastic school!
  9. That's me! Especially since a number of the places I've applied tend to send out rejections before acceptances according to the numbers here. So long as I don't get that rejection notice, I'm still in the running is the way I'm looking at it. Congrats! That is awesome. OSU is a great school with a great department from what I know of it!
  10. Good luck with the move. Hopefully if you do get any news it will be good news for you!
  11. If it turns out you all end up being right I'll totally pay you all to get senses about when my schools will be releasing their decisions lol
  12. I have a feeling a lot of us will be getting decisions one way or another for a lot of schools next week. Just looking at trends the first week of Feb normally has so many decisions go out and it seems like that despite COVID a lot of school are staying on track. Which makes sense since you don't want to have the committee meeting more than it has to once classes have started back up.
  13. As a fellow Emory applicant, I am with you there. Here is hoping we both get positive news soon!
  14. I'm an RA currently that is cleaning data and running regressions and I struggle to open R everyday. I know that feeling.
  15. I have a feeling next week is going to be a mixture of a lot of excitement and anxiety for a lot of us, huh?
  16. Fingers crossed for all you Princeton applicants! I thought of applying myself but I didn't feel I was a good fit. Wishing you all the best of luck and hopefully good news though!
  17. Best of luck! Out of curiosity, what subfield are you in and what topics specifically are you hoping to research?
  18. I only got to work and go to seminars with people in CP and IR during my time here so sadly I can't speak too much about the American side of the department. From what I hear I know it's pretty strong though and you enjoyed your time here researching so hopefully that means you'll be a good fit!
  19. What professor did you do research with and what subfield are you in?
  20. I'm super stoked to see so many people applying to Cornell! Wishing all you Cornell applicants good look. Also, as a fellow Vandy applicant lets keep our fingers crossed for getting asked to interview sometime next week!
  21. Thank you! Best of luck for you everywhere as well! As a current Cornell Master's student I really hope they accept you here! It's a really good department in a lot of ways and Ithaca is beautiful.
  22. Yeah, the trolling can be pretty bad on the results page sometimes and its something that's common each year from my understanding. There were three Emory accepts yesterday but no one here claimed them so I'm thinking those were likely trolls which helps me a bit cause I really want to get admitted to Emory. Talked to a number of the faculty there and feel like I'm a great fit.
  23. Congrats! That is amazing. Super stoked for you.
  24. Congrats! Hope you get the funding you need and hear about that soon!
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