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Posts posted by neuroling

  1. Hello!

    I'm just wrapping up year 1 of my master's BC, Canada. I'm really interested in Vocology, especially working with singers (rehab or optimization). I know some schools in the States offer specialty tracks but unfortunately I don't think any schools in Canada offer anything like that.

    Would love if anyone who's done a post-grad certificate in this area (or something similar) could share where/when/how you liked it. Particularly interested in programs that don't send me south of the border, including online, but open to anything!!

  2. On 3/21/2022 at 6:42 AM, speechiestudent said:

    thanks for the info! do you mind me asking your stats? I see that you were accepted to U of A and UBC last year!


    On 3/21/2022 at 6:48 AM, hopefulslper said:

    I was also curious, if you are comfortable sharing @neuroling :)

    Hey! I'm a little late on this but please feel free to DM and I'm happy to share more information :)

  3. I think I've seen this shared elsewhere in this thread, but FYI for anyone wondering:

    -Last year UA sent out acceptances March 26 and 27

    -UBC sent acceptances on April 7 

    -I got my rejection letter from Dalhousie on April 7 too (but they were pretty all over the map with when they sent both acceptances and rejections out)

    Not sure when they'll be sent out this year of course but I hope that helps anyone wondering!

  4. On 12/14/2021 at 9:25 AM, Natalie SLP said:

    Hi everyone! 

    Does anyone have any idea how the personal reference should be structured if we're applying to multiple schools? My personal reference should mention what school I'm applying to in the letter but it only allows us to do 3 referees (2 academic, 1 personal) so we can't really get 2 personal letters catered to different schools if that makes sense. 

    Any ideas? 

    For UBC, ORPAS, Dal, I don't think any of my references made any reference to the particular programs in their letters (I didn't get into Western or Dal but I did get an offer from UBC). One of my references did say that she altered her letter slightly for UA as I mentioned their EDI initiative to her. In general, I think the admissions officers know that the reference's job is to write a letter about you and your job is to know about the programs. I hope that helps!

  5. On 11/4/2021 at 7:06 PM, SpeechieAlly said:

    For U of Alberta, the statement does not explicitly say to talk about why I'd like to go to UofA, but would you recommend discussing it?

    I discussed this briefly in my LOI! I can't imagine it would ever hurt to spend some time explicitly explaining why the strengths/attributes you've described in your letter make you an especially good candidate for their school :) 

  6. 2 minutes ago, friendlyghost said:

    I go to the UofA, who did this after we switched online halfway through the semester (thanks covid). Pretty much everyone agreed pass/fail was necessary, but there was a lot of debate on whether it should be mandatory or left to student choice. In the end, the powers that be made it mandatory for every student and every class. Then they proposed this bizarre idea of letting professors write a letter detailing our class ranks, but that never fully materialized. 

    I read the application info for UofA's program, and it seems like winter 2020 counts towards the last 20 courses, but gpa is only calculated on the graded stuff (basically situation #1 in my orginal comment). I guess they realized the kind of predicament they created. It's too bad this policy isn't nation-wide.

    I can confirm this! Those classes count towards your credits for admission GPA calculation for UA and I think Dalhousie too. So I took P/Fs on a couple classes and of my 61 credits (just the way the terms worked out) only 55 of them were actually used to calculate my admission GPA

  7. 10 minutes ago, friendlyghost said:

    So I'm effectively being punished for something out of my control, how delightful. ??? Anyways, thanks for the info.

    I think I understand your explanation, but I'm gonna throw some hypothetical numbers out there just to confirm. Say I reach the boundary, and I only have 17 courses. So they're gonna take the average of the preceding school year, let's just say it's a 3.0. Then they're gonna use 3.0 as the grade for all 3 missing classes?

    Yeah :( It really didn't work in my favour either, it sucks!!!

    Yes exactly - So it would be like you got a B in 3 unspecified courses

  8. 24 minutes ago, friendlyghost said:

    Hey there, I've got yet another ORPAS question. Does anyone have any know how they treat pass/fail courses? For winter 2020 my school instituted mandatory pass/fail for all students. So 5 of my last 20 courses have no grade. Are they gonna calculate my sGPA with 15 courses instead? Or are they gonna get the 5 classes from a previous semester? I struggled earlier in my degree, and it would be disastrous if they went back another semester. 

    Unfortunately they don't exist for the purposes of GPA calculation, so they'll go further back :( Also note that if they reach a 'school year' boundary (Usually April, if your school offers summer term it's considered its own thing) and need fewer courses than are contained in that year they'll average the entire year (usually sept-april) and weigh it down to match the number of remaining courses. Let me know if that makes sense 

  9. 2 hours ago, coco_SLP said:

    Just went back through some emails/portals/letters to try and organize all of the dates/times/deadlines...lol. 

    Here's what I've got:

    McMaster -offer expires 11:59pm EST on April 15th plus $500 deposit by July 15th (as seen in email containing offer of admission letter)

    Western - offer expires 11:59pm EST on April 16th plus $500 deposit due by June 1st (as seen in offer of admission letter)

    McGill -accept by April 15th with $500 deposit due by April 15 as well (as seen in offer of acceptance)

    Alberta - offer expires April 15th, but I can't find a time or deposit info (as seen on GSMS portal)

    Unfortunately I can't speak to UBC, Toronto, Dal, or the French schools, but if anyone else knows and wants to jump in here it might be useful! I'm also not 100% sure what they mean by "due by.." like McGill says, either, whether it means before tomorrow or sometime during tomorrow. I'm planning on accepting my offer sometime today, just to be safe.

    Also is anyone able to confirm that there's no deposit for UAlberta? I'm worried I'm missing something.



    I re-read the formal offer from Alberta and I noticed that it says 'prior to this date'. 11:59pm Mountain Time it is :)

  10. 6 minutes ago, gradschoolpls said:

    Hey! How do you know its until 11:59pm? I am having the hardest time deciding where to accept and wanted to confirm the timing

    Okay I'm also curious about this - my offers both say the 'by the 15th'. Does this mean by tonight at 11:59 pm (ie the response is sent in before the 15th) or by tomorrow night at 11:59 pm? 

  11. 14 minutes ago, SLPhopeful127 said:

    That’s interesting and definitely give people hope! I got this feedback from her during the summer before they’re admissions policy changed for this year and next. I’m not sure though but it’s definitely comforting for applicants. 

    FYI she (Vicki) told me that pre req grades were basically being de-emphaiszed due to the complication of them not accepting winter 2020. So I would expect that for the next few years they will matter less :)

  12. 7 hours ago, BCSpeech said:

    Hi Everyone! This is my second year applying and this forum has been such a help for me!

    Last year I only applied to UBC and was rejected so I was honestly really surprised to get an acceptance this year after not improving my application as much as I had hoped. I also received an email from Vicki this morning offering me a spot in the UofA program off the waitlist. 

    I genuinely didn't expect to get into one school let alone two so I'm having a tough time deciding between the two. I did my undergrad at UBC and I love Vancouver so i'm definitely leaning towards accepting UBC but i'm trying not to rush my decision. I have heard that UofA has a more clinical focus while UBC may be slightly more research focused? Does anyone know how true that is? Or does anyone have any insights into these programs?

    Thanks so much and good luck everyone!

    So from what I've heard UBC's classes also tend to focus more on research, less on its applications (although obviously it's all highly relevant research), whereas UA's classes are geared more towards clinical applications of research. I also go into both and haven't decided so feel free to message if you'd like to chat more :)

  13. 4 hours ago, Wugs said:

    This is true in my opinion because U of A has an in-house clinic, and even a cadaver lab for anatomy, which isn’t the case for UBC. Also you can check out what the course sequence is for both UBC and U of A, to compare! There’s 8 courses in the first UBC semester, and 9 in the second one. While U of A has 6 in each, but two over the summer along with the placement. 

    UBC is half the cost of U of A’s program, but you might like to account for cost of living 

    Ignore me lol

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