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  • Gender
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    she / her / hers
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  • Application Season
    2021 Fall
  • Program
    Clinical Psychology

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  1. nope :') I haven't seen anything on the results page either.. waiting on their response before I accept an offer from a smaller school, so I'd love to hear back soon!!
  2. Does anyone know why schools don't send rejections until so late in the application season? I haven't heard anything from several schools, and I know they've already made offers / interviews. Why don't they just send rejections out if they know they don't want me?
  3. nope :') waiting on a decision from them before I accept another offer - really hoping they contact me soon
  4. Has anyone heard from Rice University regarding the Psychological Sciences PhD program? I haven't interviewed or anything - haven't actually heard anything from them since I applied in December. I reached out to the department coordinator and got the generic "still reviewing applications" response. Guessing I'm rejected, but I don't want to accept the offer I've been made from another school and then get a surprise offer out of nowhere lol
  5. I got mine on 3/4 - did not interview, just a generic rejection letter through the portal. They emailed me to notify that a decision had been made.
  6. Hey guys! Hope everyone's application season is going well I was recently notified that I'm waitlisted for Sam Houston's Clinical Psych MA program. Is anyone who was offered admission or waitlisted planning to accept another school's offer? I understand you may not know your answer yet - just want to get a feel for my chances of getting an offer. Thanks in advance!
  7. I submitted most of mine sometime around the end of last year (2020). A few that had due dates in February / March, I submitted in early January.
  8. Hey y'all! I applied to several PhD programs as well, but these are my MA programs: Sam Houston, NYU, Boston, University of Denver, and UHCL (a smaller university close to where I live in Houston!). I've heard back from one school so far, out of both categories... slightly losing my mind!! This is my first round of applications, so I'm just now familiarizing myself with the process (and the rejection lol).
  9. Hey guys! I'm new here, and this is my first round of applications. I applied to several colleges in Texas (Rice, University of Houston, Baylor, Texas A&M) and I haven't heard back from any of them. I'm assuming I won't be getting any interviews at this point, but I was told I'd at least get a notification that I was no longer being considered. I haven't gotten any emails and my application portals all still says "In Review" or "Submitted". Anyone else have this problem? Or any answers? Thanks in advance
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