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    MFA - Creative Writing (Poetry)

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  1. Hi everyone, My name is Manny and I was accepted into my MFA program here at the University of Alaska Fairbanks in my second year of applications. The first year I applied to 4 Hoop Dreams: Boston University, Brown, Iowa, and Syracuse. Of course they all rejected me, but I'll get to that in a little bit. I did what we all do: ask for rec letters from our professors, fine-tune the writing, send it out for feedback, then spend an agonizing eternity contemplating how-in-the-fuck a statement of purpose will ever get written that can faithfully show who is the person behind the syntax. Halfway through my rejections on my first year, I noticed someone in an old thread cataloged a bunch of grad programs/locations by film directors (lol), and found that such a delightfully absurd idea that I went with it--sort of. I decided, for my second year, I'd choose 6 (8? I can't even remember...) schools, well-established mixed in with lesser known, from as many corners of the US as I could. It was surprisingly easy, so I stretched my hands out and began the cycle once more. It was much easier this time, because the rejections had already come in, and having even less vanity than I already do about what I am producing, and having no set dream--I could finally write the statement of purpose with actual purpose, with an actual me embedded in it. Cue the waitin', and the sweatin', and the heart attacks every time the 1 popped under the Gmail 'M' on my Chrome tab. Fast forward to February of last year, and I had been rejected from UCSD, then Washington, then McNeese. Maybe another, too, it's not important. Sometime in December, my gut instinct decided that the University of Alaska Fairbanks was the right choice for me, so that was the candle I lit in secret, and kept it from myself so my anxiety wouldn't blow it out. But it was there, kindling. I did not hear from another school until March 2. I'll never forget stepping out of my shower, butt-naked, and deciding it was time to check my email (haha). What was there to greet me but an email with a document attached informing me of my acceptance into the Creative Writing program as a poet for the 2022-2025 cohort. I am a concrastinator, so I got to work quickly to make sure the TA waitlist would eventually change (it did, right before my April birthday, and as a TA, my tuition is covered along with health insurance--happy to answer specific questions about UAF if anyone is interested). Later in March, the University of New Orleans would also accept me, but offer less information about funding and making no promises in that regard. I love New Orleans, but it was my second choice, so it was okay to let go (they, however, had some issues on that front--I still receive emails from UNO about my username being created for me, hehe; McNeese also sends me FAFSA emails from time to time, they really need to step up their app game). Cue to my first spring semester here and the end of my first year as a grad student, and I cannot love it more. It is precisely where I needed to be, and where I intended to be. That mix is a gift all on its own, and never guaranteed, and I have no reassurances except to say that I have literally been where you are, life's shit and warts and hemorrhoids galore. But you can't let that stomp on your dream--the one thing we can offer to ourselves for free, even if only in the first instance of dreaming it, and the one thing that, for me, fuels this entire enterprise of writing. Do not despair, just open a fresh page-- You might be surprised at how easy you will fill it up. And if good news is around the corner, laugh! This is one of the most arbitrary and most absurd cycles one can experience as a human being. Isn't experience everything? Every thing? All the best to you all, and cheers! Manny P.S. Those Hoop Dreams, as it turns out, weren't my dreams at all, just the imaginary successes of a me that was never going to go to any of them. I am living my dream now.
  2. Don't apologize at all, dude, as an information surplus is exactly what most of us need/want right before the April 15th deadline. You're very kind to do this for everyone without access to Draft. Cheers to ya!
  3. OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! I got in touch once more with Dr. Brightwell at UAF and in a stroke of serendipitous good timing she informed they were in the process of preparing a TAship offer for me!! AND I also received an email informing me I'm eligible for a Creative Writing scholarship! No one's ever "prepared" anything for me, I've always had to do the damn thing every damn time, so I'm a little beside myself that I get to enjoy and take this in. I wanted to share my good news with all of you because unless something cataclysmic occurs (please no, Zeus, I've been a good lad!), I will be accepting my position at Fairbanks! If this comes true, then my grad cycle closes on my second year, and with my very heartfelt "thank you" to everyone who has been helpful, encouraging, and steadfast this season. Not even with me, but with yourselves, because that's the dedication I put into my work, and seeing it and being surrounded by it is one of the primary ways I continue to instill passion and devotion in my own writing. Cheers to you all, and here's to the dam of good news bursting forth with much-needed and much-elated glee (that's right, happy glee, I wrote what I wrote!) for as many of us as possible! Also, my birthday is this Sunday, so this came at exactly the best possible time! All my very best for now! Manny
  4. Oh, no doubt. It's just confounding that institutions can ask you to pay for the privilege of knowing nothing until the last possible second. Let me rephrase: confounding, but not surprising. There's very little that surprises me in this country when it comes to higher institutions of learning... Or money. Also, it bugs me that I didn't use the singular form of my verb with the use of "either" and now I can't edit my original post. These are the intricacies of writing that I love... And that drive me absolutely bonkers. Cheers all! Stay groovy!
  5. Y'all, I'm dying, haha. This stretch of silence is absolutely killer. I emailed UAF about getting in touch with a current student and Dr. Brightwell was more than gracious and connected me with one. The student responded to all of my questions with exquisite detail and insight, which, of course, only makes the waiting more torturous. Nothing on funding yet from them, and seems none of those on the waitlist for funding like me populate Draft (or are keeping it to themselves). I get why, but I really loathe how this part of the cycle seems to encourage people to hoard information to a certain degree for fear of giving someone else an advantage somehow. Not saying this happens with everyone, just that I've seen it happen. The whole cycle really needs a brutal reworking. Also, still haven't heard from Rutgers-Camden. It's clear to me it's a rejection, but it's absolutely mystifying why they wait so long to inform people of their decisions (especially since it's just an update on your portal that reads, "You were not accepted," haha). I get there are a lot of applicants and portfolios to sift through, but who are we kidding here? Got in contact with M.O. Walsh from New Orleans about the possibility of hearing back concerning funding before April 15th, but he did not respond (which I get, especially if he doesn't have an answer). That's also another issue: asking relevant questions to show interest and satisfy one's curiosity, while not seeming like you're too desperate and needy. I'm not sure why wanting something really badly is bad form, but at the end, it doesn't matter much since the choices made remain arbitrary to a certain extent, and most completely out of one's control once the app has been sent out. Anyway, good luck to everyone waiting. I'm hoping either UAF or New Orleans get in touch before June 1 so I can make my decision (even if it's to say I can't go to either due to a lack of funding), or if Rutgers-Camden decides to return to Earth from whatever planetary voyage they're currently undertaking, a notification from them would be most welcome as well. Cheers to you all! Stay (mostly) sane!
  6. Woo-hoo! Congrats! Talk about kismet... This question is for anyone on Draft: What has been heard concerning Rutgers-Camden? I swear it's the most infuriating silence for seemingly being so unnecessary. Also, any word on anyone dropping from Fairbanks or New Orleans as far as funding goes? Cheers, y'all!
  7. Haha, I wrote the director as well a couple weeks ago, basically saying the same thing. It's hard playing the waiting game, but when you really want it, it's nigh unbearable. She mentioned there was a good chance I could still move up from the waitlist from my position, but I'm surprised that so many were accepted this year! Probability and statistics be damned, but I hope we both land on that extra luck slot this week or the next and manage to get to UAF!!! NANOOK PRIDE! Also, to the person posting on Rutgers-Camden, I'm still waiting for my portal to update. I emailed them and nothing. It's been an actual zero from them. But congrats, and hope you manage more information elsewhere. Toodles all! Trying not to vomit from the internal struggle of accepting or not accepting, to be or not to be... Alas, poor Yorick, he need not worry about the abyssal depths of student loans.
  8. Hiya to you all! Finally caved in and emailed Rutgers-Camden about admission decisions. It's been 2 months and we're less than a month from Judgment Day and bupkis. I'm currently waiting to hear back from Alaska and New Orleans concerning funding, but it'd be nice to at least just know where Rutgers stands. Little info about Camden MFA here but the results from years past have arrived earlier than this year. Yes, yes, not a great model of consistency (grad application cycles), but their silence has been... Interesting. I'll keep y'all posted! And cheer, cheer, cheerios to all who have heard back and/or deciding to to retry next year. Ta-ta!
  9. One of my best friends and a fellow teacher received her master's degree in education from UF (also her bachelor's) and to this day she is a Gators fan through and through. Can't say enough good things about the school. I know this isn't directly helpful to you, but just wanted to throw it out there that someone I trust and love very much had the time of her life there twice over. Congrats, by the way!! I was in a similar situation until Alaska and New Orleans came through. Hope you get the info you need to make that final decision. Cheers!
  10. Hiya, I'm in an adjacent boat to yours (applied to Rutgers-Camden), but haven't heard a peep, so either they are still making decisions or just waiting to update portals with rejections. I know this is incredibly helpful to you, haha, but I just wanted to share so you don't feel quite so lost rowing the foggy waters. Also, congrats!! P.S. Certainly just take this as my opinion and not the gospel of truth, but... Wouldn't it be best to accept a guaranteed position than to gamble on a waitlist known to be quite long? I don't know how much Rutgers-Newark gives in funding, but I can't fathom it's less than NYU for applicants on a waitlist. Again, just my own speculation. I don't go to casinos for a reason, lol. The only gambles I take are on the page.
  11. Hahaha, as long as you're delighted, I'm delighted. The excess of personality in my writing is really just the product of spending most of my childhood and my puberty-heavy years as a wallflower. Thank you for the well wishes, and here's to them manifesting not just for me, but for as many out there as possible. As for the pub imagery: Tolkien and Lindgren were the first authors to make me fall in love with reading (that and history textbooks, bizarre, I know!) as a kid, so swap out Mr. Lewis for good ol' Longstockings, and that's one hell of a pub-ride. All my best to everyone, and for good fortune to bless us all, preferably in a way that would make Jerry Maguire proud. Toodles for now! Oh, and 'happy' one month left before April 15th!!
  12. Okay, next time I need a school to respond, I will just post here first, haha. Received an email this afternoon from M.O. Walsh, the director of The Creative Writing Workshop at the University of New Orleans, to invite me into the program for the Fall Term! Woo-hoo! (And good news for all who applied, as the word should be getting out soon enough too, I hope, one way or another) Sadly, there is no information about funding (the tragic nature of my delightedness in being accepted is that I'm not quite good enough to be offered monies, not yet anyway, lol), but I (as other applicants I'm sure) am being placed forward for consideration with scholarships and Graduate Assistant positions. I did the only rational thing and emailed back thanking Mr. Walsh and informing him I was ready to do anything necessary to put my name forward for funding as that will be the only thing that will make my final decision for me. This is why I chose the 8 schools I did: all schools I wanted to go to, all schools I would have fought for. Fairbanks remains my dream, but UNO was my second choice, so this app year has turned out interestingly for me. I either made the best possible choices in schools, or I just know where my writing stands well enough to seek out programs that'll nurture/accept it. Or both. I have spent a lot of time writing (read: my entire life) and thinking about the damn writing. Dividends needed to be paid at some point, goddamnit! Once more into the fray! I was not expecting this, but, of ALL the schools I applied to, I at least suspected I stood the best shot of getting into UNO with its larger cohort (20 this year, it seems, according to Poets & Writers, though obviously that includes all genres, etc.). Anyway, sorry for the text dump, but yes, UNO is finally reaching out, they have returned from their arctic bunkers with decisions! Toodles for now, and congrats to everyone who's received welcomed news from their schools this week!
  13. I've been sleuthing around for any gobbet I can find on Rutgers or UNO, and it seems Rutgers sends out interview requests? At least for MA applicants? Some seem to have even been waitlisted already, and there's one on the "Freak Out" thread for 2022 MFA applicants discussing Rutgers. Don't know how reliable the information is (seems silly to fabricate or be in the wrong thread knowingly, but stranger things...), but if anyone's heard anything on Draft, I'd like to at least cross it off the list. Nothing on New Orleans, though. They must be holed up in an arctic bunker somewhere. I think they announce incredibly late as well (late March-early April!). Woof. A lot of woofs.
  14. Woo-hoo! Congrats, dude! What sweet relief, no? Thanks again for your notes on my work. Proof enough you'll be a great addition to any cohort. It's all right to have our Cinderella moments... Knowing we have to work for them in lieu of getting our very own fairy godmother has never detracted from the simple grace of seeing it come true. Here's to Hollins and a little pinch of luck! The same for everyone else with their acceptances and waitlists! One less on my list, and two more to go, phew. Cheers for now!
  15. A very nice message from Amy Fleury telling me I will not be going to McNeese, haha. It might be the first note that actually says, "Hey, we actually liked what we read," though not enough for inclusion in the program, alas, so kudos to them for having a smidge more humanity and vibrancy in the way they disappoint applicants. Class act. Looks more and more likely Alaska will be my only A, so I shall A that A until I can A no more... Which will hopefully be a moment never to come. Cheers to the two peeps who got in!
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