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Posts posted by Cristie

  1. Anyone have any thoughts on Charleston, S.C (University of Charleston/College of Charleston). Other than it's a great place to live. I got an after the 15th acceptance offer this morning while I wait for this ONE person to make up their mind on McNeese. UGH. I'm like the unfortunate little kid on the teeter totter with two big kids on the other end....just dangling in the air.  

  2. Ok friends, left-field acceptance to Butler University today...I only applied there because my mentor is a huge fan. What do we know about Butler? Here is where I am at (and remember I hate the cold with a passion):

    University of New Orleans

    The coveted waitlisted spot at McNeese I'm praying to come through in the last minute of the game (nail biter).

    Butler...which I somewhat investigated but did not spend the effort contacting students and people associated with that program for input like I did the others. 

  3. 14 hours ago, quesofresco said:

    If you haven't reached out to your waitlisted school, maybe do that to get an idea of where you are on the list, how many people haven't said yes yet, and to tell them that if they offer you a spot you will definitely accept. Hope it works out for you!

    Thank you and I have reached out. They know I will accept, they are just waiting to hear back on a few people and they will let me know either way. Domino effect is so accurate. I wasn't given a number, but powerful words. Since we are in the word business, I have to believe if a spot comes open it will be mine. I think I'm just having an internal battle over the indecision of others determines my fate and clearly, I'm not alone in experiencing this uncomfortable feeling. When my daughter was little (back when she said words all wrong) she used to say, "No, no. I can't like this," and wave her little hand back and forth.  Lol, that's where I'm at.    

  4. For the second year folks on here or anyone who knows. There is all this focus on April 15th. What happens after that...so all the schools decide. All of us decide...there have to be loose ends. Like if you are waitlisted but accept somewhere else, then your waitlist school comes through on April 16th because someone decided at the last minute and freed up a spot? Then what happens? Can that even happen? Are offers made after April 15th? I'm kind of in freak out mode because I know I need to make a decision but I'm holding out hope on this waitlist spot. 

  5. 12 hours ago, truffleshuffle said:

    So all of this aid is packaged to you, and after it's applied to tuition and fees, the remaining amount is refunded to your account in one big check (each semester). That money you can spend however you wish, but obviously you'll want to actually spend it how it was intended--to live. Lol

    This was a great answer--Thank you for taking the time to spell it out for me. I'm not anti-loan at all. We have to have them really, I don't see these as any different than house, car, etc. Ultimately, I am investing in ME. I intentionally paid off my car early (yeah) so that I wouldn't have that expense to move with me. I just read about the income-based repayment option and that sounds like a big improvement since the days of horror stories about student loan debt. I have zero credit card debt because I don't like credit cards and I don't live beyond my means.

    New question, about the money is applied to tuition/fees and the rest is refunded to you to live on in a big check each semester. If that is the case, I will need to have some upfront money of my own for a deposit/first month's rent most likely because I want to move to my new state early to be sure I get a place and get settled (learn my way around) before school starts right? This part sounds like it comes down to a tricky timing issue that could put me in a pinch if I'm not smart about it. The whole waiting for a refund check. I know I'll eat the moving costs if I actually pack up and move-move but I'm thinking now to pack what I need in my car and drive there then just find thrifty items to fill in the gaps once I'm there. Then it sounds like a bank account and an auto pay for the rent with the refund. Am I on the right track with this? 

  6. 27 minutes ago, cecsav said:

    I thought I was the oldest (or second oldest maybe?) on here. 

    I'm looking at apartments now to move down in July. Both of my kids will start college here in MO, so that makes it hard, but ASU offered me moving expenses to get moved out there, so that part's amazing

    Well that shoots a hole in my theory. Hmm...I just don't know how they decide on who gets funding and who doesn't. Ranking maybe??? I won't lie...so jealous (but in a nice way)...that is really great for you. I'm watching those weird youtube driving around a town tours trying to figure out where I could/want to possibly live. I'm trying to look at it as one big writing adventure. I may need to just go for a weekend and wander around before I try to do it all remotely. No kids in college but I have a pre-teen. She can't get me out of the door fast enough lol. 

  7. 37 minutes ago, Boomer not Ok said:

    Oh boy, I was sucked into a project so didn’t have email access, but also got the “BU bust” late in the pm. Commiserations to those who got the ‘no’ too. For the life of me I cannot understand why BU did that drip-water torture style of rejection. But happy to have closure. So final tally: 2a/1w/9r.

    Anyways, I got a story accepted for a reprint, and some other good stuff been happening, so it helps put all this MFA thing in perspective.

    Probs gonna apply again next year. Hope some of the folk here stick around. Just wondering if a new thread MFA 22 has to get started? 


    Hugs, you were my last BU friend in waiting. I'm sorry but great news on the publishing...share a link when you can. I'd love to read. 

  8. 48 minutes ago, cecsav said:

    I'm turning UMKC down (with full funding and a stipend), so maybe they'll come through for you! 

    Alas, no. UMKC called last night with the no funding news. I'll likely turn them down. But thanks for hoping. Someone got it for sure. We will see what New Orleans says next. I still have 2 waitlists (praying hard for McNeese) and no word yet from my last school and an MA in English program I also applied to as a back up plan. I have a feeling my age played against me with funding-because I have a source of income-but it's cool. I plan on applying for every scholarship under the sun once I get where I'm going and banking on working hard and impressing for consideration of funding in the second year. Maybe it could happen? Will you move over the summer to be sure to get a place? I'm not quite sure what the best plan is with the whole relocating thing...and man, people are a little creepy on Craigslist ads looking for "female" roommates. Send a pic...lol.

  9. 3 minutes ago, oubukibun said:

    Indeed, I received my rejection e-mail earlier as well.  They just needed a little nudge.  ;)

    Well, this has certainly been a very long engagement, but not nearly as enjoyable or thrilling as the film or the novel it's based on.

    I'd LOVE that spreadsheet, please.  I'm a taskmaster, and pros/cons lists and scheduled activities are pretty much a part of my DNA.

    I will message you my email in a message so you can send it away!

    I do wonder if this is the right thing for me, because all I feel is indifference about the rejections.  I'm not certain, but maybe that's a nudge too cavalier an attitude, or maybe it's fine.

    I'll probably just self-immolate once all 8 future schools I'm applying to reject my writing as well.

    But WHAT a way to go!


    Toodles everyone, and see some of you on the other thread!

    Well crap. I'm sorry but hang in there. If your writing on here is any indication...don't give up. HUGS and good luck in the future. 

  10. Just now, Blackhole said:

    awww, you remember the bird man. I think you will make it this time. or the next. I am 41 and I am thinking whether I should try next year. 

    "There are always flowers on her grave. That's hope."
    - some interviews give you some beautiful sentences. It was a sad story.
    A reporter is also an archivist who saves sentences and fragments of memories of others. We are our own libraries of stories with no closure. Just like love. Just like loss. That's why I can't do fiction I suppose. the story was about a young girl killed in a police encounter in 2004. all the accused were discharged. I should just be a reporter and listen to stories. 

    I'm close to the same age that's why I was hoping to get in this year. Time seems to be this niggling factor. But I'm very young at heart and don't look/act my age either. I think you try again like there isn't the option not to and call it a gut feeling but I think that is the story that gets you in-written as fiction. 

  11. Just now, Blackhole said:

    it is not so bad :) I guess I will have to start all over again. and make the effort it needs. it has been a learning experience and very humbling one as well.

    If it makes you feel any better the call telling me that I did not get picked for any funding sucked just a little worse than the rejections. There, I'm just out the application fees...and my pride. Now I'm looking at a future of student loan debt unless a waitlist spot opens up last minute or unless the Big Easy comes through. This has all been very humbling you are right. Hang in there and I swear, write the bird and old man story and sprinkle in some magic. I just have a feeling that one is a winner. 

  12. 2 hours ago, oubukibun said:

    I emailed BU about when rejection e-mails would all be sent out but I haven't received a response yet.

    I'll just go ahead and cut my losses and call it a 0/4 then.

    I'm inclined to do one more cycle of this, and thus far I've narrowed it down to: Emerson, Fairbanks, Hunter, McNeese, Michigan, Purdue, UCSD, and WashU.  And by narrowed it down, I mean those are mostly arbitrary, of-the-moment decisions informed by that entertaining post from yonks ago where film directors were assigned to different schools, haha.

    Happy schooling, everyone!  And, uh, guess I'll see everyone else later?



    Check the survey thing on here, looks like they are doing them now. Maybe you aren't rejected. I say hold your horses and just wait. They started doing them yesterday and have done more today on there. And it looks like everyone was irritated with their tardiness too. Crossing my fingers and y'all all have me watching BU when I didn't even apply there! lol. Good luck guys/gals.

  13. 33 minutes ago, Boomer not Ok said:

    Nothing yet. Really weird. Yeah, I saw a lot of poetry decisions released. Only one fiction. Also, no word from McNeese either. 

    ok whew, I was hoping that one fiction wasn't you --because of the comment next to it. 

    Nothing from McNeese here either but I'm crossing my fingers still. I did see that someone got in off the waitlist in years prior so MAYBE. Keep us posted! 

  14. On 4/1/2021 at 9:51 PM, Boomer not Ok said:

    You may be ok then. I’m waiting on fiction from them but know at this point it’s gotta to be a ‘no.’ Hope it comes through for you. 

    Lots of activity today from them on the survey. Did you hear anything?

  15. 26 minutes ago, cecsav said:

    The loan is a lot less strict than grants and scholarships. You can use it on just about anything you want. They only really care that it gets paid back. Also, as a grad student, you shouldn't have to purchase a meal plan. It's probably cheaper (and healthier, and tastier) to prepare your own food at home. 

    Good to know, I've only ever had scholarships. I'm sure I'll be eating Ramen, lol. But since I'm moving to a place I'm not familiar with and don't know a single soul, I thought I might do a meal plan just in the beginning. Plus, moving to either Kansas City or New Orleans (I haven't decided yet) is NOT going to help the waistline at all. I should have applied to places with really crappy food. I mean BBQ...I'm doomed-don't even get me started on all the stuff I'll want to eat if I go to UNO. I want to make a treadmill desk...(picture THAT) all this sitting and writing is uh....not good. Thanks for the info!

  16. Probably a dumb question but I really don't know the answer since I've always lived in my own house. While weighing this program or that program and considering rent/food/utilities and all that...can rent (college graduate apartments) be put on a student loan and a meal plan at their dining hall? Or is all that expected to be out of pocket? I've never had a student loan before so I'm not sure what all it covers??? I didn't apply to any fully-funded programs so I knew I'd have to get a loan for some of the cost but as I'm doing some math...ugh. I need to do some research obviously but hoped someone might just know so I could save some time before I dive into the internet. THANKS!


  17. 4 hours ago, McHockey said:

    Hi friends. Anyone who applied to PhD programs in creative writing hear anything from University of Louisiana, Ole Miss, or Ohio University? I applied in poetry. Wild that it’s this late and I’m waiting on 3 places so I wanted to check in. Happy April!

    Have you checked the survey thing (I'm not sure what it's called but I obsess over it) you can type in those programs and search. Hope that helps.


  18. Well, just found out I was waitlisted at Charleston. Strange, no word from them at all and just the portal staring back at me saying "under review". So I emailed them.. btw...you are waitlisted in fiction--but they only take 6. 

  19. I have a zoom meeting tomorrow with one of the programs I'm considering. I have some questions written out to ask but thought I'd hit you guys up so I don't not ask something I should. What are the most important things to ask that aren't funding-related? I'd appreciate some suggestions.

  20. 6 hours ago, cosmictones said:

    Just got accepted to Idaho for poetry off the waitlist! Pretty stoked. Still waitlisted at Houston. Anyone have thoughts on Idaho? I know it's not the most prestigious program, but the profs are super accomplished and it seems like they have a top ten pedigree in terms of poets getting published in Best American poetry and getting Pushcart Prizes. I know that only tells part of the story, but it's an encouraging part. 

    I'm fiction/non but I had a strong interest in Idaho. I'm a big John Muir fan (and the like) and enjoy writing/studying environmental literature. One of my professors (who is our poetry professor actually) spoke very highly and encouraging about the program during one of our discussions. She did a writing retreat there for poetry. She had all good things to say. Someone else in the conversation made a little joke about men who wear Carharts going there and we all had a good chuckle over that. That may not be what you are looking for but that was our poetry prof (and I don't even write poetry but had her for an intense summer course called Book Bootcamp). She's just cool like that and I respect her opinion. The only reason I didn't apply there is I wanted to stay in the south. And all four English/Creative Writing professors (one is our Chair) I sent my list of possible schools to checked that they agreed with Idaho while there were some schools on the list that they did not check off their approval. Not sure if that helps but maybe someone else can chime in. Congratulations and Good luck!

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