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    2021 Fall

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  1. Does anyone happen to know if Duke does rejection letters or silent rejections? I applied to their CMB program.
  2. So bad news all, all the invites for UCSD neuro program have been sent out. This year they had over 800+ applicants and 14 spots to be filled. Hopefully another program works for everyone who didn't get it!
  3. Sorry, I was replying to the person I quoted. They asked about UCSD Neuro program
  4. So I heard back from the committee member. They said: "There were 800+ applications so I know it’s been a long process, but I don’t actually know when invites are being sent out." so in summary. I have no idea ? sorry guys.
  5. Hi, I haven't heard any new updates, but have emailed someone on the committee. I'll let you all know what they say.
  6. Hey, I received an email. Checking the website still only says submitted. I submitted my app a couple days before the deadline.
  7. Received my official rejection for UWashington MCB, just wanted to update
  8. Hi, this was today. Hopefully they're still working through it and those of us who haven't gotten invites yet!
  9. One of my fellow applicants messaged the program director for BMS and all the interview acceptances have been sent. Sounds like the other three have sent/are sending interview offers so I'm likely rejected. Noticed someone post about the BMS program at UCSD. I work in a lab at UCSD with a lot of BMS students (some of which have graduated since). According to them, typically they require 1 first author paper to graduate and the TA requirements is 1 quarter, not 1 year. Good luck to everyone!
  10. I applied to UCSD: BMS, UCSD: Neuro, UNC: BBSP, Duke: CMM/developmental, UWashington: MCB, UWashington Neuro. UCSD: BMS) I received an interview --> one of my co-applicants messaged their director and he was told all interview invites have been sent out UCSD: Neuro) I spoke to one of the members of the review committee and was told they're still deciding UWashington: based on this forum, it seems invites have been sent so I did not receive an interview UNC: BBSP) dunno yet Duke: CMM) dunno yet If you know anything about UNC: BBSP or Duke: CMM please let me know! Good luck all!
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