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Everything posted by Mystic_Sunshine

  1. Based on what I've seen others say - You should definitely thank them and express your interest. And it's okay to ask if it's ranked/unranked. Other than that I think it's best to just let it be until later on in the application season. They might ask if you have any questions and I think that can be a good way to show interest but only if they offer. Some people on draft have said if a school is your top choice that it is okay to say that but only say that if you actually really mean it.
  2. So obvi no one really knows and I don't. I find it unlikely that out of all the all the genres no one posted online. That's possible but it'd be like 12 people who don't have draft or grad cafe. Weird that only waitlist people do. I don't see why OS would ask people not to say anything. Possible but I don't see the reason. Doesn't seem like they've asked in the past and I don't think that is actually super common practice. They likely won't notify until Tuesday. There could be a lot of reasons they haven't made call (different faculty doing calls versus waitlist/grad school thing/admin thing. Who knows. I still think though they haven't sent out acceptances.
  3. Yeah I realize they most often go out first. Just interesting that no one shared considering they usually do based on past data.
  4. I'm not sure if the fact there has been no acceptances reported means I still have a chance or not.
  5. I'm trying to manage my anxiety on this one. Not going well.
  6. If it isn't today or Friday then it will probably be Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday next weeks since Monday is holiday. They seem to always notify before the 25th.
  7. Thanks! I appreciate it! Manifesting good things.
  8. Do ya'll think Ohio state will stilll notify this week?
  9. I would have manic episodes but I promised my letter writers no more places.
  10. I'm so sorry for your loss. Wishing you the very best of luck on your applications!
  11. Glad to have you here!
  12. I can't stay away. I'm an addict.
  13. Yeah! most of my schools won't notify until Feb
  14. The spam calls are starting to give me anxiety.
  15. Yeah I kind of prefer it here to facebook draft. Something interesting about just having an anonymous forum where we all suffer together lol.
  16. I also read past threads. It is weird to read someone's entire journey. but one day this will be the past thread hi future strangers.
  17. No fiction hasn't gone out yet Just jealous someone has gotten news lol.
  18. I'm so jealous of the people on draft who got accepted to UIUC. Like please how does communication feel from the schools that I've given my money and soul to. Right now I'm guessing/hoping (based on limited evidence) that Ohio state notifies thursday and UIUC follows on Friday.
  19. I'm hoping its a big week because we all receive great news and the horrible anxiety can be over (I know that isn't gonna happen but let a person dream)
  20. I have a lot hate relationship with the draft notification sheet. I'm so happy it exists but dang it makes me soooo nervous. We had snow (I live in the south) so I'm hoping that is a sign of good things to come.
  21. Yeah for context I applied to 21 schools and only 3 of those still have applications open.
  22. I'm not an expert by any means so take all my answers with that in mind. 1. Some programs are more open to genre fiction and some aren't. I'd try to research which ones are more open. Someone on draft claimed they got into Iowa with a story about Zombies. I read for a lit mag and honestly (to me) stories either work or they don't and peoples reaction to them usually has little to do with if they are straight literary fiction or not. That being said horror we publish a lot and fantasy almost never (but there has been some magical realism) 2. Submitting close to the deadline/at the deadline makes no impact on your application. They don't look at apps until after the deadline. You need to worry more about your letter writers and if they can get them in on time. 3. No impact on applying again in the future. Schools have waitlists for a reason they aren't hurt by people rejecting their offer. The only case that I think might (possibly) burn bridges is if you accept and then way after change your mind. but even then that happens a lot and people move on. It's totally okay to decline offers!!! And you should if you do 100% feel it's the right move. People all the time get offers and then reapply because of circumstances.
  23. I love NYC but didn't apply to NYU. I have four dogs so it doesn't make sense. But it was a dream school for me. Syracuse is also my top. Along with UVA, Minnesota, and Vanderbilt. I don't mind My thesis is a mix of a critical essay and short stories. It's mainly centered around time politics. So, how different groups experience time differently based on gender, identity and sexuality. I'm leaning into motherhood and the domestic space with it as well.
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