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Everything posted by Mystic_Sunshine

  1. I have four pets to move across the country (or maybe not). So, I'm always an advocate for getting the pet. It's the same for me. My partner likes to look up zillow listings and stuff and I just can't. I don't want to get too attached to an idea. I mean I def have schools that are my top choices but I'm trying to keep myself neutral and equally excited about all places. I'm writing my thesis this semester. So, it's good because I get to do a lot of writing and kind of always have something to work on. Also...you're telling me checking the results sheet every thirty minutes even though I know it isn't going to change isn't healthy?
  2. It's like fast and slow at the same time. (For me) the holidays were super quick. And I think the individual days go by fast but then like it's hard for it not to feel slow when every day I'm like oop let me check grad cafe and facebook. The waiting is driving me wacky too. For a lot of reasons. 1. If I don't get it anywhere I need to figure out a plan lol. I'm in an MA program so that would change things. 2. I really really really want to know where I'm moving. I've applied all over and like imaging life in Arizona vs Nashville is just so different and kind of feels impossible. Hopefully Feb will be the bulk for me. I'm pretty sure the only responses possible for me to hear before then are OSU and UIUC
  3. Draft has posted the notification sheet. I can't believe someone got a poetry acceptance at UIUC on the 3rd! That is so early. Congrats to them. That's the only notification. I'm fiction though. So more waiting I'm hoping that next week is the week.
  4. ooo that is a good idea! Manifest Manifest Manifest.
  5. I know I'm screaming into the void. But I'm not sure if things will be easier after the first response or harder lol. But it is soooo hard to focus on anything else. I have things to keep me busy but like...AH.
  6. Mine did change to received.
  7. Ohio State and UIUC are usually the first to notify for fiction. Last year it was around the 16th so it's probably going to be another 1-2 weeks.
  8. lolll love that we are in this together. Okay. I will try to limit the portal checking thank you.
  9. Maybe a silly question but just wondering for the next few weeks to come - is it useless to check portals? Since a lot of responses show up via email? I guess the question is will you all be logging in to check portals or just waiting for emails/calls to come? According to draft Ohio state notifies in Jan so I'm already starting to get nervous.
  10. I haven't been writing but I've tried to supplement that with reading more! Which I think is what I will be doing for the next few weeks. I'm in an M.A program. So, I have to start writing soon but until then I'm just trying to rest. Writing was actually really difficult for me while applying. I freaked myself out thinking that every word/sentence needed to be the best thing I've ever written. So, I think I need a bit to recharge.
  11. Just wanted to pop and and say hope everyone had a nice holiday. Happy New Year!
  12. it's probably a similar number. Just lots of people waiting.
  13. Thank you for the words of encouragement because I feel like a dumb donut right now lol. Hopefully in a few months I can laugh about it!
  14. Just wanted to say im crying because I've been so nervous about making a mistake on my applications. I made it today! Ahhh. It's just one school but I accidently uploaded the draft version of my biographical statement. that said "At the heart of my pursuits is to do something"...WELP guess I can expect that rejection.
  15. I went under for every single one except for the programs that specified at least two short stories.
  16. None of the above! I have four dogs. And in most counties in California you have to register as a kennel if you have four dogs. I'm not actually sure how logistically difficult it is/isn't. but it seemed like a potentially stressful process. The dogs decided a lot of places I did/didn't apply.
  17. I've still gotta mail mine I didn't know Irvine required it too. I wanted to apply to that program, but sadly I can't do Cali living.
  18. They won't remember Seriously, not at all. Keep in mind faculty read A LOT of applications + students they are already teaching + stuff for their own projects. It would be nearly impossible to remember a single applicant. I read for a literary mag and I forget from issue to issue even the stories I really liked.
  19. No one is for sure going to be able to tell you your chances. Unfortunately, there are so many factors. NYU accepts more students than a lot of other MFA programs. However, it has less funding. Vanderbilt, Michener, JHU, and Brown are all competitive as well. Publications don't usually equal acceptances. Nor does "experience in the field". I think experience can be a lot of things. Like how can you show that you are dedicated to writing outside of the MFA? I can't speak for stats on international students. I see a lot of international students get accepted on draft and here. But idk actual stats. Also, I truly wish you the best of luck. But you're in a good spot If you're 22 and have great letters, application materials ect. Then you can only improve if you have to go through another cycle.
  20. Put page numbers. It won't ruin your application if you forgot them, but having them is standard. It makes it easier for a committee to discuss your writing if they can put to others where in the story they are talking about. I work for a lit magazine and we refer to things by pg number a lot. Poetry probably matters a little less because they can point to specific poems.
  21. I've never actually been but I've heard really good things.
  22. Welcome and good luck I'm also applying to UVA and it is one of my top choices!
  23. Congrats! How many did you apply to?
  24. Well, it's always good to have dreams/choices! I'd love to study abroad but it's not in the cards for me. Good luck!!
  25. Everywhere lol! Sometimes I feel like 20 schools is too many and then others not enough Iowa, Maryland, NWP, Michener, Minnesota, UVA, Virginia Tech, University of Arizona, Vanderbilt, Ohio State, Kansas, LSU, Illinois Michigan, UNLV, Mississippi and some others that I'm forgetting lol. Oh Syracuse and Rutgers! What about you?
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