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Everything posted by beanbagchairs

  1. good luck.. what's ur field of interest in CMPU-Pitt?
  2. But you got publications. You even published in a journal! I think you are being too hard on yourself. I think top schools have better funding for their PhDs. Not sure about MS. As for your list of schools, I think you can be a bit optimistic by applying higher (univs higher in ranking).
  3. My professor once told me that helping students gives him satisfaction. Think about it, one of the main reasons to work in academia as opposed to industry is the chance to work with students.
  4. congrats for those who were admitted. May we all follow them! *checking email for the zillionth time*
  5. Congrats! I am yet to get my first (optimist!) acceptance . Like everyone else mentioned, you should contact them about funding and introduce yourself to your future advisor!
  6. Applying to TWO UC schools when I know their dire financial situation and my chance of acceptance is minuscule. I could redirect those hefty app fees to at least three (or four) other schools where my chance of acceptance is better (at least I'd like to think so). These two UC schools produce impressive researches, hence I cannot resist applying to them.
  7. I also applied to their CS program. Neither their website mention anything about interview nor the past survey results show any interview request from WUSTL. But, I have not checked this with them.
  8. Yes, you can send in/upload your *abridged* undergraduate thesis as a supplementary document in your application. I did. Although, I rewrote my thesis into a condensed, paper-style, 10 pages writing. These adcoms have read thousands of applications. I doubt that they'll be happy seeing my 128-pages thesis. You can start with sending your research paper into a conference (proceeding or poster). That'd be an easier way than publishing in a journal.
  9. Is the first number in your stat your UG GPA? You got a perfect 4.0 in CS from UIUC???!! Arghhhhhhhh... you are supposed to screw up your freshman yearrrrrr!! What happened to that??? argghghghghghhgh!%%$$!!!!!! Sorry, I'm just jealous XD. Congrats!!!
  10. I dont know how what's their acceptance rate is.. but they did post statistics of their last batch of matriculated students: GRE and GPA scores are only one factor considered by the Admissions Committee. Average scores and GPA for students offered admission to our program last year are: GRE Verbal: 593; GRE Quantitative: 781; GPA: 3.62/4.0. I think they accept around 4 students each year (cmiiw)...
  11. You may want to check this out: http://3dpancakes.typepad.com/ernie/2005/03/re_phd_with_low.html It's a writeup by a prof at UIUC. He got a low GPA, but was able to go to UC Irvine for an M.S and UC Berkeley for his PhD (cmiiw). I thought his story may inspire you I'd suggest you to apply top 60ish program and do research like crazy . Once you get those papers out, you'll have a much better chance.
  12. I am under the impression that midwestern schools are a bit cheaper. Well, at least the living cost is a lot cheaper than elsewhere. So, I'd suggest you to hunt down those midwest schools.. There are several good ones: Washington University in St. Louis, Case Western Reserve, Michigan State University. I am not sure if they are safe though... If I were you, I would email these universities and ask if they have a cutoff for their master applicants. If you are above that cutoff, go ahead and apply.
  13. Thank y'all! Im keeping my hopes up! and humming the following mantra under my breath: stay focused! be positive! stay focused! be positive!.... gawd.. lunatic...
  14. I need more information to be able to help you here (e.g., your area of interest, research exp, GRE, funding preference). Generally, your experience will help your chance if it pertains to the area of interest you want to pursue. So, your industry experience will help you if your area of interest is software engineering. Although, --I hate to say this to you-- I am not sure if your experience will be able to alleviate your UG GPA. How about taking night classes/non-degree classes? If you do great on them, you can show the adcomm that you can do well in classes..
  15. Take the job. Not only it will broaden your perspectives, but it will do wonders to your bank account . As for what will it do to your future grad school applications, it may not necessarily set you back. You can always represent your Microsoft exp in the best light when you write your SOP.. The biggest hurdle may be to make sure that your LOR writers remember you by the time u apply to grad school.. So keep in touch with them. As for your questions: (1) Is it helpful to work first before getting a PhD, or should I go straight out of college? Generally, if it is not a research-related job, then it wont help you. And there's that well-spread-phenomena among my undergrad cohort that those whose said that they'll go back to school, never do.. But, I broke this rule.. I went to the industry before deciding to go to grad school. When I decided that I'm gonna go back to school, I definitely KNOW why I want to go back to school (as opposed to not knowing anything else better to do). In retrospect, I am glad I took that break from school as it let me experience the "outside" world. (2) Would industry experience help me with my research career in the long run? If your job is not research-related, then may be no. But, you will stop wondering how would it feel to work in industry .... Well, I dont think industry fit me well though...hence, I have a certain respect for academia. (3) Would I be less likely to get into a program if I decline it this year to work and then reapply in a few years? maybe... But, you can minimize that by keeping in touch with all of your LOR writers and putting your industry exp in a good light when u write your SOP. best of luck... Having Microsoft listed in your resume as an employer is great.
  16. Quite a few folks posted that they have received an interview request from a couple of my DREAM schools and I did not get any. Does it mean that I'll be rejected as I dont even get any interview from them?. Do they hold a single round of interview or more? This is madness... I think I should stop checking the "survey portion" of the gradcafe.. Im going manic...... pweassee i just need one school to accept me :|
  17. While I was browsing for schools of interest.. I remember seeing some profs at TAMU (prof amato ?) and Rice that are doing protein folding simulation. Read papers written by those profs and trace good papers from the bibliography section of their pubs.. That should lead you to key players in protein folding/drug mechanism... Alternatively, these are some fantastic schools in bioinformatics that offers a wide range of things to work on (maybe you can find a prof that suits you) boston u, USC, U penn (biomedical grad studies). johns hopkins, wustl, and of course all of the big names (many UCs, princeton, etc) best of luck.
  18. You still have a lot of time to prep yourself for GRE .. I'd say get an amazing research done whilst studying for GRE. Once you have defended your thesis, go take the GRE... Anyhoo.. I graduated from TUDelft too!
  19. im currently reading: love in the time of cholera and uh, linear algebra: principles and applications in CS.
  20. Hi... I am not sure about the funding situation in MS... as I am applying for PhD... But, If I were you (applying for MS with funding), I'd stay away for the UC schools... Because their funding situation basically sucks They do have greattt research output (UCSC, UCLA, UCSF, UCSD, you name it), but well.. too bad. Since 1) I dont know your particular area in bioinformatics 2) the funding situation in MS, 3) My area of expertise in bioinformatics is using machine learning approaches (translation: computer scientist, hence I am not familiar with hardcore bio programs) please take my advice with a huge *shovel* of salt ambitious > University of California, Davis = MS in Biomedical Engineering (conc on Bioinformatics) > UIUC = MS in Bioinformatics moderate > Northeastern University = PSM in Bioinformatics > Pennstate = MS - Biotechnology (conc on Bioinformatics) > Arizona State Univ. = MS in Biomedical Informatics > Texas A&M Univ. = MS in Genetics > University of Illinois, Chicago = MS in Biological Sciences dont know where to put them > University of Arizona = PSM in Applied Biosciences > North Carolina State University = MS in Functional Genomics Have you thought about boston university? they have a good bioinfo program.... but not sure about the funding at the MS level..
  21. I'd use facebook as the *last* resort to contact prof.. It seems too casual.. unless the LOR writer has agreed to write a letter for you AND your relationship with her is somewhat close and informal. I'd go for the alternative LOR writer whilst trying to find her other email addresses. Can you ask her (former/current) graduate students, admins, secretaries?
  22. I think his recommendation will count A LOT and I wont be surprised if you get an admission to MSCS stanford... Besides, your GPA is not low enough to exclude you from anywhere.. It's not stellar.. but who cares, as long as you can produce great researches.. Again.. your GPA is not abysmal .. If you want to pursue research, why dont you go for a PhD instead? You've impressed a Stanford prof, I think he can get you in .. and that'd be awesome!
  23. here's mine!! gawd.. i hope this is my last app season... :| .. I dont know if I can go through this again next year
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