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Everything posted by beanbagchairs

  1. haha exactly. I think you'll like the atmosphere of Berkeley! Charming town. Dont worry, people that are recruiting CS PhDs KNOW how good Berky is. If they dont, I'm pretty sure you wont be happy working for them Good luck!
  2. congrats on the accepts. You should post this on the "computer science" forum; there'll be more people there that knows these particular schools. I did not apply to them; so I have nothing to add. Sorry. I do know that the usual funding package for US universities includes tuition waiver and living cost.
  3. To me it says that your application package is great, such that, you hope other schools will see it the same way too. As other said, you also need to factor in the "fit" variable into the equation. But other than that, let's not interpret too much on this wait-listing. It'll create unnecessary worrying on your part. You have a great application package! I am optimistic for you!
  4. Sorry about those rejections. I seconded all of the above posters said. I want to add that you may try to get some of your researches published. I dont know how hard it is to get into a conference in your field; it is doable in mine.
  5. If they cant reach you via phone (time difference, connection problem, etc), they'll email you. No worry. If you suspect you miss any of their email, you can try contacting them. Although, I'd wait till March at least. Sorry about those rejections. ((group hug)) it always make me feel better when Im down.
  6. There are a lot of good computational biologists at Berky
  7. Whattt!! I will not believe any ranking that puts Berkeley "low" for CS. What's low for you? below 1? You are about to enter one of the best grad school for computer science in the whole wide world!! I dont think you'll have any problem finding a job with a PhD from Berky. Fantastic publications wont hurt though. congrats on the acceptance
  8. congrats edvolkov.. my appyourself status still says "under review" :|.. Oh well.
  9. I've seen some results for Purdue, CS, PhD scattered around the result board and found this: Got this email: "There has been an error in the application system which sent admission notices for the distance-learning program to all of our applicants. Please disregard this notice. Official admissions decisions will be sent no later than next. ..." I applied to Purdue (CS) and did not get the above email. What's up with Purdue? Anyone heard from them? If you did, can you post the entire email. I am interested to know what comes after this ----> "Official admissions decisions will be sent no later than next. ..." next month??
  10. Sorry to hear that Old Man & the C(S). Hope it will work better next year (you're re-applying next year, arent you?)
  11. I understand how you are feeling right now. Give enough time for yourself to "mourn". Then, go watch some funny movies/serials (the big bang theory shows always work for me) You'll be fine.
  12. Tell them that everyone in the whole wide world thinks that they should accept me ... not should, must
  13. They doooooo!!!!!!! omg! I've been posting a lot of, uhm, silly things. Dear POIs --if you read this--, I may appear somewhat emotional, often lunatic at times in this forum; that is due to my nature as a passionate person. I am truly committed in my pursuit of knowledge (i.e., getting into a graduate school). Hence offering me an acceptance will contribute to a well-spent portion of your hard-earned grant money. Thank you professor. I love thinking about problems and solving them, and that's honest.
  14. There is a myriad of reasons for rejecting an applicant; many of those have little or nothing to do with intelligence (i.e., funding limitation, research fit, etc). You should not let one rejection letter define you. I'd only inform rejections to ONLY those that understand how competitive grad school admissions are (i.e., family, friends from my ex-lab, etc). As for the rest of the population, I am not telling them except about my acceptance(s) . This saves me from those stupid comments about why I'm not getting to the school I want.
  15. Dont give up till you get that rejection letter; but you need to be open-minded about your other choices. Good luck.
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