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Everything posted by beanbagchairs

  1. Things I wont miss: - Colleagues that thinks that I'll never get into a good graduate school (WRONG!!). I got to one of my top choices, which is ranked 7th in the nation. - Colleagues that questions why I dont apply to straight-up CS programs? - Colleagues that questions why I only got 3 interviews out of the many programs I applied - Colleagues that would not believe I got an interview from a top-notch program b/c it is a joint program (with another less prestigious university)? That does not make a program less competitive I guess, you all got the idea: I wont miss colleagues that were not supportive during the whole hellish application season.
  2. I am prepping myself for graduate school. I am thinking to get a new laptop and possibly an ipad. My problem is that I have notes everywhere (this notebook, that notebook, on the side of printed papers, etc). I cant bring 'em all to my new place;besides I just ruined some after spilling water on them. I am wondering how are you guys keeping your things organized. I am thinking something along this way: Laptop - primary workstation Ipad - reading papers, taking notes, synchronized to Laptop via Mendeley (papers) and Dropbox (everything else) Ditch my organizer (book) and use my ipad instead, such that I can synch that to my laptop. I am not sure if ipad is a better way of taking notes though (ease of use of a stylus?) Do you have a better system of organizing things, namely? 1. Keeping notes and papers in digital format, such that they are always accessible 2. Have these notes organized by topics or dates? 3. Have a lab journal? 4. References (JabRef?? Mendeley works too?) 5. Weekly backup? Any ideas? Yes, I have this constant need of organizing every aspect of my life
  3. This thread is very useful as I am currently choosing between being advised by a younger PI and an older, famous PI. The latter one has 5 years left before his retirement; he may get an emeritus appointment. My worry is that I'll be needing his recommendation letters when I enter the workforce (postdoc, TT, industry, etc). Can a retired professor write a recommendation letter with the department letterhead --meaning official recommendation letter--. Maybe that's something we have to think about Kathiza?
  4. I enjoy doing research and teach. PhD allows me to do that. Plus, as bikhaari said, listening to other people refer to you as Dr( or later --hopefully--) Professor YourName is pretty dang cool One can dream, you know
  5. So, at this point, I am pretty sure where I am heading for graduate school. I dont know anyone in that particular city. Therefore, having a housemate seems nice. I am not sure how to go about it: 1) I thought of emailing the graduate director and ask if he can forward my email to the students list? 2) Craiglist? 3) Get an apartment for myself and then look for housemate? I know this may be a silly question. I am just overwhelmed with the moving process. I need furnitures tooo!! arghgh Thanks All.
  6. I havent yet responded to my program of choice; but, I think I know where I am going. I also dont know anyone in the city where I'll be attending grad school. Well, I know someone, but she's swamped with a new baby and all. She hasnt responded to my emails. This is a big change in my life and being scared is a natural reaction to that. I am afraid about many things; mostly about things going the wrong way. I just kept telling myself that I'll be fine and will do fantastic works during my PhD With that being said, I am very overwhelmed about the moving process: finding an apartment, settling in, getting to know the town, etc.
  7. I once attended a speed reading workshop. I did not find it useful. It's very hard to do speed reading in my field (engineering). You cant speed read through a page of equations. I imagine it works for other kinds of readings. I am not sure. I know that this thread may be just a hidden advertisement; but, I just wanted to share my experience.
  8. Hi All, I am planning to attend BU for Biomedical Engineering (Bioinformatics) this fall. I am extremely excited as it is one of my top choices!! The downside is that I dont know any single soul in Boston. Well, I know a single soul, but she's pretty swamped with having a new baby and all. I am interested in finding a housemate; but, I am not sure how to go about it. Is there any BU internal forums for roommates listings? How do you guys plan to find an apartment?? I am just overwhelm with the moving arrangements. Any thoughts?
  9. I did my undergraduate in CS and switched to biomedical engineering (bioinformatics) in graduate school. I had to pick up a lot of biological/genetics background along the way; but, it's worthed it. I am very excited about my research and I am doing pretty well (I think). My point is that you'll do fine. People switch interests all the time. Even my POI was a CS PhD professors turned to Biomedical Engineering professor after getting his name on the human genome project.
  10. Wow 40K! I am jealous! My highest offer is 30K.
  11. Accepted with fellowship. Dreams do come true!!!

  12. I believe another forum member, GoldenMonkey, is in his/her 40s (I saw it on the "how old are you going to be when you start your grad school" thread). I think he got (an) admit(s). As to the OP question, I think one letter from prof and one letter from a former employer works well. The latter can talk about your life/job experience, which those young undergrads lack.
  13. I am pretty sure for those two schools, an admit means funded, right DamianD? Wow, journal publications! More than one! I bet you are the first author? Those are indeed great admits Congrats.
  14. I should have applied for more fellowships.

    1. Langoustine
    2. snes


      I should have applied for any!

    3. athenianstranger


      Sigh. Same here.

  15. Hang in there poisoned. I am still waiting for the results of three interviews I had :|. These are my top choices.

  16. Hi there poisoned! Hows apps going?

  17. Hi Benzene, As you said, it's not over yet. If it's any consolation to you, I got interviews from my top choices and got rejected by my safeties --I am still waiting for the results--. The two programs that you said are unlikely for you may very well be your likeliest to get into! The waiting is hard. I know, I am swallowing it right now.
  18. HAHAHAHA you almost knock me out of my chair!...LOL Well, I am in a male-dominated field. My classmates, co-workers, professors are mostly males. I have a certain infatuation towards males that are smart. It is not necessarily in a romantic way --as others pointed out--. Mostly because I am in awe of their knowledge. I think they are more attractive than, let's say Brad Pitt or George Clooney. With that being said, I did have several intellectual infatuations towards professors. They are not real romantic feelings; I am just impressed with their knowledge. That's all. It's nothing serious. In my case, my last intellectual infatuation abated somewhat as I found a new one! haha! Besides, feeling excited to go to a particular class correlates well with my ability to learn in said class
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