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Everything posted by beanbagchairs

  1. I think it is OK for you to write a super polite email asking about his decision. I am sure he understands. You may mention about the approaching deadline of a new lab rotation decision or something like that Goodluck chai!
  2. Hi Christina, Welcome to the forum! That sounded like HCI to me.
  3. That's odd! I'd say "follow the money". You still can do great work in UVA.
  4. How do you choose? :(

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BlueRose


      @Zouzax: I swore all along that my decision would be made with a dartboard and a bottle of whiskey. I may have told a POI this, actually. Really, it involved Googling, nail-biting, hiding in bed with the covers over my head, Googling some more...and then finally deciding what was most important to me. Then there was whiskey.

    3. newms


      You've got two good options and you really can't go wrong with either one. Good luck!

    4. beanbagchairs


      Thanks all.... :D I made my decision!

  5. Yep, I am still divided between these two schools. Koonin is good; but, I think he spends a lot of time in Bethesda. I was thinking that I may want to work with Bodorovsky or some other professors there. I am not sure which of these two schools are good for job prospects though. BU graduates are seem to be well-paced (good postdocs). Any thoughts? How do you actually get a good postdoc: name recognition or supervisors' connection? Of course, your publications are what they are looking at.
  6. Each state has its own rules and regulation regarding driver's license. So, you should check with the specific state you are going to live in. I imagine they will honor your Canadian driver's license and supply an equivalent US driver's license. I have no experience in this though. You may want to check this out: http://www.usa.gov/Topics/Foreign_Visitors_Driving.shtml
  7. Ah thesis! I was sleep-deprived, social-life-deprived, everything-else-deprived when I was writing mine :P This season is pretty good for me. I am still in the process of making my final decision. Good luck for you there!

  8. Hi Zouzax.. You havent posted much lately.. How are you?

  9. Be optimistic! My general strategy for GRE is: take it once, get good enough score, and forget about it.
  10. Others cant understand why I am so emotional when talking about applications. I am about to take a big step in my life! I am not crazy; I swear :P

    1. MoJingly


      That's why this site is awesome. We all get it!

    2. Tall Chai Latte

      Tall Chai Latte

      haha, i totally understand you beanbagchairs. i was emotional too when i talked about my apps, and that was the only thing on my mind. people thought i was crazy and trivialized my feelings! i was so pissed!

    3. renster


      Me too. I have a great decision to make, but it's been absolutely eating me up. Don't worry, we'll all get through it!

  11. I'd go for USC.. It's in california, where lots of jobs are.
  12. What do you guys think about these schools? Boston U (bioinformatics) - well connected with other (research) institutions in the area. - great city - many possible PoIs to choose from Georgia tech (bioinformatics, home unit: CS) - great education -excited about one prof research. I am not sure about living in Atlanta. Do you guys have any idea on this?
  13. Go to CMU. Putting all of your eggs in one basket --having only one PoI-- seems unwise. Have fun in pittsburgh
  14. You "have" to go to France? That's weird. I thought they'd make it optional. My concern would not be the difference in the quality of teaching. I'd be more concern about disrupting your research by leaving for France. I am assuming you are in research-based MS. If you are not in research-based MS, I dont think it matters if you only spend 3 semesters in Atlanta. I am not familiar with your field, I think you can go to either university. Both are win-win choices Congrats on the admit
  15. Hi MinkyBoodle, Congrats on those admits! My Gosh, you just collected all of the good ones. As other have said, I dont think you can go wrong with either UCSF or Berkeley. If you want Berkeley, go for it!.
  16. My LOR writers are my MS advisors too. I already gave them gifts after I defended. I am planning to give them mugs too. One prof that I am particularly close with and had a great sense of humor will be getting a mug with the "world's greatest professor" writing on it. He has been more than helpful.
  17. I am also wondering about this. It would be a more complicated issue for me as I am a woman. In the case of having children, I'd have to go through the physical changes during the 9 months and afterwards. I am thinking to have a baby during the later year of my PhD. Is that doable? I know that no one can answer that question for me. I just want to hear your thoughts about this? Should I wait to have a baby in till I am a postdoc? or TT?
  18. I am confused. Do you choose schools based on fit or prestige? I want "fit"; one professor chose "prestige".

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. beanbagchairs


      thanks Tall Chai Latte :)

    3. NUcat72



      Fit: "You've spilled some prestige into my fit!"

      Prestige: "Ugh! I got some fit in my prestige!"

      Both: "hmmm..."

      Moral of this "story" Why not have a bit of both? :)

    4. Milo_10011


      This sounds like causation/correlation. If you go to Harvard, do you get a job because of prestige or do you get a job because so many Harvard graduates have deep connections? If the former, than prestige helps. If the latter, your connections would get you a job regardless of where you went. My suspicion is that the people who do best coming out of Harvard are the ones who have been prepped and groomed for Harvard since they were first sonogrammed in their mother's womb.

  19. Have you tried to look around the west grand river area, especially those areas around the Frandor shoping centre. I used to live in oakridge avenue and I think you may like it there. I'd suggest to look around these areas: oakridge avenue, glenmoor Rd, Highland avenue. If you live in these areas, you can just get a bike for commuting from and to campus. If you dont want to have a car, then I'd suggest you to get an apartment where you have an access to bus no 1. I found other bus routes to be too slow. Living in East Lansing is doable without a car, but not very convenient.
  20. Thanks for the explanation. Here's hoping that ALL of you get a great funding package .
  21. Ow gosh.. this topic . I did my undergrad in CS, so I have been in positions where I am either the only female, two, three, or five (tops) females in a class of guys. I worked for a couple of years in the industry, where, at one time, I considered to put up a sign "I AM NOT A SECRETARY, I AM AN ENGINEER!!!", for the amount of people coming up to me to arrange meetings/finding someone. Granted that my desk was near the entrance door; but, cmon! The funny thing is that I am not bothered by the gender gap, It's just that other people notice it more. Having said that, I dont think professors choose us based on our gender. We need to believe in that. If we start to believe in otherwise, subconsciously, we'll expect ourselves to perform worse than those guys. I think science should not be evaluated based on gender. I hope it stays that way forever.
  22. Was that from caltech? I just saw my friend's rejection. I remembered it because it was weirdly-worded rejection letter
  23. I am just curious. Why cant you use your Fulbright scholarship to pay for the tuition at umich? I thought a fulbright scholarship entails full tuition waivers and living stipends. I am not too familiar with Fulbright, sorry for asking banal questions.
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