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Everything posted by beanbagchairs

  1. I think you should definitely talk to your advisor/mentor about it. Let it all out. Tell him/her all of your concerns, worries, conditions, etc. He/she may just think that you are doing well, thus, giving you extra work. I think communicating well is the key here. Good luck finishing.
  2. I have no experience with teaching elementary school kids, but I think you should adjust your style to match the "formality level" of your peers. If they dress casually, you should too. For the first day, I'd go a bit more formal to be on the safe side. You can observe what others are wearing.
  3. I'd choose A, B, and X as well. You could also submit 4 reference letters if you want.
  4. I lived in East Lansing for two years without a car. You can move around campus either by walking, riding a bus, or biking. If you dont want to have a car, live in apartments that have access to line 1 CATA bus, which runs every 10 minutes. I found other bus lines are just too slow to be reliable. I'd suggest you to get a bike if you dont want a car. Apartments in these areas are nice: east grand river, oakridge avenue, coolidge rd, northwind drive (ok-ish), etc I moved from East Lansing six years ago, hopefully things dont change that much.
  5. My first car was a used car. I did not know, well still does not know, a lot about cars. I just know how to start it, drive it, and that's about it lol. I bought my first car from a car dealer, so it came with a warranty even though it was a used one. Find a good/reputable dealer in your town, they'll be able to show you one or more cars that fit your budget. Be sure to shop around before making your purchase. Dont forget to look up your potential car's history. You can look it up on the net by entering the VIN (vehicle identification number). You need to pay a small fee for this service. It is a list of things that had happened to your potential car (accident, etc). I am not sure how can you get a loan without a credit history/co-signer. So, I cant really give any suggestion about it..
  6. My first car was a used car. I did not know, well still does not know, a lot about cars. I just know how to start it, drive it, and that's about it lol. I bought my first car from a car dealer, so it came with a warranty even though it was a used one. Find a good/reputable dealer in your town, they'll be able to show you one or more cars that fit your budget. Be sure to shop around before making your purchase. Dont forget to look up your potential car's history. You can look it up on the net by entering the VIN (vehicle identification number). You need to pay a small fee for this service. It is a list of things that had happened to your potential car (accident, etc). I am not sure how can you get a loan without a credit history/co-signer. So, I cant really give any suggestion about it..
  7. Follow the money You'll thank yourself when you are debt-free.
  8. I had a similar experience. I am very fashion conscious: I read fashion blogs/magazines and dress nicely. I dont do it for other people, I do it for myself. It alleviates my mood if I wear something chic. Men (and women, especially!!!) that are not in my cohort usually underestimate me; but, once they take a class or work with me, doubts are generally disappeared . Just be yourself.
  9. First of all, I hope your diagnosis is negative. I know someone who was diagnosed with cancer whilst finishing her PhD. It pushed her graduation back one year, but, she finished her PhD quite successfully. She was able to snatch a prestigious, merit-based, fellowship during the treatment. It did not hold her back, it actually pushed her to strive. What I can remember about her is that she did not lament over cancer. She fought it while working ***hard*** on her PhD. I think working on PhD helped to take her mind of the cancer. On top of that, she has a kid and a husband to look after to. ...stong woman. I think she's cancer free now
  10. TSA broke several of my locks . If I travel aboad (outbound/inbound USA), I usually just leave my luggage unlocked. Maybe that's not a very good idea. I'll take a look at those TSA locks.
  11. Thinking of selling my car before attending grad school :| as I wont be needing it. I like this car! :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. sderek


      GaTech is so slow

    3. Milo_10011


      if you can find a place to store your car, the insurance (against theft, damage, etc.) for a de-registered car is ridiculously low. If you really love the car that much, see if there's somewhere you can tuck it away. Do you have a friend with a garage out in the boondocks somewhere?

    4. beanbagchairs


      Sadly I dont know anyone with an extra garage :(

  12. Since you want a PhD anyway, I think you should go for UMD. It is just not worthed, in my opinion, for taking an unfunded master over a funded PhD offer when your ultimate goal is getting a PhD. congrats on the admits
  13. Congrats.. I think fuzzylogician covered all already.. I am impressed fuzzy! I am not sure if I can add anything else. Well, I guess I can tell you this: My professor always said that "You are the expert of your talk/particular research; you know your research problem better than anyone else. There's nothing to be afraid of when you talk about it in front of a large audience. You are the expert" That helps me when I was presenting for my first conference.
  14. I am seriously thinking to make a similar decision. I have contacted remaining schools about admissions time line, they cant give me that answer. Ok, I understand they need time;but, the thing is they did not even interview me! I figured I'm not in their shortlist. I still need to think...
  15. One of my PoI has two PhDs in different fields (one from rutgers, another one from UC Berkeley). His current research is a combo of those two different fields. Some programs do allow PhD holders to apply to their PhD program, some dont. So, I guess you can do either way: getting a PhD in your country and another one from the US or reapplying next year. If I were you, I'd check out the requirements of programs that I'd like to get into. If they allow PhD holders to apply to their program, I'd finish the first PhD and reapply for both graduate programs and post docs positions next year. Cant hurt to have more options, right?
  16. Dont worry about something that hasnt happened yet. You still have half of semester left! Try very hard to pass. Good luck! In the case of failing to pass the class, you can ask if you can take the course simultaneously while going to grad school or defer your admission.
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