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Status Updates posted by Neuronista

  1. Yes that includes the AW section. I got a 5.0!

    (V+Q alone = 1110)

  2. Preparing for round 2...

  3. embarrassed, very...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Neuronista


      Thanks. Just got my last rejection. Now I know for sure I'm staying right where I am for another year. But I really don't know how to break the news to all those who keep asking, including the Dean!

    3. beanbagchairs


      Dont worry. They all know rejections and acceptances are part of the process. There's nothing you should be ashamed of! Applying to grad school involves too many parameters, many of them are beyond your control. I told my professors all of my rejections. It wasnt easy, but I felt better afterwards. It's just part of the process..hug

    4. Neuronista
  4. know this is kind of funny, but is it OK to address an admissions officer in an e-mail saying, dear Ms (or Mr) LastName?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. StellaHaiti2


      I drop the Dear. Ms. LastName:

    3. natsteel


      I don't use "Dear" anymore either, just Mr(s). Lastname.

    4. Neuronista


      so my friend wins :D

      But now I know.

      @Zouzax: now that I know, it made me feel old too. Like I came out of a Jane Austin book or something LOL

  5. What is a "warn status"??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MoJingly
    3. MoJingly


      That didn't paste well.. but you're right.

    4. Neuronista


      OK. I get it now :) Thanks!

  6. considering contacting the schools who rejected me to ask what my weaknesses were. Good idea? Will they bother to reply?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. beanbagchairs


      I agree with previous posters. Good luck asking!

    3. Neuronista


      Thanks all. I'll try and see what comes out of it!

    4. nycrican2


      I agree with the others, you have nothing to lose but perhaps can gain a lot.

  7. E-mailed last program to ask about admin status. Reply: "the committee is still deliberating." Well, good luck committee!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Neuronista


      ohhhhh sorry to hear that :s

      But never fear, we'll get in next year! LOL

    3. JoeB


      Lock them in the Sistine Chapel and look for white smoke!

    4. Neuronista


      Seems like I'll have to do that :D

  8. back to normal life. Not excited on Mondays anymore...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Neuronista


      Thanks so much for your concern, hopehope :)

    3. hopehope


      Oh dear I am so sorry to hear this but i want you to know that we are all in the same boat. everyone is waiting for something and even those who get some stuff, do not get other stuff and still wait for their golden chance .. so , please do not let this get you down .. just be strong and preserve through these tough times.. I've been in your situation more than once and it killed me but then I decided to put the bad news behind me and believe in the future .. life is not fair and we do no...

    4. Neuronista


      Thank you so much :) Your words always cheer me up and help me see the bright side. Wish you the best of luck in ALL you do whatever you do and wherever you go!

  9. adcom person: we don't have enough money to admit you; we transferred your app to your 2nd choice program. Me: OK fine. Who should I ask there to follow up my app? Adcom person: Oh, did i tell u they only had a couple of slots this year and it's very unlikely they'll even look into your app? Good luck anyway.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Neuronista


      Thanks everyone :) I'll try to stay positive while I wait for my last school. April 15 has passed and still no word. I wonder how this will end.

    3. alorsjoy


      I'm in the same boat... good luck:)

    4. Neuronista


      thanks! good luck to you too :)

  10. how do u reply to a rejection letter? :"(

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Neuronista


      Thank you all for ur wishes :) This was my 2nd top choice. They said they transferred my file to my 2nd choice program, but what are the odds? I'm still waiting on one last school, but I'm not so optimistic about it either.

    3. VAPHD


      Listen I know how you feel and I was in the same situation last week; mixbag of emotions are normal; wait for the last school and precede from there. I will pray and keep my fingers crossed for you. Let me know...

    4. Neuronista


      Thanks VAPHD. That's exactly what I need.

  11. my MS commencement is on Monday. I really don't know how I'll be able to show up and smile and enjoy it while my brain is so occupied with my PhD admissions. I hope I hear some good news before that (I know, I know. before Monday?) Sorry for the too much ranting. But I feel like I'm falling apart.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. beanbagchairs


      This whole application season makes one go crazy. I know that and I am living that. I know it's hard to enjoy your commencement. Just try :)

    3. Neuronista


      thank you all sooooo much for your encouragement and kind words. I am very touched. You really made my day! I'll try to have fun and enjoy it while it lasts :) After all, you don't get a masters everyday, do you? I wish you all the best.

    4. hopehope


      of course! You've worked so hard and you got to let go and indulge in the moment sometimes! relax and live out loud!

  12. oops. An applicant to the program I'm waiting on just posted he/she was rejected :( GULP!

    1. newms


      Hang in there! Rooting for you.

    2. KreacherKeeper


      I have a theory that I do not count it out until I see it in ink. Good luck!

  13. trying to concentrate on writing my manuscript for publication but all what I'm doing is surfing thegradcafe forum and results page! My mind is really distracted by this waiting process.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. newms


      Fingers crossed for you!

    3. mandy


      I hear ya. Good luck with your applications!

    4. Neuronista


      thank you all! I really do need some encouragement :)

  14. Should I ask for my admission status or wait some more?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MoJingly


      Ask! If they will want an answer from you by April 15th, tell them you will need this week to decide.

    3. Neuronista


      Yes it does say on their website that students must make a decision by April 15. OK then, here goes! (shivers, palpitations, sweating)

    4. Zouzax


      for sure call. this is crazy, decisions are due in 9 days!

  15. M. O. N. D. A. Y.....

    1. Zouzax


      we so excited, we so excited....fun fun fun fun

    2. Neuronista


      I'm not getting anything :( I want my acceptance letter!

  16. just finished my interview with my safety school. And it ended like every other interview: you will hear our decision "very soon". How long is "soon"?

  17. and it's APRIL!!!

    1. Neuronista


      I really can't believe it's April already...

    2. Zouzax


      me neither!! this is craziness. 2011 is flying.

    3. MoJingly


      BOOM! APRIL!

  18. What would you do if a current MS student asked you to send them a copy of ur MS thesis defense presentation? Is it OK to do that in ur opinion?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ElectricRelaxation


      I wouldn't. I work with college students on a daily basis, and many ask to see my former papers to "get an idea" of how to go about the task. Better to be safe than sorry. Help is one thing...the exact copy of your thesis is another.

    3. Zouzax


      i guess it depends on the school. at my school, we have full access to everyone's past theses & projects. We are encouraged to look at them for ideas. But personal papers is another thing. That's up to the individual student. I think it basically boils down to how comfortable you are with it. If you're not comfortable, don't do it!!

    4. Neuronista


      Thank you all. The student wants my powerpoint prsentation of the thesis defense. At our school, anyone can access past theses too and I have no problem with that. But I'm not sure about the prsentation. My advisor once told me not to give a soft copy of anything related to my work to anyone, but the student's project is completely different than mine, so I'm not sure!

  19. Wednesday........

  20. taking a deep breath. IT'S MONDAY!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Neuronista


      yesssssssssssss :)

    3. Langoustine


      I need to take a lot of deep breaths.

    4. Neuronista


      LOL seems we all need breathing exercises!

  21. can't help checking my e-mail every 10 minutes. I need to sleep but I can't

    1. beanbagchairs


      The beauty of waiting it out :D

    2. Neuronista


      I hope it all ends out with something good!

  22. Hi thanks for the add! so what program are you applying to? have you got any results yet?

  23. exhausted............

  24. invited for interview @ another school too :) Plz 1st school accept me I soooo like you better!

  25. when an interviewer laughs when you tell him that you haven't received any offers yet and says, "good," WHAT DOES HE MEAN???!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Langoustine
    3. Bukharan


      This is pretty funny. I think bhikhaari is absolutely right.

    4. Neuronista


      LOL yeah it is funny now when I think about it. Thanks all for your comments and good luck in your applications!

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