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Status Updates posted by cokohlik

  1. We have an apartment and my husband has full-time work -- his dream job!! So proud of him and so blessed that we have a place to live and steady income for our new adventure!

    1. newms



    2. mandarin.orange


      HUGE congrats! Glad the hubby is excited about his career direction, too!

    3. cokohlik


      Thank you! It's all so unbelievable!! :D

  2. We have an apartment now! :)

  3. I'm alive! Back from my visit to the Dream School. :) I hope to have time to tell you all about it soon!!

  4. Going from the quarter system to the semester system is going to be so weird...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DualCitizenIR


      I'll bet. I'm going from the semester system to the UK term system...

    3. snes


      You might actually have time to think and reflect (and go course shopping)! I'm doing the opposite and I'm so afraid of dying. My UG semesters were already a compressed 12-weeks and that was tough enough...

    4. Rachel B

      Rachel B

      Try going from the block system to the semester system! I haven't taken more than one class at a time since high school.

  5. I like how I STILL haven't heard from U. Toronto. It's irrelevant now, anyway. :D

  6. Friend asks me for advice on applying to grad school. My response turned into a single-spaced 9 page guide. Oh dear.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. snes


      blog poooossssttt

    3. newms


      blog post? Entire blog!

    4. cokohlik


      Hahah!!!! Once I figure out why my FTP isn't working I'll upload it & link to you so you guys can read it! And we can collectively reminisce.

  7. Tons of questions. Zero answers.

  8. Researching UDel. Might as well be renamed "Heaven." ... :D Will the happy crying stop?!

    1. antecedent
    2. crazygirl2012


      Enjoy every single one of those happy tears!

  9. I want to cry. I typed up a HUGE entry for you guys and it disappeared!!!! :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LLajax


      No crying! Only happy! :)

    3. cokohlik



    4. crazygirl2012


      I am SO happy for you! You deserve this! Enjoy all the happy!

  10. GUYS! OMG. I missed a call from my POI (called about 17 min ago) and he didn't leave a message. Do I assume it's a butt call? Do I call back? My voicemail is extremely obvious and I have no new emails... Ahhh!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. mandarin.orange
    3. crazygirl2012


      Yessss, I can't wait to hear the good news! Update us when you can!

    4. snes


      Stop being such a good employee. WE MUST KNOOOOOOOWWW

  11. The rejections keep piling in... :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sorawit


      I feel you, my friend :(

    3. cokohlik


      Luckily not from my dream school! They're basically my last school. Ack!

    4. newms


      Fingers crossed! All you need is one school to say yes

  12. If my dream school has me on some sort of wait list, I hope someone turns down their offer. I hope that doesn't make me a terrible person. :( On the other hand, if they're genuinely still making decisions, then I hope they turn into the Road Runner. ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. psychdork


      Think about it this way, if they turn down the offer maybe it is because they got into their dream school!

    3. snes


      everyone who is waitlisted at their dream school hopes someone turns down their offer. It makes you normal. :P

    4. cokohlik


      Haha! psychdork, that's awesome. Win-win. I'm glad I'm normal... now if only normalcy was synonymous with patient :P

  13. Well... Essentially, my dream school is the only one left to make me a PhD offer. I'm not kidding. This seems like a very scary position to be in.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. crazygirl2012


      Good luck! I hope you get an answer soon, and that it's a good one!

    3. snes


      rooting for you!

    4. NeuroGal


      That's what happened to me last year but in the end I got the offer. That is what matters. You don't have to decide until April 15th.

  14. PhD acceptance hinges on two programs. Which will it be? :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cokohlik


      I love your optimism! :D That would be amazing.

    3. crazygirl2012


      do you like them both equally?

    4. cokohlik


      Yeah. Well one has my dream POI but otherwise yes. Neither of them have gotten back to me about my apps yet :/ agh

  15. Rejection today, rejection yesterday....

    1. Canadianlinguist


      awe I am so sorry!! :( acceptance tomorrow....bad balances out with good ..or at least thats what I tell myself

    2. cokohlik


      Haha! How AWESOME would that be!

    3. Canadianlinguist
  16. Emailed my remaining programs. Hoping for good news soon!!

    1. psychdork


      I did the same thing today. Good luck!

    2. cokohlik


      Thank you! One of three (okay, so I didn't email them all yet ;)) told me I'm on the wait list but they aren't sure they'll be using it this year, and one told me they're still deciding. The last one hasn't gotten back to me. I'm going to email the last couple today. Good luck to you too!

  17. Nothing so far!

  18. Hoping for good news this week!

    1. crazygirl2012


      I'm hoping for good news for you too!

  19. Hoping this week brings me two things: PhD acceptance, and Internet back at my house!

    1. see_bella


      Me and you both...I have internet though. Did you email the programs

    2. crazygirl2012


      Internet withdrawal is terrible! Good luck with both of those things!

  20. I keep bursting into tears at work. I quite literally feel as if I'm an infant. Ugh. Tomorrow's the day I email everyone though. I'm thinking 4pm Eastern so that they have an hour or two to see that I emailed and reply. ... Right? ;)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ameonna


      It's normal and healthy to cry; you're not an infant, you're an adult who is going through a very difficult process. I hope good news comes soon to dry the tears!

    3. clover123


      I know this process is tough, but it's not the toughest thing in the world. :) You got this. Think about people who could never dream of attending grad school. and how you have that opportunity. :) Good luck!

    4. see_bella


      Did you call or email the programs like you said?

  21. oh hello tears.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. see_bella


      What happened? You got a letter?

    3. cokohlik


      Yeah, this morning. :( Rejection from one of my top 5. I also did some "analysis" or whatever for my remaining programs (here: http://bit.ly/ymKcaU) and I don't think it looks good.

    4. see_bella


      Awww, keep hope alive girlie. Lets wait to hear from the other programs and call them on Friday, like you said. If anything, you can do the MA (for which you're accepted) and work out the financial kinks (I see some good advice from one of the posters).

  22. Dear Wednesday, please don't be another day of silence. Sincerely, Me.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. cokohlik


      Not yet. I want to wait until EOD Friday and then I'll email like a madwoman. I just got a rejection from UCSB this morning.

    3. see_bella


      I am giving them till March 15th and then I'm calling. Hopefully by then I wouldve heard.

    4. cokohlik


      I hope so too!

  23. I wish I could stop being so down on myself. Just because I haven't heard yet doesn't mean anything... Argh!!

    1. cokohlik


      Dear empty mailbox/inbox, you're not helping.

  24. Dear PhD programs: I know you can/will accept me with full funding, this week. You can do it! I believe in you! Just one little email or phone call.... :)

    1. LLajax


      Do it do it do it!

    2. cokohlik


      It's already almost 1pm EST and no news yet. Come on, next five or so hours! You can do it!

  25. Alright, week of the 5th. I will get into a fully funded PhD program this week. I will...

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