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Everything posted by lyonessrampant

  1. You can email the department coordinator and ask. Her email is frede005@umn.edu and her name is Karen Frederickson. Good luck!
  2. Hi Horb! Yep, I'm in English. I applied (for a second time) for a research grant in Italy. I work in the 15/16th c. and on violence as well to an extent, but I focus on armor and rapier play in that context. I was an alternate last year and thought I'd try again since this is my last year of eligibility. I defend in May, so if I got it, it would be more like a postdoc. We'll see. Anyway, I share everyone's concerns; I've found myself spending time going to marches/rallies, reading news, calling my reps, and arguing on Facebook rather than finishing up the diss. This is definitely uncharted territory to a large extent. Best of luck to you and everyone!
  3. Wow. That's so viscerally impactful. I hope you get it. We need your work.
  4. Congrats to UMinnesota admits/waitlists. I'm an advanced doctoral candidate here and would happily answer questions if you have them. Best wishes to all waiting!
  5. So sorry roborobb! I hope you get some other good news soon. Some people apply multiple times, too, so don't rule that out. Good luck to you!
  6. Hold on roborobb! Mine just came through and I'm recommended. Give it a few minutes!
  7. I don't have mine yet. AARRGGHHHH!!!!
  8. Fulbright Program Advisor is the person at your college or university who liaises with the Fulbright program. This is not your academic advisor. If you didn't apply through a school, you don't have one. Edited to add that it doesn't mean you're not as competitive without having one. At-large applicants are often successful.
  9. If you search for funded MA programs on this forum, you'll find old threads that have compiled lists of funded MA programs. Some of them are no longer funded, but it would give you a good place to start in terms of thinking about other programs. If you have questions and information is not on a school's website, you can email the department and ask for more information.
  10. I would second the advice to go with the WS that you feel most enthusiastic about and that the prof closest to the field supports. If not as much of your voice is coming through and you're doing too much lit review, which it seems like was the first prof's opinion, maybe push some of that lit review into the footnotes. Especially when engaging with theoretical scholarship, it is so easy to spend a bunch of time simply surveying their positions and then saying how your intervention works. Pick one or maybe two key figures and forefront your intervention and then put the review and careful differentiation work more into the notes. Looking at your paragraph and section structure to make sure that you're highlighting your claim at top rather than just summarizing other positions first can help, too. It gives the impression of major revision when in fact the changes are pretty subtle. Good luck to you!
  11. You might also look at University of Minnesota. For the cognitive studies/lit person, check out Andrew Elfenbein's work. For interdisciplinary work, it's a very supportive department, and the university as a whole invests in interdisciplinary work. There is an Interdisciplinary Fellowship, which I was on this past year. It tends to go more to people in the sciences than humanities, but there are always a few of us who get it. There are also research grants through the grad school to do research, and we have many well-established centers that support interdisciplinary work.
  12. Good luck to you as well!
  13. Many Ph.D programs will let you take a leave of absence. A couple friends of mine did from my university. You'd have to speak to your department directly, but generally, especially for the research Fulbright or the Hayes, it gets you research funding that the department/university doesn't have to provide, so they tend to be supportive.
  14. Hello all, I'm an alternate for a research award to Italy this cycle. I haven't heard anything yet, so I'm assuming it is a no-go. I'll be applying again, I think, though I will defend next May, so I'm not sure if that will hurt my application. I know I'm still eligible (you can't defend before the national deadline in October), but we'll see. Good luck to all!
  15. Perhaps that is true at Grad School Truther's university, but it certainly is not the case at mine. The writing sample and statement of purpose are the most important pieces of the application for the final stages of review. GPA and test scores matter when it comes to making initial cuts and may factor in when deciding between similar applicants.
  16. I emailed the Europe (except Germany) coordinator to ask for info on number of alternates for Italy and how many of the 14 spots for research grants have accepted. She said she couldn't tell me anything. Would you mind sharing where/how you found this information out? If you'd rather PM me, that would be awesome, too. Good luck to you and all the other alternates!
  17. It's not unprofessional to decline the Fulbright if you do end up getting it to take the Princeton offer. People decline for all sorts of reasons. You get to know (and put on your CV) if you get it, and you make some alternate's day fantastic. Fulbright expects some people to decline or withdraw; that's why they designate alternates.
  18. Sorry kfm. Virtual hugs to you.
  19. What's your subfield? We waitlist by subfield and just had our prospectives visit. It is spring break now, but I would guess some movement will start happening soon. Good luck and let me know if you have any questions about the program.
  20. Adding to spreadsheet for posterity, but a friend of mine heard that she got the research Fulbright to Finland. Good luck to everyone waiting!
  21. Thanks for the kind words! I also appreciate your perspective. I'm not sure I can reapply (I'll have my Ph.D in hand by next summer), but I'm going to check and will probably do that if I can and my status doesn't convert. Do you mind me asking how you knew how many alternates there were? I emailed our university coordinator and she had no info for me. Best of luck to you!
  22. Definitely feeling you with the heart hurting part. This is such a long application process that you can't help but start to imagine yourself living there, and then there's still hope but it almost seems more cruel. Sigh. I applied for a research grant to work with a Medical Humanities group at the University of Bologna. Best of luck for both of us (and all Alternates!) hoping for good news. I'm sort of hoping that the Italy Principals get job offers or better fellowships or develop a gluten allergy Seriously, though, congrats to all who've received awards.
  23. So, just notified for Italy. I'm an alternate. I guess I should be kind of happy, but I'm more fucking stressed now. The email says that the alternates aren't ranked and doesn't provide info on how alternates might move to principals. Does anyone know anything about this?
  24. For those of you who have heard, did you get an email from the Fulbright Commission in your countries or from the Fulbright Commission in New York?
  25. Yeah, I'd say notify School C that you're honored but are considering other offers. For School A and B, visit both and then decide. If you really want School A, but B offers you more money, better summer funding, better fees remission, better insurance, relocation expenses, etc., etc., than you're in a position to bargain with A. You must do so tactfully (I'm honored to have been accepted and really would prefer to attend A, but B, which is a program I very much admire, has offered me (X perqs). Is there any way you might be able to offer some kind of top-off funds . . . ) but it is normal to negotiate. Best to get practice now because the need to negotiate doesn't go away. Good luck on your decision.
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