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Everything posted by jma310

  1. NYU usually takes a while before they get out their consolation prize MA acceptances for PhD rejects (no harm implied by this word-- I once was one too!)
  2. Can anyone shed light on the Penn GSE MS.Ed in Higher Ed acceptance rate? I'm thinking it's about ~20-25% based on a blog post a year or two back, but anyone have anything more concrete? I'm kind of into self-deprecating my own achievements, and I'd like to hear it's selective
  3. I heard from them with actual details about a week/week & half after I was accepted. But I got some postcards before that!
  4. I got an email saying there are some students who can host, but a limited number. I got a schedule and a bunch of emails, but I was accepted about two weeks ago.
  5. They have been emailing/calling me nonstop! haha. And the assistantships are supposedly guaranteed, but are a different process that will take place during interview days down in Philly March 24-26.
  6. it seems pretty likely to get an interview with a waitlist. i'm in at penn & bc, so i likely won't head to nyu, but i am a NYC native so the option may be nice.
  7. Anyone else get a waitlist email from NYU? And anyone that got in have any numbers of apps/admits? Thanks!
  8. i am very curious about this... i haven't heard a peep
  9. Hi highered2013, My app was complete on 1/3/2013... and my decision link appeared yesterday (2/8), though the Penn GSE email telling me my decision was ready came today! Good luck!
  10. Does anyone know just how selected Penn GSE's higher ed admin M.Ed program is? I got in (with some funding) but I feel like I need to know it's selective to be validated. Haha. Graduate school problems!
  11. Hi guys-- not to be the bearer of bad news but perhaps a dose of realism, last year the DGS at BC told me they had 250+ apps and only had 4 spots... so 3 acceptances are posted, maybe waitlists have yet to go out?? Best of luck!
  12. Did anyone successfull contact Rutgers? That was the one place my email went ignored.
  13. Conferences are weird like that. My bf walked right into the PCA last week without registering.
  14. Hey rainy! PM me where you got feedback from. I got 2 nice emails but 1 big shot completely ignored haha.
  15. Like! And you get to remain in the great city of ours.
  16. Yay, Trip! Did you officially hear from Slutgers? Congrats on a successful app season!
  17. @anxious- was your waitlist umass? did you get the email this morning?
  18. Dazed- did you go to the visiting day?
  19. Good luck, Trip. It doesn't seem like many people are getting off waitlists as of yet. Except at Maryland where my BF says that a lot of people aren't accepting.
  20. Hey anxious, idk if he was talking specifically to me, though he mentioned lack of TA spots as a general issue.
  21. Hi all, Dr. Clingman got right back to me and said chances are getting slimmer for admission basically because the writing center won't have very many TA spots open. I don't know if he meant that no one will get off the list, but that's the situation as he laid it out.
  22. I just emailed Dr. Clingman about possibly visiting next week when I am in the Boston area if there is still a chance I may be offered admission. I will let everyone know what I hear back.
  23. gah, Trip. Why are they taking so long? Especially if some have declined!
  24. I second the Rutgers/Princeton/NYU thing. I spoke with the chair of philosophy at a quite good university this past weekend and she basically concurred. Said NYU is absolute tops though.
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