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Everything posted by koolherc

  1. ^is there a diff Duke page for checking your app status or is it the same webpage you used to apply?
  2. "accents" are phonological. writing is not. if you mean that the students' writings reveal different grammars, then that's not an accent---it's grammar. if you mean that they are mispelling words, then that is what they're doing. I would hope that Oregon State's linguists would address the Writing Center's misconceptions.
  3. Is anarchist theory the new marxist theory? Absolutely. Will I ever develop a consistent jumpshot? Maybe. Will I be a rich and famous professor? No Way! Will you still exist by the time I'm able to find out whether or not you were right? Maybe. Can you answer questions that require more than a yes or no answer? Definitely.
  4. seriously. this thread just made me realize that I own no commodities of significant value.
  5. *spits out filtered water* You got into UCB as a heathbar enthusiast?? Gross. Surely you didnt put that in your SOP... ...no word from MTL, btw.
  6. congratulations eaw53! do you mind if I inquire as to your interests, academic background, strength of your SOP, GRE scores, recommenders, gender, race, orientation, height, astrological sign, and favorite kind of ice cream?
  7. I wouldnt be surprised if it helps them decide whether they should offer you competitive money. If I know you're applying to a bunch of schools better than ours and I can see that your app is strong, I know I'm going to have to offer a strong financial package and pay for your visit.
  8. That's quite weird given that he wrote a letter in the past. Why not just re-send the old one w/ some minor changes?
  9. my emotional response: 50% shock 39% sympathetic sadness 10% fear for self 1% lol
  10. I had a tough time just juggling 7 apps. I had 3 more but dropped them. How did you avoid the mistake of putting the wrong program name in the wrong Statement/Essay/etc?
  11. congrats on the two interviews, vordhos! no need to despair. just be yourself.
  12. Another acceptance was posted on the results survey. T If that person doesn't mind, I'd greatly appreciate a private message PS: I was the first accept
  13. Not sure what's funny about people not knowing what the GRE or the Fulbright is.
  14. First of all, I'm a humanities person, and I know that this is all very dependent on a field's normative standards: I got accepted to an interdisciplinary PhD program and was recently emailed about arranging visits and so forth. The Chair of the program e-mailed me to welcome me. Before applying, I did not really e-mail professors (but rather grad students)*, though I definitely did research POIs and listed some on my app. Before visiting, I'd like to email a few of those POIs to make appointments, but having prior completed an MA, I am all too cognizant that one's original POI may not end up being that at all, and that one may find that some other professor who articulates their interests in an unexpected way is in fact more in line with either one's interests, one's approach, or even one's personality. This has definitely the case for me through my undergrad career and MA work, perhaps because of interdisciplinary tendencies. And, more generally, stuff one reads can very often be obfuscating---how profs speak and how they write is often mind-shatteringly inconsistent. Accordingly, is it ok to ask this chair (a professor who I did NOT list on my app, but seems general relatable) for HIS suggestions, based on his having read my app (which I know he looked at), for profs that share interests with me? Is it weird or asking too much of em? Is it a somewhat politicized question to ask? *I emailed one but he didn't respond
  15. may I ask what your intent is, exactly? 1 yr interdisciplinary MA programs don't just grow on trees, ya know... The CUNY Graduate Center has many excellent grad programs (philosophy, linguistics, music, anthro...) and just about all of them have MA tracks.
  16. Das Racist is pretty aight. But they don't match up with traditional stuff like: Germaine Williams "I harness the power of the Chakra, remote viewing into darkness, describing what I see in the process Stone statues surrounded by neolithic objects: geoglyphs on the pampas. A dose of papylamine makes you feel like a dream. The dreamstate is the playground for the supreme." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHXNrrqjGVE and Matthias Bavitz "There is a hole in front of the shovel Shovel in front of the brawn Six billion gorillas for whom the graves yawn Each within his mulish days to choose his tool of trade Dueling blades that cued a cruel charade and fuel the flames Few would clue the crew into the civil Skip the food and land like you the man who flew the coop over the pitbulls Dash back, flashin and compassionate nanopolice that Sat beneath an avalanche of jagged inadequacies" and Jaime Meline "I touch with rusted clutch, then spun out of the dust and careen into the temples of automated destruct nanotech bugs in the blood get unplugged fishing for the fly shit hybrid I run among the mudskipper swarms through warnings and good morning Beiruits Little Billy Blunderbuss looking for more recruits city life is practice casket truancy that's the rule of you and me, brash unmasked lunacy friends used to laugh fast, grasped little truth from me now they check their bags with a staff claspin' Uzis who deserves the wrath without warning the same sky for the martyr with a spork scorch New York forfeits run among the poppy fields order some more clips store trips are weird but the fear is forceless Bloomey bought the city of Lego and shitty metal hull jitters to the floor boards burnt almost aborted flight of the accidental tourist, morbid the advertising gods so oddly courtship godly corporate squads plot these tortures holiness is hard and it's costing god fortunes"
  17. haha, yeah, it did work out. I got in there, in fact. Like the person above said, they wouldn't have contacted me if they were just gonna reject me.
  18. about a month back, I got a message from a school that went like this: "Hello ____, Your application is being reviewed by the committee and there is one questions regarding your application. You are listed as "non-degree candidate" . Perhaps this is a mistake? Our program is, obviously, a Phd degree. Let me know and I can help you change it if it is, indeed, an error. ___administrative office person___" I was like :o
  19. I really get sick of the classist take that higher knowledge is only for the wealthy. that kind of thinking is what allows this country to keep movin towards authoritarianism
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