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Grunty DaGnome

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Everything posted by Grunty DaGnome

  1. Apply Yourself is the worst. If you breath too hard, it locks you out and says you're already logged in. Why are both my applications due tomorrow "Apply Yourself" applications?
  2. Mr. Grimwig, I'm so jealous you're done -- especially since we're looking at so many of the same schools.
  3. Thanks for reminding me! I sent this application in a few days early to concentrate on 3 others Dec. 15th deadlines, and then I promptly forgot! Google calendar to the rescue!
  4. For English it's Dec. 15th. For History, it's probably different.
  5. I just realized I have completely stopped fantasizing I might get in to any of the programs to which I've already finished applying. Even the two I'm completing tomorrow I'm viewing as practice for the final 3 I'll send in Jan. 1st. I'm squarely convince that three rounds of revisions, even after editing samples all summer, is what it's going to take for me to even have a shot.
  6. Sounds like you feel a cold coming on. *cough* *cough*
  7. I'm assuming it too, but trying to avoid last minute. I won't, but I'll try.
  8. I was a German Lit undergrad. at UCSB. They have some good faculty, but they are a bit flakey. Not a ton of support for students and the town is gorgeous, but sort if in the middle of no where. It might be a good option if you already really know what you're doing. I found professor Rickles to be the most engaged and helpful guy in the department and his specialty is psychoanalyses, with credentials from Vienna as well as Princeton.
  9. Yeah, I doubt the extra couple of thousand dollars they make off poor rejectees is probably not the motivation as much as bragging rights, to show how many people they get to reject.
  10. Well, that makes no sense, so I'll just stop thinking about it and just be happy for you.
  11. Why on earth would a program do this? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for you guys who get the extra5 days, but what makes a program post a hard deadline for a particular day, determined months in advance, and then 2 days before, think eh? why not 5 days from now. Maybe they didn't get enough apps Fingers crossed for you guys that that's true!!!!
  12. I just used a general sop for CUNY. I also couldn't find specifics for SOP topics or length. As for letters, you may as well just mail them with the packet and then contact the grad. center and see if they need an electronic copy, then if they do, deal with it later.
  13. Wow, USC needs to get one of their English majors to redraft that sentence. It is totally unclear.
  14. I have a feeling that programs, such as NYU, that moved their deadlines to Dec. 1st are going to notice their applicants all make many more typos this year than they have in the past.
  15. Yes, but I keep fooling with my SOP. It's probably a bad idea, because I'm liable to make a type at the last minute.
  16. Just don't anyone have a heart attack in January when you start to get routine application status emails from all your top programs!
  17. LOL! This professor is in Holland, Michigan! Where swearing is illegal! While I agree that not everyone who gets a PhD gets to be a professor, I have to ask him this; what the f*ck! No one in Holland has a good job! Believe it or not, I know someone who went to a math summer research insititute at Hope College and they said it was the biggest mistake they ever made in life. They still have acid-like Hope College flashbacks about the nurse Ratchety professors there!
  18. This is my favorite part, right here. Before you pathetic humanties types try and attack this genius an point out that deconstruction stuff and your stupid mimesis and stuff, I just want to say that everyone knows that the Simpsons are real and there are no writers of the Simpsons. The Simpsons live in Springfield, where everyone knows, that the Simpsons hates liberal arts and likes to just eat nuclear donuts which is really the highest form of art you don't even half to study for. You are so lame to stay up all night working on that application because you should just eat a nuclear donut and then you could climb walls like Spiderman, who is also real. Thank you.
  19. I went to all state schools out west, where life is pretty casual, and wound up working with a bunch of ivy leaguers in Boston, many of whom can't talk to their plumber. The joke's on that guy who wrote the article. There's probably not alot to talk about with your plumber in Boston, because plumbers in Boston are about as interesting as Harvard and Yale grads in Boston. It's the weather. It makes people introverted, kind of dull, but extremely hard-working. If the author of this article wasn't so self-involved, he might have realized the plumber didn't know how to talk to him either.
  20. Just take off the last 50 words?
  21. I was going to say trust your advisor, but then I noticed you are in the UK. Are you applying to American schools? Your advisor might be less in tune, but I suppose that isn't necessarily true. I can suggest applying to WUSTL, if they seem like a good fit for your research, as they have a tremendously large page limit for their writing sample. I think no one is sure what to submit, because every University is different. You are lucky to have so many good samples. I would say --- without knowing anything, just like everyone else --- try and fit your Statement of Purpose to the individual programs and then choose the sample that seems to best demonstrate the intersts you described. That is, if one of your programs is stronger than others for poetry, submit the poetry focused text to them, and the intellectual context section to the program that emphasizes theory more, etc.
  22. Just a heads up not to wait until Thursday's deadline. Also, what is that little note about how at least 2 of your GRE scores should be 90th percentile or higher? Does that mean 2 as in math and verbal, or 2 as in GRE subject and GRE verbal? I know they don't mean math and verbal. Of course they don't!
  23. I like how jrnels categorizes himself as a "domestic male." I would think there'd be a huge market
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