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Grunty DaGnome

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Everything posted by Grunty DaGnome

  1. Cuny is killing us all. Good luck, Tripp! I know you started this process with real doubts. I hope two early notifications will propel you toward great scholarly things!
  2. On another thread, someone mentioned Boston University would be notifying in early March. Sorry, I forgot who posted that, so I can't link to the original.
  3. JMA, you make a very good point. I know at my current MA program, when you TA a class, a professor might waste any amount of your time they like in meetings. I'm not currently having this problem, but some in my program are. Needless meetings + prep time + travel time. 3 classes sounds pretty bad. Do PhDs ever just get a day job/office job?
  4. I know. This is the only downside at CUNY. Keeping it going for 5-6 years or 7 or 8 is an exhausting prospect. It's the only think keeping CUNY from being my #1 choice. Exhausting as the proposition of a working PhD would be, I'm sure whomever manages to finish their PhDs are like full service combat PhDs.
  5. Waiting is so hard. It seems like last year, there were a bunch of early acceptances on the boards. This year, they're either starting slow, or the acceptees are not on the boards as much as some of us...ok, me.
  6. I'll bet. As good as it must feel to get an interview, the wait afterwards, not knowing if an acceptance is pro forma, has got to be the worst kind of waiting...even worse than when ONE prof from CUNY notifies, but no one else does.
  7. *Sigh* ...and why does CUNY have to have such a good program
  8. Congrats eggplant. I love stories like this!
  9. Why must David Richter be so pro-active and organized? Why did he have to brake the seal hours before anyone else was ready to notifiy
  10. Thanks for posting that, C. I'm living in this thread today.
  11. I'm also relieved. I hope all CUNY's admits have already been accepted to Duke Double congrats hedge!
  12. Yup, there's a CUNY admit on the notice board and nothing in my inbox. Sigh.
  13. Right. Friday might be my day, and that would be sad
  14. Exactly. What's up CUNY? Is today the day?
  15. Yes, it feels like it's taking forever, but really, it's only early February, so realistically, there's a month or so more of this, one way or the other, and then I'm going on vacation.
  16. I would go to school. Once you join the work force, stopping and going through the application process is very hard. Believe me, I'm doing it now and what I thought would take a year has taken 3. Get more education. In your field, it will probably translate to a higher starting salary and better jobs. ...and Lausanne is charming!
  17. LOL, Glen Close will no doubt play you in the movie.
  18. I have become SO obsessive that I looked at the calendar for 2011 to try and figure out which day of the week notifications went out last year for the schools where I've applied. That's what happens when good research skills are not being channel toward a constructive purpose.
  19. Congrats to whomever got into Brown. For a second, I thought English Lit was notifying already and I puked. Then, I felt really happy for you, whoever you are.
  20. Thanks for sharing that. This is probably the real point of corresponding with profs, namely to make sure there's a good "fit." Is your BF happy with his ultimate choice?
  21. Words with friends. Get 10 games going at once. It's the only cure for compulsively checking the results board.
  22. Lucky Duckie (I love your rainbow cat, kazoo)
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