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Grunty DaGnome

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Everything posted by Grunty DaGnome

  1. Funded MAs are like the universe's best kept secret. You would think these programs would want to attract the best candidates by publicizing that they offer MA funding and teaching experience, but like everything else in this field, it remains an opaque black box.
  2. I would take this as a positive sign. All programs are different where fit/funding/cohort size are concerned, but if you're waitlisted somewhere, you know your application was noteworthy in some way. They passed over hundreds of apps to waitlist you. Someone else is bound to make you an offer. It's early yet.
  3. Best: Tie between Kubrick's Clockwork Orange and Kubrick's Lolita with Peter Sellers. Worst: The Scarlet Letter starring Demi Moore.
  4. I have to agree with Pamela or Clarissa and on the other end of the style specturm, Confederacy of Dunces. The worst book I ever read for a class was a Korean author named Chang Rae Lee. Awful.
  5. I usually took classes for no credit or undergrad credit if I wanted to write a paper and get feedback. I also took language classes there, which were excellent, and I took these for credit in order to take tests and get homework graded. I never bothered to pay the extra money for a graduate class, because I knew they didn't transfer. However, if you feel you'll take classes there for a while, you can get their MLA, which includes having a thesis advisor assigned, etc. and their MLA, though it doesn't generally count toward a PhD, it is useful to refine your interests and gain access to some very good profs.
  6. I'm already rejected from CUNY, but following the funding discussion avidly for next year. Full deets, please [th the extent you feel comfortable, of course]
  7. I took a few courses here before starting a formal MA. The extension school at Harvard doesn't offer an MA, rather something called an MLA. The credits typically DON'T transfer to MA programs. I did find many of their courses interesting, especially Damrosch on the Enlightenment.
  8. You mean when I get in nowhere but visit friends in SF to look longingly across the bay at Berkeley?
  9. Compared to many of my other programs, they were actually pretty good. The sections for listing schools was kind of weird though, the way it kept indenting the new fields below the old ones. I know many people complained that embark went down as the deadline approached, but I had all my preliminary materials uploaded early, so I had quite an easy time with embark.
  10. It is NOT Brown. I wish I were in a position to tell Brown off, but unfortunately, they are my dream school, so I would put up with all that abuse and more if it were Brown.
  11. I don't know who could reject a face that cute. You should put your avatar on all your application materials.
  12. One of my programs still lists that I only have 2 letters of recommendation. This, after I re-emailed all my advisors January 2nd, over the holiday, to ask them to resend letters. All of them emailed me back that they had already sent in letters, but they'd send them again. I've decided this program can go F itself. I reject you guys. Don't bother to review my file.
  13. I wonder if that person applied to English Lit, because they mentioned in the comments they were interested in Library Science programs. Maybe it's a mistake?
  14. OMG! That is genius strategy! I'm surprised all the schools don't do this. Imagine how happy all their admits would be! Not to mention, people wouldn't keep calling them in February to ask when decisions would be finalized.
  15. Don't stress, enjoy it! Think of it as a good excuse to visit places and meet people. I would visit a place even if I were 99% sure I wasn't going to attend, just to meet the professors in person. They're in your field, you'll never know when you'll see them again.
  16. Yeah, many people who get accepted to one get accepted to several. And while you think you know what your first, second, third choice would be, it's too big a decision not to go visit, talk to other grad students, meet potential advisors. I wouldn't expect anyone to accept before they did all this and before all their outstanding applications were officially accepted or rejected. Not to mention, the person admitted to your dream program, might be waitlisted at their dream program, so they are waiting on other people's decision before they can make theirs and you can make yours.
  17. I'm hoping to get wait listed at any of the schools extending offers to Tripp Willis
  18. I would make the same decision re Buffalo. SUNY is a good school, but my brother's wife is from Buffalo and when it snows 3 feet here in Boston, she acts like that's not that much snow! It gives me a bad feeling about January in Buffalo. Rutgers supposedly gives good funding , so if they accept you, at least visit. Not to mention, you have other Boston schools on your list
  19. I think you're in good shape Germaine. Thanks for commiserating with me so much about CUNY. I'm really rooting for you! And yes, Project Runway had the nerve to make a reunion "all stars" show with all the best non-winner finalists from past seasons, but for some reason, they did it in the off season with no Heidi, no Michael Kors and worst of all, NO TIM GUNN!
  20. Good luck, LoLu and Marlowe. No news is good news. And LoLu, I know you're not laughing at me, but at that boring Michael Costello on PR. I don't even know why I watch when there's no Tim Gunn.
  21. How is it that I get rejected from CUNY but Michael Costello is moving on another week on Project Runway All-Stars. The Universe makes no sense.
  22. Me three. I can't even figure out how to post my rejection properly. Apparently, I've entered the "Captcha" words incorrectly. What's a "Captcha" word? No wonder I can't get in to grad school Serves me right for showing hometown disloyalty and flirting with NY. C'mon Boston! Mama needs a new pair of shoes!
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