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Everything posted by peanutbutter

  1. Kid, Stop kidding yourself. Sincerely, Somebody
  2. how do schools view re-applicants? are they common? are they seen as last year's rejects? what should an applicant do to justify a reapplication (e.g. i'm guessing an applicant should make strides toward improving areas of his/her profile that may have been weak the first go-around)? thanks!
  3. Duke Marketing UNC Marketing Any info floating around out there? :wink:
  4. i had resigned myself to just reapplying next year, but every now and then i get glimmer of hope that my wait-lists will come through. i wish they'd just reject me already so this wait can be over April 15th seems so far away!
  5. fuck it. i'm not waiting any longer to sign up for a gym. i'm clearly not moving anytime soon... always a silver lining
  6. anyone hear anything from duke marketing? unc marketing? :x :roll:
  7. excitement and nerves replaced by disappointment spirit will rebound
  8. i agree with ridgey! especially since i've been out of school for several years - though it doesn't feel like it. that makes the whole in-person thing harder.
  9. What is an "unofficial wait-list"? I called to ask about my status at my top choice school and they told me I was on the "unofficial waitlist"... Is this just an unranked wait-list? The run-of-the-mill waitlist? The who-the-fuck-cares-because-you're-not-getting-in waitlist?...Yeah, I guess you can see how I feel about the matter
  10. hi, if i don't get in anywhere - which is looking almost definite at this point - what do i tell my recommenders?! i feel too embarassed to tell them, as ridiculous as that may sound. anyone else been through this?
  11. i was supposed to hear from umd last wk. i will prob follow up today... still no word from duke, wustl, nyu & umd in some ways, i've resigned myself to utter defeat (wow - it's amazing they don't have a crying emoticon or something)
  12. Hi, I am interested in economic history (though I have not yet applied to any programs in this field). Does anyone have a sense of how big or small an area this is within history? I feel like it is one that might be growing but is more popular outside of the U.S.? Thanks!
  13. still waiting to hear from 4 schools, one of which told me they would let me know their final decision by last week (after a phone interview)! WTF?!
  14. At my interview, they asked: "what can we do to make you come here?" Um, an offer would be helpful. And yet, I was rejected. Hard to make sense of the whole process sometimes :-/
  15. I think the limiting factor for me was recs! How many recs is an appropriate number to ask someone to do? Any guidance?
  16. Yeah. Waiting to hear back about Marketing Ph.D. And waiting....
  17. Wow, maybe I should actually start reading those rejection e-letters
  18. Apparantly, this kind of situation is very common. I similarly had a professor who sent out recs for some schools and then flaked on the rest. I probed and he sent it to one of the schools left off the first list. Then I started to doubt why he wouldn't want to send the letters on my behalf...was it REALLY just absent-mindedness? (Though I got an A+ in his class and it is graded on a strict curve.) So I asked a different professor to write me a rec - very last minute - also not ideal. I should also mention I am several years out of school so seeing these people in person is also difficult. Hopefully schools understand that even when we do our best to remind, provide guidance, etc....it is somewhat out of our control!
  19. Definitely. I echo what frankdux says. I feel like I can't plan my next steps, and that's just another layer of frustration. I was rejected by my own alma mater - I guess they don't regard their own curriculum and professors' recommendations too highly . that one REALLY stung! I, too, am still waiting for that acceptance. This year, especially, I feel like a wait-list is equivalent to a 'no.'
  20. Thanks. I'm guessing it is not an outright acceptance, too.
  21. Definitely. It is a very humbling process!
  22. Hi, There are still a few schools I have not heard back from, but I assume since they have not contacted me about interviewing the answer is "no." (UNC, Duke, NYU) Is it a lost cause? P.S. This addictive forum is such a great resource! Kudos!
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