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everyblueline reacted to a post in a topic: interview chat/despair place
pinkrobot reacted to a post in a topic: Tell me I did the right thing
pinkrobot reacted to a post in a topic: Tell me I did the right thing
pinkrobot reacted to a post in a topic: Tell me I did the right thing
biotechie reacted to a post in a topic: Contacting current grad students
Speaking as a current grad student, I do not mind these inquiries at all. I wouldn't understand what you mean by "worth of the program," though; while I'm sure you have a reasonable rationale and explanation (it is an important decision, and I remember the stress of making it!), I'd suggest rephrasing, since as is, I would both be unable to answer it and, yes, be a bit miffed.
pinkrobot reacted to a post in a topic: Dealing with older professionals
pinkrobot reacted to a post in a topic: Dealing with older professionals
pinkrobot reacted to a post in a topic: Dealing with older professionals
pinkrobot reacted to a post in a topic: Dealing with older professionals
pinkrobot reacted to a post in a topic: Dealing with older professionals
pinkrobot reacted to a post in a topic: Application Consultants?
pinkrobot reacted to a post in a topic: The American Literature Pillow Fort
Yes, I really want to emphasize this. I applied twice; there were huge and concrete differences between my two applications for sure (a better statement, more focused research interests, a writing sample that fell in line with those research interests, a higher subject GRE, another conference), but please trust me when I say that luck, I believe, has a GREAT deal to do with things. The more I read about the job market, where things are even worse, the more I'm convinced of this; the difference between number of applicants and number of admits is just so stark that luck will invariably play a large role. ETA: I trimmed out the part of the quote that's about "prestigious" UG backgrounds. While I obviously don't know enough to definitively say that it's not true, I've seen all kinds of folks from all kinds of backgrounds, and, like the people reporting in later on this thread, there's really nothing I've heard more consensus on than the "undergraduate 'prestige' doesn't matter" line. So, I only meant to emphasize the luck and randomness part of ComeBackZinc's post.
ἠφανισμÎνος reacted to a post in a topic: Application Strategies and a Friendly Look at the Competition this year
Ladystardust, since you do ask, my take on your CV design, your matching writing sample, and your matching statement of purpose is that it is both unnecessary and, yes, may well come off as gimmicky. And while I understand your instinct to use professor's papers to rewrite your writing sample, I wonder if that wouldn't also come across similarly. If you do end up needing to reapply, I'd strongly recommend just plain old white paper with black (standard) font, and I recommend for your writing sample simply working on writing your best and most thoroughly-researched piece, and making sure it accurately reflects your interests. Just words on a page. Good luck! ETA: w/r/t your statement of purpose, I know others have already mentioned that more than one professor whose work interests you is a good idea, but I would also like to suggest avoiding much of what you describe here: Unless nursing school is relevant to your interests, I'd cut. I'd cut the quip about understanding people. I'd cut the love of literature and the "strengths and weaknesses." I received some helpful advice when I was applying: think about the statement of purpose as an articulation of academic growth, not personal growth. And then as for the school-specific paragraphs: you're definitely right to customize, but I'd cut remarks on moving to the area from where you live and remarks that are simply to show how much you know about the school. For the first half about yourself, I'd start with describing your honors thesis and move to your future research goals and questions; for the second half about the schools, I'd stick with faculty fit, research, etc.
Fall 2014 applicants??
pinkrobot replied to sugoionna's topic in Literature, and Rhetoric and Composition
Re: 1: Vomit and/or leak eye-juice all over everything, then buy cake. Re: 2: Vomit and/or leak eye-juice all over everything, then buy cake. #notthatidknow #hearditfromafriend No, but seriously: Best of luck to all of you! -
practical cat reacted to a post in a topic: Fall 2014 applicants??
smellybug reacted to a post in a topic: Michigan's SoP and Personal Statement--Anyone else having trouble?
ProfLorax reacted to a post in a topic: Fall 2014 applicants??
I did TERRIBLY with personal statements when I applied, so I'm not going to give any advice on the nitty-gritty. I had not the faintest idea what I was doing and was pretty tempted to send this: "MY BIO = -> -> -> ." (Pro tip: don't do that.) But after some time in my program (fairly typical of me to only be able to figure out what to do after it is required, which bodes well, I'm sure, for the future), and coming from a feminist theory perspective myself, I think you actually have solid ground on which to talk about your parents in a personal statement (not a statement of purpose, obviously), provided that you do it in an interesting and academically-relevant way. Destruction of the so-called division between the personal and the professional is well traversed ground in feminist theory, including very canonical feminist theory (the personal is the political and all that, and all the theorists who have quoted and built upon that slogan). So while I have no advice for the practicalities, I think it may help you to think of feminist theorists who have drawn on their personal lives (including their parents, whether by affirmation or by negation) as precedent for your document.
Fall 2014 applicants??
pinkrobot replied to sugoionna's topic in Literature, and Rhetoric and Composition
I'll echo proflorax. Please, no size 11 or any other assorted fiddlings. I've been there and trust me when I say I understand the frustration you're feeling (which never ends: I just sent in a long-shot conference abstract that's 250 words, and my guess is that it only gets worse!), but please also trust me when I say that everyone can tell something's been fiddled with. Also now speaking from the point-of-view of a TA, it's not just that folks can tell that something's different, but it's also that there are inevitably plenty of people who followed the guidelines to the letter: I can't help but wonder, every time, why this particular student felt entitled to go above the limits, or deserved more words than her or his classmates. It's a perfectly understandable reaction and temptation (I did it myself as a UG and during my first application cycle!), but I genuinely think it reads as entitled in some way, shape, or form, no matter what--the rules are both for the sanity of your readers and to make sure (as much as possible) that each applicant is playing with the same-sized deck of cards. For whether to send something longer than the limit, I'm really not sure. But I do think that sending something that is obviously longer would be better than sending something that tries to hide the fact that it is longer. -
I'm not familiar with the UCI program, but materiality's picking up a lot of steam now in a lot of different ways. Many people in my program (myself included!) are doing something along those lines. The relationship between that work and art history is more variable (some go that route, others don't--someone I know in my program is, whereas I'm not), but either way, especially with the print culture angle, I think you would not have trouble finding support. If you would like to know more about where I am, feel free to PM.
I actually don't recommend reusing, even if permitted. You mention a lot of changes you've made in your application, and I think you'd want the letters to show that growth. My recommenders wrote letters for universities I reapplied to; they were glad that I added many new programs, but they didn't seem to take issue with the schools I chose to try for again. If you sensed a tone change, you may want to ask them if they have any reservations about any of the schools on your lists.
Placement Rates
pinkrobot replied to semicolon2013's topic in Literature, and Rhetoric and Composition
Yes, in my experience, DGSes were happy to talk about placement. But I think something to consider is appropriate timing--in the case of these positive anecdotes (as well as my own experience), applicants ask these questions either during interviews or post-acceptance correspondence/visits. My two cents: I don't think applicants should be shy about asking questions that directly affect them, but I do think there are good times and bad times for those questions, and I am not entirely sure that "before you apply" is a good time. While I understand the desire to use this information for narrowing down your list, I might suggest that you work independently for now (I like Romanista's suggestion), and save Phil Sparrow's (really good) questions for a later stage. -
Hi there-- Reposting my previous message with no-logon-required links for the CHE forum threads (sorry about that!)-- "A Google search turns up a blog post by Ian Bogost (lit/sci prof, OOO studies at GA Tech) that might interest you: http://www.bogost.co...blication.shtml Two threads on the CHE forums may be of interest as well: http://chronicle.com/forums/index.php/topic,56653.0.html http://chronicle.com/forums/index.php/topic,90018.0.html Based on the above, I personally would not publish a chapter with this press, but YMMV, and beyond that I can't say much." (You mentioned in response to my post the editors of your book project are senior faculty members who you met via your thesis director. Yeah, those kinds of circumstances are why I said YMMV/I can't say much: I really don't know!)
A Google search turns up a blog post by Ian Bogost (lit/sci prof, OOO studies at GA Tech) that might interest you: http://www.bogost.com/blog/writeonly_publication.shtml Two threads on the CHE forums may be of interest as well: http://chronicle.com.proxy.library.emory.edu/forums/index.php/topic,90018.0.html http://chronicle.com.proxy.library.emory.edu/forums/index.php/topic,56653.0.html Based on the above, I personally would not publish a chapter with this press, but YMMV, and beyond that I can't say much.
Two Espressos reacted to a post in a topic: Cornell University joint MFA in Creative Writing Phd in English program
egwynn reacted to a post in a topic: Cornell University joint MFA in Creative Writing Phd in English program
1. The academic job market in the humanities is atrocious. Please, please Google this. Read everything that says "just don't go," "worst idea ever," "am on welfare," "didn't get a job," "am very depressed," "department in X at university Y was just cut," "enormous teaching loads," "no health insurance," "was discriminated against in A, B, and C awful ways," "am about to begin my 10th year in the program," etc., etc., etc. Rinse and repeat. 2. Cornell's join MFA/PhD accepts 2 people per year. It goes without saying that there are more than 2 outstanding, well published writers who apply. You will need to be accepted by the faculty of the MFA and the faculty of the PhD program. 3. For the MFA application: the writing sample will be the most important thing. Congratulations on your publications and your award! But please know that while they may well get your application a second look, the writing sample will be all that matters, and it will matter in intangible ways that you cannot anticipate. 4. For the PhD application: the writing sample will be the most important thing. Congratulations on your award and your great lit. grades! But please know that while they may well get your application a second look, the writing sample will be all that matters, and it will matter in intangible ways that you cannot anticipate. 5. As competitive as grad school applications are, job applications are (literally) several times as competitive, with numbers like 800-900 applicants for a single spot, many of whom graduate from highly ranked programs with excellent advisors, publications, conference presentations, fellowships, recommendations, teaching evaluations, and so on. (I'm terrified out of my gourd.) See #1. 6. If you read all of the articles recounting the misery and insecurity of the academic job market and still want to go, I would strongly suggest: speaking with your professors about your goals, widening your pool to programs that are _not_ joint MFA/PhD programs (and certainly widening your pool to more than just one program), and really, truly taking into account the fact that there is absolutely nothing you can do to ensure acceptance. Three things: (1) It is possible to continue writing creatively in a PhD program, although it takes a fair amount of dedicated effort and a program that is supportive (I'm doing this now: I write too, but I didn't apply to creative writing programs--if you're curious about how this is going, please feel welcome to PM); (2) Please note also that with the advent of creative writing PhD programs, the question of whether the MFA or the PhD is the terminal degree for creative writing positions seems a bit up in the air; (3) Other than the fact that you are good at and enjoy writing and reading, why do you want to go to grad school?
Speaking as someone who really likes a big, solid, tough challenge, and, as a result, can really understand why uni #1 is so tempting to you, even beyond the science: you may want to entertain the question of what on earth you will do if the big, solid, tough challenge becomes insurmountable. Or, to put it differently, if the challenge is not so much a challenge, but, as the other students have warned, a surefire disaster. You write that your decision is, "Partly due to the science, partly because if you get through this group, it proves you can take that much shit and still be standing." And I really do understand that--I think many fellow grad students would. But what if you're not left standing? In that previous question and this following one, I second TakeruK: do you have a Plan B at uni #1? I recommend searching through these forums for the word "advisor." Maybe also look for the same word in the Grad School subforum at the CHE forums. Things can get hairy, to put it mildly. The bottom line is: if you have an advisor who does not want you to graduate, you will not. Your advisor will continue to be someone spoken about with awe and Nobel Prize murmurings, but you will not be, and it might even come to pass that telling others that you work with this person, which once felt like such a huge coup, will start to feel like an albatross around your neck. At the end of the day, as you yourself write, you are looking to work in academia, and to do that, you're going to need to graduate with good work that has your name on it and an advisor who will recommend you for future positions. If you're still committed to uni #1, you may want to seriously consider moving from generalities ("abusive") to specifics (behaviors A, B, C, and D) and considering, concretely and dispassionately, how you would address them. Also, you may also want to speak with someone who did successfully make it in and out with the same advisor you're considering.