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Everything posted by galipettes

  1. Has anyone heard back from Boston College or know when they'll be sending out invites/decisions?
  2. Could you please PM me the info as well? Thanks!
  3. Has anyone heard back from UCD?
  4. I haven't heard back from UCD but I checked their program calendar (it's on their website). It says something about a recruitment day on 2/27...so I'm wondering if all the interview invitations have been extended.
  5. apart
  6. That reminds me of the common "so, you'll be a psychiatrist?" saying. For some reason, everyone seems to believe that a degree in psychology means "mind-reading" and therapy.
  7. I hear the "you're definitely going to get in somewhere" phrase all the time. It just stresses me out more! Then it's the, "don't worry, things will work out in the end" or "just get a job!" "what's the point of wasting 5 years of school? 4 years of undergrad was enough!" There's also that incessant commenting on how psychology is "useless"
  8. Darn. Do you think it'll be up on the ASF website before they send out the decisions via postal mail?
  9. To the person who put their rejection (UMD-college park) on the results survey, was it for clinical psychology?
  10. Who got the UMD Social Psych interview?? Who was your POI???
  11. Could the UCDavis poster please pm me your POI???
  12. Boston College, could you msg me your POI as well? Thanks!
  13. How did you find out? Did you call the dept? Also, do you mind sharing who your POI is via pm? Thanks!
  14. Has anyone heard back from UMaryland-College Park, Boston College, or UCDavis?
  15. Has anyone heard back from UCD or UMD?
  16. you should call the dept and find out if they'll still read your application.
  17. That happened to mine as well. I posted the most recent ones They see all the scores sent anyway, so just write down the most recent ones.
  18. Thank you! that was a really helpful response. I know that my quantitative scores really brought me down and the change in the test format took me off guard. Does it not matter that I have been a RA for 3 years & conducting my "own" research?
  19. well, it's too late to start applying to MA programs right now... My grades do show an upwards trajectory, so I'm hoping that they'll see the steady improvement? Honestly, I just did so poorly my freshman year but my other semesters, I have been on dean's list and such... i don't know.
  20. Sorry for posting one of these topics, but I was just feeling really discouraged and nervous. So here are my credentials- major: honors in Psychology minors: French, Environmental Policy my cumulative gpa: 3.198 (not including current semester's coursework) major gpa: 3.724 I took my GREs twice and did not do so well... I was above the 80th percentile for verbal and writing the first time around, 70th percentile the 2nd. My quantitative scores are horrendous... 30th &50th percentiles. I have research experience with 3 different labs, one cog sci, one developmental, and one person/soc psychology. I'm still doing research in the personality/social lab and doing an honors thesis right now. I feel like my grades are so sub par that I don't have a chance of getting in anywhere. I have corresponded with a few POIs but I'm not sure if that means anything. The schools I'm applying to, I know some are complete reaches but I don't know if they're all reach schools... Northwestern, Boston College, UMD-cp, Northeastern, UC Davis. All for a social/personality phd. I apologize in advance for my long post!
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