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    Comparative Literature

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  1. I will be at Yale University, Comparative Literature Department.
  2. Hey everyone! Do we all know where we are going next year? I will be turning down two offers (ucla-comp lit and columbia- english MA) I hope my decision will make some of you happy.
  3. Hey guys, I've already said yes to a department but am still waitlisted at yale and just figured out that I was one of the two people waitlisted there (for comp lit) I really really like my current choice but would still like to know whether yale could be an option. Is there anyone who got in but planning not to go?
  4. yes i am but i think some acceptances are already out, so I lowered my expectations. i went to harvard as an undergrad and took two courses from peter burgard. he is intense but a great professor as well.
  5. Hey vertige, did you get into harvard comp lit or german?
  6. Yes I currently live in istanbul but I went to college in the US. I e-mailed stanford last week, still no news... and it is one of the last two schools that I'm waiting to hear from.. are you considering indiana ( is it bloomington?) my former thesis advisor is now a professor there. It is a very strong comp lit program as far as I know.
  7. I heard from UCLA last week. (so late because they were waiting to put together my financial package- i am an international) Prof. Kristal told me that all acceptances were out a few weeks ago. However, I think I am leaning towards NYU so people waitlisted for UCLA might want to keep their hopes up.
  8. Hey guys, is there anyone who is accepted to Stanford Comp Lit? I still haven't heard from them and debating whether I should e-mail or call..
  9. Just curious... Was anyone rejected by Stanford?
  10. I totally agree with TripWillis about making other people stressed and angry. I don't think one needs to announce all the schools that he/she gets in except for writing them on the board. And when the decision time comes, we can all discuss and give advice to each other under a separate forum title. That being said, so far I've heard from only three schools (one acceptance, two rejections) and I almost wish that I am only accepted to that school in order to avoid the painful decision process (which might as well be the case at this point since most of the other schools I've applied o sent our acceptances)
  11. I'm pretty sure they will notify soon. I did my undergrad at the comp lit department there and they notified last year's applicants during the last week of february (that was when I was finishing up my senior thesis; sweet memories...)
  12. Hey guys, Did a lot of people receive offers from UCLA and/or Stanford over the past few days? Those are the only west coast schools that I've applied to and I'd like to know if my chances are extremely low at this point..
  13. As a harvard graduate (no matter how much I loved and enjoyed all those places around the square) I have to say that Boston winters suck; especially if you are coming from a warm place..
  14. @ vordhosbntwin: oops, I was trying to edit my thing but it ended up being deleted.. sorry for that. A friend of mine received her stanford acceptance (last year) three weeks after someone posted his/her acceptance on the board. I think they do rounds of application reviewing.
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