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the lee

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  • Location
    Chicago, IL
  • Program
    PhD in Information or Sociology

the lee's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. @ericpanzer how's #zab looking for Harold way?
  2. @ConsumerReports Nice new site, but I just landed on a page with *no* way to sign in, just "subscribe"! C'mon!
  3. Here I am at another local Berkeley politics issue: design review committee for a high-rise hotel and an apartment building near me
  4. good to know *prepares rejection letter*
  5. in contrast to what other people are saying, http://www.swarthmor...gradschool.html (i highly recommend you read that. it's geared towards a humanity majors audience, but parts of it are 100% applicable to you in this situation). especially mjj58, i don't think s/he has had self-doubt, which makes his/her opinion much less valuable to you. namely, "trying it out" could be very psychologically costly for you. i am doing a MA right now and looking at PhD offers, and the line "Independently evaluating academic life from within its confines is a near-impossibility" speaks volumes of truth to me right now. i'm going through the same thing as you (if in slightly different fields), and honestly i'm beginning to feel if i have doubts now, i'm either going to collapse in the midst of comps OR i'm going to have PTSD when I try to leave OR i'm going to hate to my life. of course, again the audience of that original article was humanities majors. so potentially there's less of an opportunity cost if you're doing biophysics. myself, i'm thinking of going into a social science, but my work and passion has been computer engineering/programming, so there's a _very_ significant opportunity cost to a phd in social science if i want to change paths afterwards. also: if you don't have passion now, you may never see the other side. you have to go in with a passion, or so tells me every tenured professor i've ever spoken with, because you have to be willing to do what you are studying through thick and thin.
  6. So it looks like UC Davis has been notifying everyone. Just want to know simply if in your e-letter your department explicitly laid out your funding (stipend numbers, etc). I didn't get anything specific (compared to other acceptances), and it would strike me as very odd if I managed to get into UC Davis in this field but not get funding, as I was under the impression Davis funded people it accepted into the department (sociology). On the other hand, if I actually didn't get any funding, it makes my decision _really_ easy to make.
  7. yeah, no, all i got was an electronic letter with broken links in it (swell!)
  8. as a vegetarian for so many years, i'm going to treat myself to a steak. it will be amazing.
  9. hey a potential cohort! my plan is to not email them until one of my other schools gets back to me (they should come to a decision within a couple weeks, if their website is to be believed). at least that way i have a bit more ammo (mentally) if they don't have a crazy early deadline, since otherwise i just have that resolution.
  10. sounds like the biggest, most common issue basically boils down to: a) do you have a lot of Facebook friends who are also doing applications? are you in direct competition (i.e. same schools)? if you answered YES to both of those, then possibly a tactful comment is preferable to "ZOMG I GOT IN"
  11. if it weren't for sociology/information, i'd give econ another try. then again... it takes all my effort to focus my eyes every time i see the word "eigenvector"
  12. i did this for a while for some extra money (mainly for poker) in my undergrad. as far as i can tell, standard tends to be an incentive of 100 bucks for the first 2 weeks, then 20 bucks/session after. definitely not money you can live off. plus, do you really want to spend 1-2 hours twice a week around predominantly homeless people who are there because they literally have no other option than to sell their bodily fluids? of course, this was all in chicago, so YMMV and maybe you will be surrounded by happy, cheery people.
  13. Hmmmmmm! Thanks for the link to that resolution. I'm going to have to email the department and see what's what. Some schools I did STS-y soc programs, but for UMD I did their school of information. Nice profile pic of Goffman btw (is it too nerdy that I recognized him off the bat?). Oy. This'll be fun
  14. so first, YAY i got accepted into maryland-collage park's phd program, which was in the middle of my preferred schools list (so not having to settle or anything like that). but second, what? that was awfully fast. and now that i'm reading the acceptance letter, i have to let them know of my decision by march 1st. that sounds awfully early, and i'm... vaguely suspicious about this as a deliberate strategy on maryland's part: my top choice schools won't let me know of my status until march/april. so uh... what can I do in this situation? ask maryland to give me a longer deadline? ask the other schools to hurry up?
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