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About stephanie.ms.antunes

  • Birthday 05/29/1989

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  • Location
    Ontario, Canada
  • Program
    Master's of Social Work (MSW)

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  1. I recently received an e-mail from someone who is applying to their MSW program and I shared this with her. I thought I would share my story with you all, no matter what program you may be applying to and explain what I have learned from it... I applied to York, UofT and Laurier and it was very stressful, I'm not going to lie. It is a very competitive program and I was very worried about not getting in. By end of April I had been rejected at Laurier and York and Waitlisted at UofT. I waited ALL summer to hear from UofT, but I stayed in constant communication with them. About once a month I would ask a question, send an updated resume, and let them know I was very interested in the program still. Around the end of August/beginning of September I realized I needed a back up plan. I applied to a local University for part time social work classes to hopefully try and fast track into the BSW program. I decided to give UofT one last e-mail to let them know that I was still interested and that if anyone decided to resign from the program that I would be available to move last minute. I am pretty sure that e-mail was my saving grace because about 2 days before the program started they had contacted me and one other girl and offered us a position in the program! It was a long wait...and I barely made it, but it happened! The advice I will give you from what I have learned is: - Don't give up. Keep in constant contact with them, send an updated resume from a summer job or volunteer and make sure you stand out. Especially if you are wait listed. - Have a back up plan in mind. One of the hardest things about being rejected is wondering what will become of your future, and what you will do with your life. Have a back up plan in mind that you will be happy with and feel good about! - Try and distract yourself. Waiting is extremely hard, especially when it's the rest of your life. I know it's easier said than done, but you need to make sure you take your mind off of it now and then and just relax! Things will work out eventually if you want it badly enough. At the very worst, you take some classes, put in more volunteer hours and apply again next year!
  2. I got in! I got in! 2 days before I need to be there...but I got in!

    1. MSW13


      You got accepted off of the waitlist??! CONGRATULATIONS, that is fantastic! Enjoy!

    2. psychdork



    3. stephanie.ms.antunes


      Thank you so much! It was a long and painful wait...but I am so unbelievably excited! :)

  3. To All Those on the UofT Waitlist, this is a message that I received from Angela today: "Thank you for your message. In terms of the Wait-List, there has been very little movement. At this time your status has not changed, and we have no way of predicting your chances of admission. The Wait-List is kept open until early September. If there is no change in your status, you will be notified by mid-September that we have closed the Wait-List. In terms of options, I would encourage all applicants to think about employment opportunities and/or consider other academic programs. Should you have an offer of admission from another university program, you may want to consider accepting the position." Not looking good!
  4. Hey guys! I was waitlisted at UofT for their MSW program (2 year). I have a back up plan and everything but I still have that teeny tiny gleam of hope in the back of my mind. The waitlist closes on Sept 7th, and the Admissions coordinator is back from holidays on Aug 22nd. Which means that between Aug 22nd and Sept 7th there is an opportunity for the waitlist to move. Does anyone have any idea what the chances are of being accepted this late in the game? Of how many students drop out? Does anyone have an experience of being accepted this late? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
  5. I agree! This year I plan on working for a women's shelter and I'm taking social work courses at another school. Still, if I somehow miraculously come off of the waitlist this year it wouldn't be the end of the world
  6. If anyone has any updates, thoughts or feelings to share feel free!
  7. Does anyone know any information about the UofT Waitlist or how it works? Or what the chances of getting off it are this late in the game? I'm really not sure how high to set my hopes right now.
  8. Thank you so much again! You have no idea how much this helps me! Not only with deciding on what to do this year, but also emotionally...knowing that I am not the only one who has gone through this.
  9. Looking for some advice: So things are looking pretty crappy for me this year in regards to getting into my MSW. I have two "Plan Bs" for this year to help me try and apply for next year. Option 1: Do part-time studies and take social work classes to try and get my marks up (My average right now is 79) Option 2: Work in a hospital as a nurse's aid to make some money and gain some medical experience (I would like to enter medical social work; I currently have a lot of experience with children, special needs and working with other cultures). Any advice would really be appreciated!
  10. Heard from York University today via My File. Status: Reviewed-unsuccessful. In a weird way, it's kind of nice to know I am not the only one going through this right now. I am currently hanging on by a thread on UofT's waiting list...it's been a rough ride!
  11. Feels her dreams are coming crashing down...Applying to grad schools is rough.

    1. screamorange


      its ok, keep going at it...im sure ull be fine! :)

    2. Dal PhDer

      Dal PhDer

      Good things aren't always easy! Have faith- you can do it!

  12. It's very frustrating! I really do not want to reapply again next year and I really want to do my MSW this year. Fingers crossed for all of us still on waiting lists!
  13. Thank you so much! This actually made me feel a lot better! I am willing to wait as long as they need me to, I just really want to get off that wait list! Thanks for the information!
  14. Does anyone know the chances of getting off the wait list at either UofT or York?? Or at least how many people are wait listed?? I am trying not to get my hopes up, but I really really want to do my MSW this year! PS: What are everyone's plan Bs??
  15. Still nothing from UofT or York! Hoping to hear from UofT this week!
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