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Everything posted by dazedandbemused

  1. I finally got the last of my Dec. 15 stuff in the mail. Phew. It kinda feels like sending a child into the world to fend for itself.
  2. That makes me sad. I haven't watched any of Buffy (just couldn't get into it) but I loved Angel back in the day. However, I would take a bullet for Malcolm Reynolds, no questions asked.
  3. I can't wait for winter break! I set aside an entire week of alone time to spend reading fun things and playing Skyrim (I'm a hardcore introvert). I'm hoping this will keep my mind off of my applications and what I could have done differently and whether someone's reading my application RIGHT THIS INSTANT and...and...and..... Yeah, I'm sure the plan will be super successful.
  4. I'm seriously about to have words with UVA about their writing sample requirement. Why couldn't they just ask for 15-30 pages like a reasonable person? With my primary sample clocking in at 22 pages, I'm going to have to make it shorter and find another 5 page paper somewhere. Plus it has to be mailed? Yeesh.
  5. I'm with you. I did my undergrad at a very tiny University in Michigan and I quickly became a fan. In fact, I really wouldn't mind going back there, (*prayer to the University of Michigan adcomm gods*) even with the horrendous lake-effect snow.
  6. As I recall, the "New Haven is a shit-hole" comment was someone quoting a professor of theirs, not stating their opinion. Also, it was in the context of places that we've all heard of as being less than welcoming. The problem isn't that you said Buffalo is ugly; it's that it added nothing to the current discussion, isn't about the program at all, and basically reads like an attempt to start yet another argument. I've also heard that Buffalo is ugly, but I, and many others here, haven't let that deter me from applying. And like every location, it has some amazing things about it, their PhD program not withstanding.
  7. Hey, I'll take any encouragement I can get! But seriously, thanks for the anecdote; its easy to forget that in many ways the little things might not matter, even if they REALLY matter to me.
  8. I didn't have any trouble, but I submitted on Sunday as well. Are you getting an error message, or is the website just not loading in some way?
  9. Same here! Honestly, when I read my SOP from last year, I cringe a little bit, but I still made it onto three waitlists. My writing sample has been edited quite a bit and I've really managed to reorient myself as a future scholar, so I'm hoping beyond hope that this year will be my year.
  10. As far as I can tell they're just using the terms interchangeably. I'm just going with the standard SOP because the website says "750 to 1000 words giving the applicant’s academic and intellectual biography and the reason for seeking the degree for which application has been made". Pretty sure they definitely aren't asking for two different documents though.
  11. Well, I was given a few different reasons, including the ones mentioned by rems. One professor said that reading an SOP that you love can be kinda ruined at the end by a name that's either not popular or not on the committee, and you have to make it easy for the person reading your app to fight for you in discussion. Also, that the people might be leaving or not taking on grad students. The one that I thought was most convincing was that you might mention two or three people who everyone on the committee knows would never be caught alone in the same room together, let alone on the same dissertation committee. The thing is, I don't know if I should base my future on stuff that's so completely iffy as all of these reasons.
  12. That basically sums up my opinion of Libba Bray's entire output. Ah, the teenage memories.
  13. Hey guys, I'm wondering how you all feel about putting names of potential advisors in your fit paragraph. I had always been under the impression that it was basically necessary, but the DGS where I'm currently attending and a variety of people who've been or are on adcomms have told me that it was absolutely a terrible idea. I'm not ignoring the fact that they obviously know better than I do, but I can't shake the feeling in the back of my mind that I'm dooming myself to across the board rejections. Anyone heard similar advice?
  14. Wow, I wish I had known about those changes at CUNY. But considering that I already have eight apps due on the 15th, there's just no way I'd be able to pull it off.
  15. Ugh, I have to stop feeding you, dude. Not becoming the next mega superstar does not mean being mediocre. Some people become professors because they care deeply about undergraduate advising and inspiring intellectual growth. Some people do it because they love their research and want a job that will give them the opportunity and resources to continue. Some want to be graduate advisors and create the next generation of amazing professors. And some want to be a combination of all of those and more. I went to a small school in the middle of nowhere and none of my teachers were superstars, but you know what? They were amazing anyway. To call all of those people's present and future careers mediocre is just rude and small-minded.
  16. I am aware of that. But I was responding to what sounded like a kinda elitist attitude about R1 institutions as the only place where PhDs can be happy.
  17. I think the problem here is that you're completely misunderstanding the meaning of "fit". For English applicants, at least those who are entering with a bachelors and not an M.A., fit doesn't mean "I chose this school because random professor is doing research on the emotional resonance of Julian of Norwich and that's what I'm writing my dissertation on". More often it means that they see themselves, for example, as someone invested in cultural studies and therefore choose not to apply to more formalist departments, or they would rather study Literature thematically and therefore chose a school that doesn't focus heavily on individualized time periods. So yeah, for a lot of us that means that the top 20 isn't really something we're interested in. Also, some of us, though it may be hard to believe, aren't in this to become the next super megastar. Being a professor at a SLAC is just as legitimate of a dream.
  18. Sounds like me, except I'm submerging myself in Uncharted and drowning my panic in Riesling.
  19. Is this common on a lot of your applications? It seems weirdly intrusive to me. The closest thing I've seen to that is when they ask whether my attendance is dependent on funding. To which I reply, "yes, please."
  20. Hey, if anyone's around I could use some SOP advice. I'm in the process of finalizing my first app, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to say that I would chop off my own foot for an acceptance to this school without sounding like a sycophantic lunatic. Thoughts?
  21. I believed the exact same thing, but speaking to a few members of the Adcom here at my school, they all advised me not to mention specific names. Fit can be established through interests in the university's resources and in showing an understanding of the department's culture. I know, it sounds impossible and highly risky, but all of them have told me that naming people rarely helps apps here.
  22. I can't really speak to research opportunities outside of the campus because my research doesn't have to do with film, sorry. The atmosphere though, is amazing. Everyone here is really friendly and eager to be helpful, and there is definitely a feeling that grad students aren't just underlings to the faculty. The people that I know who are already writing dissertations really seem to have close relationships with their advisors and committee members. Honestly, I was really surprised by how fun and friendly everyone has been here so far. There's always something going on in the department whether it's Wednesday film club or Grad student and faculty parties. The city is great for someone who likes to have a lot of things to do, but isn't really looking for a hardcore, New York-style city. Also, lots of free alcohol if that's your thing
  23. I would agree with your POI; mentioning Literature probably isn't necessary. The Film studies program is an integrated part of the English department because the English department isn't solely concerned with literature; the Literature track is totally separate and the people I know here who do film only take literature classes as suits their fancy. Hope this helps!
  24. Damn rems, you beat me by a millisecond!
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