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Everything posted by dazedandbemused

  1. Wow, awesome. I haven't heard a thing yet, but we'll see. I see two Vanderbilt acceptances on the board; anyone want to claim the other one?
  2. Oh man, that's so exciting! I was quietly but steadily rooting hard for you.
  3. No kidding! I'll be really sad if I make it through the next week without any communication whatsoever; now that it's February, my nerves are doing double-time.
  4. patientagony, do you know if all of the acceptances have gone out for Urbana-Champaign? I only saw one on the results board, which I'm assuming is yours. Also, congrats on two great acceptances already!
  5. I guess I just figured an obvious "hell no" cutoff would be GPA and GRE scores. The only reason I can think of that they might still be considering me is that someone from my program went there last year; survival by association? ETA: New theory. It's cuz I'm black.
  6. I still don't have anything either, and I also feel like there must be some kind of mistake, as all of the rejected people on the results board have much better numbers than me.
  7. I'm inclined to see this as just the first cutoff with many more to come. I only say this since they get such a ridiculous number of apps with it being free. Oh, and I'm a D so I don't know how alphabetical this could possibly be.
  8. I'm amazed; as soon as I saw the bloodbath from Vanderbilt I checked my email. Nothing yet, but I'm not gonna get excited.
  9. Ha, I know! And the music feels like being in a sensory torture chamber. But at least the terror temporarily displaces the anxiety?
  10. I don't know how relaxing or encouraging this is, but the terror of running from Foucault really increases your adrenaline! http://heylookatmygames.com/ohno/
  11. I really hope you get it. Fingers Crossed! Personally, I will be working with Chris and Martin Kratt following our bouncing friend, Zaboomafoo.
  12. Oh hell no. I'm gonna creep along the wall in my bedroom yelling "I'm free! I'm free! The wallpaper couldn't hold me in forever!"
  13. Well, looks like nothing today. If I don't hear something tomorrow, I think I might lose it.
  14. I wish I had info on the Film Studies people, but as far as I'm aware, she was only talking about the Lit people. As for POIs, I have no idea; I got a personal email from her last year because they were offering me admission to a different program, but I don't know by which method positive decisions will be rolling out this year.
  15. If it helps anyone's anxiety, I spoke to the DGS at Pitt yesterday and she said we'll most likely be hearing on or right before Feb. 15.
  16. Looks like my friend got her acceptance letter! I feel like everyone's heard something now, except me. This radio silence is killing me.
  17. Wow congrats to all the Madison admits! I didn't apply, but a friend did so I'm still holding out hope for her. As for the conversation, I think I'd fall directly in the middle of most of what people have said. I'm always happy for my fellow applicants because I know how difficult this is for all of us. At the same time, if I found out that I was one admit away from acceptance (which did happen to me last year) and I internet knew some who were in the group who "took" my admit, I'd be pretty bitter. I wouldn't blame them, and deep down I'd know it's my fault for a less than amazing application, but I'd still be bitter. In the end, I think it has to do with how much you know about your rejection; if I didn't know how close I had gotten, I wouldn't have to be upset and I could just be altruistically happy for everyone else.
  18. I applied to UF, but only to the MA program. I figured, if necessary I can live in Florida for two years; five+? Not gonna happen.
  19. I don't know if I'd be kicked back and relaxed, but I certainly wouldn't be refreshing my status pages! I'm not even doing that now And I'm expecting to start hearing by the end of this week/beginning of next.
  20. Mine has said not received at the bottom for awhile now, but I just assumed that it meant a fourth optional letter. All three of the ones that I had sent are marked received.
  21. Oh man, it's really happening! Since January started, I've been telling myself not to freak out because I'd be unlikely to hear anything until February. Only as I look at my calendar today do I realize: February is this week. Holy shit.
  22. Such amazing news! I only hope I hear good news soon; Buffalo is one of my favorites. Fingers crossed for next week!
  23. I wasn't worried about it at first and I'm only worried now because being below the cutoff for university fellowships at Buffalo just seems like it would hurt my application as a whole. I don't think it's a problem because of what it may say about my abilities, though.
  24. Wait, are you accepted? My total score isn't the part that worries me; it's the Analytical Writing that has me worried. I got a really dismal 4 and the cutoff is 4.5 or something.
  25. Oh, I don't know whether you can call it stimulating. Just pervasive.
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