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Everything posted by dazedandbemused

  1. I just saw that. That sucks; I'm sorry. It seems strangely early though and I'm surprised no one else has heard yet.
  2. This is very true. Although when I received this email I suddenly had a horrible vision of myself, two months from now, surrounded by twelve waitlists and nothing else. The horror!
  3. I'd probably be more willing to take it seriously if they didn't make it very clear that my chances are very slim. Apparently the heirarchy is accepted people, then alternate list, then waitlist. Basically, it sounds like the waitlist is their idea of a consolation prize. It's kind of crazy how many applicants there were though; the email said they got 350 applications for 7 spots.
  4. Guys, the radio silence is over! I FINALLY heard from Vanderbilt; looks like I've been waitlisted.
  5. Yeah, you missed this conversation a few months ago. It seems a lot of people have heard that Chicago is ridiculously competitive and cutthroat. My advisor told me it was "a den of vipers". Then again, there are other people who said their experience with Chicago was nothing like that, so I would take that kind of stuff with a grain of salt.
  6. Yes! I keep hearing this from past applicants. Apparently people would say they'd gotten in to all kinds of places, yet never ended up at any of them and were never heard from again. I can't imagine what would induce someone to do such craziness though.
  7. Pitt should be out by the end of next week for certain...or so I've been told.
  8. Just to add my two cents, a friend of mine also applied to the joint English/Ed. program and I know that it's mainly geared toward people who are interested in working in writing programs, as well as people who already have a masters degree and are perhaps older and more experienced than the average applicant right out of undergrad. As for their placements, they seem to mostly be working in English departments, so I wouldn't worry about being stuck in a communications or education department if you didn't want to be.
  9. Whoops, nevermind. I must not have been paying attention to the years there. I'm only hoping for Buffalo because I was waitlisted last year; it would be too depressing to not even get that a year later with better materials.
  10. I'm still holding on to a tiny flame of Buffalo waitlist hope, but I'm 99% sure Vanderbilt ain't happening. From last year, it looks like they sent out a crap-ton of rejections, then their acceptances, then a crap-ton more rejections.
  11. Ditto. Nothing from Vanderbilt, nothing from Buffalo...just complete and utter radio silence.
  12. I think it sounds amazing, but I'm a huge fan of people taking pop culture seriously. Do it!
  13. I will just say this: I cried for the last 40 pages of The Fault in Our Stars and I am not a crier. I gave it to my department chair to read, and when he gave it back he looked, and sounded, like he had recently had a good cry too. Read at your own peril because that book might chew you up and spit you out. But I still loved it.
  14. Nerdfighters are the super awesome fans of John Green and his brother Hank. They've been doing a series on YouTube since 2007 (the vlogbrothers) and they're basically amazing. Hank is actually the producer of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. If you haven't watched them yet, you need to. All of you.
  15. Dammit, nobody told me about the rum! But seriously, I feel so stressed that all I want to do is spend my weekend getting massively drunk, which I've never done before. All I can hope is that my drunkenness will be the appropriate gift to lay at the feet of the admissions gods and they will have no choice but to let me in.
  16. I know, right? I kept checking my email in the hopes that it was just a little bit behind. Alas! Now I'm just hoping for a waitlist But congratulations to everyone else! I'm super excited for you. And I can't believe so many of the 10 acceptances are on gradcafe.
  17. YES!! Anyone who reads John Green is a friend of mine. Are you a fully assimilated nerdfighter, or just a fan of the books? I'm on a YA lit kick myself, but I've been reading a lot of self-published stuff lately. I'm actually kind of amazed how good some of this stuff is.
  18. Same. As I look at other people's lists I'm starting to think that I might have grossly overestimated my chances.
  19. Yeah, the crazy will definitely be held under control until AT LEAST the 15th.
  20. Yes! I was doing fine, but then the 1st passed and it was like the anxiety/stress switch inside of me was turned to maximum capacity. Also, yes. I haven't heard so much as a whisper. It's kind of unnerving.
  21. Well, now I'm worried. On the tails of the Michigan admit, I thought I'd check out my application status and it's listing one of my recommendations as missing. Weird thing is, the status page on applyweb has it listed just fine, but the Wolverine status page apparently disagrees. Blerg.
  22. There don't seem to be any English and Education results on the board from last year, but it looks like Michigan consistently sends out acceptances in the second and third week of February, so between the 10th and 20th. I have a friend who applied for the English/Ed program though, so that post definitely raised my hopes for her getting news soon.
  23. Seriously! I really had my hopes up for Buffalo, but they are steadily circling the drain...
  24. Few things make a silent Monday worse than finding out that a first-time applicant from your undergrad institution has already been accepted somewhere.
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