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About Abetheh

  • Birthday 05/03/1990

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    German-Catholic emigration, nineteenth century Catholicism, migration and diaspora communities
  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
  • Program
    PhD in History

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  1. Be reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeealy careful with York's funding offer. They're switching up how funding works, and it's not been pretty for us current York grad students. They have the "Fellowship Model" where they seem to be offering you free money to not work a research assistant job or TA job in your first year. But, as Ackbar said, it's a trap. York's funding offers all used to be predicated on the successful applicant getting a unionized job with CUPE 3903. Which means that you would also have access to a great health plan, and other very significant supports and protections as a graduate student and a worker. For MA students, this was a research job for one year For PhD students, this was a TAing job in the first year that woud be automatically renewed for five more years after the first year. (It's called the priority pool, and it's a very important part of the TAs' collective agreement through CUPE 3903.) The "Fellowship model" is designed to keep you out of the union. So, while the money value of the fellowship may be the same, you lose out on a lot of the benefits that you would have had otherwise. For MAs who would have had research jobs, you are just offered the fellowship, and may not get a research job at all. (And none of the ancillary benefits and protections of being in the union.) For TAs, if you do not get that first year TA job and just accept the fellowship money with no work, York has ABSOLUTELY NO OBLIGATION TO GIVE YOU WORK, OR GIVE YOU FUNDING EVER AGAIN AFTER THAT FIRST YEAR! The only reason we have a guaranteed funding package of six years at York as PhD students is because we get that first TA job in PhD1 and our collective agreement ensures that, once we have that job, we have five more years of TA work. If you take funding without a TA job in your first year, you are not covered under the collective agreement and York does not legally have to give you a penny more from PhD 2 onwards. I realize this is a lot of jargon, and it might be hard to follow if you're not immersed in the current round of collective bargaining/strike action happening at York right now. Feel free to PM me and ask about this stuff if you like. Good luck!
  2. So, I've been lurking for a while, not saying much (read: anything). My status is funded, and I need to submit the declaration of acceptance. But I haven't had an email or letter from DAAD. I don't know where I can find the declaration, so I can fill it out and upload it. Anyone know what I should be doing? Thanks in advance!
  3. Accepted at York University in Toronto a month and a half ago. And now that the strike is over, I've accepted the offer! Feels great to be in a program after two cycles of nothing.
  4. Kleio_77, First, thanks for the good wishes! And I hope you get into your departments of choice! As to funding in Ontario for MAs, it very much depends where you are applying. At York, you get a research assistantship that is good for one year. Your name is also automatically entered to, perhaps, get a (non-renewable) Graduate Entrance Scholarship which can range from 4-10 thousand. The University of Toronto notoriously, does not fund its humanities MA students. In the rest of the province, funding depends on the school, Some programs have great funding packages for MA students. Others don't. Every program will have information on their websites, which I advise you to look up. I am also fairly certain that the tuition rate is the same for all Canadian citizens. There is also, of course, the possibilty of winning an OGS or SSHRC MA scholarship. But this should not be counted on. And thus ends my knowedge of MA funding in Ontario.
  5. I've applied to YorkU. Already did my other degrees there. (I know, I know... Don't do all your degrees in one place. But I like my supervisors.) Eagerly awaiting further opportunities to be "Yorked" by the administration. Also, I'm looking to study nineteenth-century German emigration to North America and stuff like that.
  6. I applied to UofT for this cycle. I'm also almost done my MA at York. Kudos to episkey for starting the Canadian application thread!
  7. I did, but I posted it well after the interview actually happened.
  8. Ditto for me. I had an interview with my POI at NYU on Jan 20th. I haven't heard anything since then, either positive or negative, about admissions. So any information would be nice.
  9. I'm responding a bit late in the game for this year's application cycle, but I thought I'd pass along what I know/think. The University of Toronto has a lot of great Germanists to work with, and they have Russel Kazal who has written about Germans in Philadelphia. (Becoming Old Stock: The Paradox of German-American Identity). UofT also have a couple of people who work on Irish immigration to and identity in North America. While the Irish side of things is not directly related to your project, I've found that comparative study of Irish and German immigrants to North America is very useful. Another excellent study of German emigration is Walter Kamphoefner's The Westphalians: From Germany to Missouri. Hope this is of some use to you. Good luck!
  10. Nope. I'm 0/5 on 2013 applications and only have two more schools to hear from, so the pessimist in me is starting to think about the next application cycle. I guess you can never start planning too early.
  11. I'm still waiting for the University of Toronto to finally reject me. I'm also waiting for any kind of information to make its way out of the University of Missouri-Columbia.
  12. This will be a little bit out of left field, but does anyone have any insight into what's going with admissions at U Missouri-Columbia? There's been absolutely nothing up on the results board either way.
  13. Ah well, it was worth a shot.
  14. Does anyone have any info on when Emory is making/made decisions?
  15. Ah well. Congrats on Oklahoma though!
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