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Everything posted by DarwinAG

  1. I don't think the reaction would have been the same if there was a male-specific confound. But that's just my personal speculation. It really was just a suggestion on the statistical analysis side. The rooms reaction was very unexpected. Since "cortisol" was used as an index of stress, I thought they were under the impression I was suggesting the "confound" was symptoms of "premenstrual syndrome", which is something that did not really occur to me. I was really just making the comment from my cursory knowledge of endocronology.
  2. From what I can gather, the issue of polarizing "gender differences" came up. As I was explaining myself to one female peer, she immediately replied with a defensive "I have cortisol too." Additionally, she proceeded to explain to me how difficult it is for women because they are "perceived" differently their menstrual cycle and how this is sort of a "sensitive" topic to be brought up, even in the context of a scientific talk.
  3. I'd also like to point out that I prefaced my comment with "I am not sure if you will still have enough power to run your analysis after dropping half the sample."
  4. There seems to be a plethora of unwritten rules in academia that is often difficult to navigate for new researchers. I encountered one today, and I am still not sure if I understand the situation properly. A professor was giving a job talk presentation and undergraduate researchers were encouraged to attend. In one study, she described that she collected saliva samples from 50 males and 50 females to determine if there are any changes in diurnal cortisol patterns as a function of perceived discrimination. Her data did not yield significant results. Another professor pointed out that the menstrual cycle in women may affect cortisol levels and that no data was provided regarding the last time the females had their period, which is a potential confound. I thought it was a valid point and proceeded with the questionthat "If you do not have the data from their last period, and it can affect cortisol levels, why not drop the women from analysis since data may add noise?" My question had mixed results. Some laughed (although I now think they were laughing at the idiocy of my question) and some professors had an adverse reaction that I would ask something like that. I suggested this to address the methodological flaw in the study, but it appeared that I brought up "other" issues in terms of women in research and women participating in research. I was completely unaware that my offhand comment on how to address a methodological flaw in the study would be perceived as antagonistic. I am still not sure if I understand what happened, and I'd love to hear people's insight. I obviously do not want to offend anyone with my questions, so I will be more careful next time.
  5. I agree with Liz. You should just send them all the same information unless specified. One of my professors told me to list down all of the things I've done in his lab.
  6. I contacted the professors that I had encouraging interactions with to let them know. At the very leasy, youre stored in orospective memory when they go through applications.
  7. Definitely scared I won't get in anywhere. But I the stress of finishing apps trumps most of that. I guess that is one of the benefits of my due dates extending from November all the way to January. I dont really have time to focus on the nervousness. Attentional distraction is nice.
  8. Just to elaborate. If you read her latest published chapter on her website she is actually doing a lot of molecular research regarding positive emotional experiences. Just visit the PEP lab website. Did you apply with Dr. Cunningham at University of Toronto? He's doing fascinating work.
  9. I applied to social areas mostly. Btw Fredrickson is moving to testing her theory in the field of genomics. Its pretty fascinatig stuff. Additionally, Lindquist is doing excellent research on the antecedents of emotional experiences.
  10. That's wonderful moralreseracher. Do you mind sharing what Master program you're in and what school you received invitations from? Notre Dame have started sending out invitations for their Interview days in February.
  11. Hey Jvcxk. Looks like you, sing, and I are all applying to similar programs. I presume you're applying to UNC as well. Your research interest is well matched with Dr. Fredrickson. Especially in terms of where her research program is moving in the next 5 years.
  12. I just realized I did not answer the question. I spoke to my advisor, and he said if he thinks I can get in a Ph.D. program next year, he would just want me to hang out, find work, and continue conducting research. Otherwise, I will certainly consider terminal masters program.
  13. Those are very good programs. I am applying to most of those places. PM! Let's chat and exchange stories.
  14. Lack of research experience is going to hurt you. Especially since your scores cant off set that. I would ask one of your advisors to tell you what your chances are.
  15. CV is meant to show your professional side. I would avoid it. It's irrelevant. Yes hobbies are important. yes you will be working with these people for the next 4-5 years, which gives them an opportunity to get to know you on a social level. The CV is not the place for that.
  16. Tolman's Rat! I'd love to chat and connect about applications. I think talking about this stuff really helps with the process. It's such a nice way to meet future colleagues as well.
  17. Depends on what the program emphasizes. There are schools that highly emphasize quant scores, so I may go in sending those. But that's actually a really high verbal score. I say for most places go with the new scores. It's just higher scores altogether.
  18. Ahh. She was listed as not taking students, so I didnt contact her. Good luck!
  19. Wow nice. Me too. I have not appleid to cog-neuroscience programs though. I hear Dr. Tor Wager is amazing in Boulder. I assume you're applying with Ocshner, Gross, Mauss, Levenson, Davidson, Kross, McRae? All excellent choices. I looked at Davidson's lab, but I don't have the background that he requires.
  20. I would love to chat witha potential colleague. PM me?
  21. That's wonderful Boris. Looks like we're applying to the same programs! Hopefully we'll get a chance to meet.
  22. Turned in the first wave of applications also! It is a lot more work than I anticipated. It felt really good afterwards though.
  23. I have a F and 5 Ws and my advisors still thinks I will get acceptances. I think youll be fine.
  24. The application process is more stressful than I forecasted. As a result, I have been dropping the ball on sending letter of rec forms to my letter writers in a timely manner. I feel awful about this. Should I write an apology letter? Or just move on and act as if nothing is wrong? I have a pretty good relationship with all of them, but I really do not want to burden them more than I already am with time pressures.
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