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Everything posted by golucky3

  1. has anyone heard back from University of Chicago MPP?
  2. Is anyone else waiting to hear back from University of Chicago MPP (waitlist)?
  3. Is anyone still waiting to hear back about their waitlist status? I know that they said that they would send out the notifications by the end of May, but I am curious if anyone has received an update. Thanks.
  4. I've lost mine last week. I heard back from one school and I am waiting to hear back from three others.
  5. Congrats alf!
  6. Programs Considered: MSFS in GTown, WWS, HKS, UC Berkeley GSPP, Columbia SIPA Undergraduate institution: UC San Diego Undergraduate GPA: 3.2 with definite upward trend, majors both GPA around 3.4-3.5 Undergraduate Major: International Studies-Political Science Study Abroad: None GRE: V: 150 Q: 148 W: 5.0 Years Out of Undergrad (by enter date): 2 years Years of Work Experience: 1 year working at Red Cross, 1 year working at an immigration law firm Describe Relevant Work Experience: Did internship at State Department and did volunteer work in Costa Rica, Ecuador. Went to Greece as a exchange student during summer between 1st year of college and senior in high school. Languages: Native English, proficient in Spanish and Korean
  7. Previous Schools (Name, type, or tier): Top 20 LAC Previous Degrees and GPAs: BA, 3.23 GRE Scores (Verbal/Quantitative/Analytical Writing): Haven't taken GRE Previous Work Experience (Years, Type): 2 years (Non-profit, immigration law office) Foreign Language Background (if applicable to your program): Spanish (intermediate), Korean (conversational) Intended Field of Study in Grad School: International Security/Public Policy Long Term Professional Goals: Federal Government Schools Applied to: I would appreciate if people recommended schools. I'm thinking of Georgetown, Tufts, U of Denver.
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