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Columbia Social Work Program Fall 2018


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I just checked the portal and it still says submitted. I think the email sends a bit after they change the decision in the portal so I don't think I'll be hearing today. I know penn sent an email a few days before they changed the portal but it sounds like they haven't been doing that.

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4 minutes ago, Kat_MSW2018 said:

It’s best to just check between 5 and 6PM EST. I think they set that as the time to send a batch. Check your emails and the portal over the next hour/hour and a half. If there’s no changes, we do the same tomorrow lol

I've been trying to do that but my anxiousness has been taking over??

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6 minutes ago, Sunset95 said:

Well everyone, I waited 84 years to find out I was waitlisted. I have mixed feelings about this.

Wait list is not a rejection :)

But, also of course not what you were hoping for! Mixed feelings is understandable!!


Would you mind sharing with us the program you applied to and some stats? I'm sure lots of us would find that useful...

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7 minutes ago, Sunset95 said:

Well everyone, I waited 84 years to find out I was waitlisted. I have mixed feelings about this.

that does suck. But hopefully you will get in! you have def worked for it! and on the plus side at least you know! im still waiting......

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7 minutes ago, Sunset95 said:

Well everyone, I waited 84 years to find out I was waitlisted. I have mixed feelings about this.

Omg. Did you call? Or did you get an email? 

Refresh my memory. I’m pretty sure you applied for priority, correct?

I’m really sorry you had to wait so long for so-so news. 

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9 minutes ago, Sunset95 said:

Well everyone, I waited 84 years to find out I was waitlisted. I have mixed feelings about this.

That's okay! Everything happens for a reason. Things are 100% going to workout for you, maybe just not how you first envisioned. I will be taking my own advice If i get the same feedback. And its not a rejection! 

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10 minutes ago, bustelo4lyfe said:

Wait list is not a rejection :)

But, also of course not what you were hoping for! Mixed feelings is understandable!!


Would you mind sharing with us the program you applied to and some stats? I'm sure lots of us would find that useful...

Sure! My overall undergrad gpa was 3.58, major around 3.8ish I believe. I was a human services major with minors in psychology and disability studies. I was in 2 honor societies and won an award for a paper I wrote on child care subsidies. I don't have as much work experience but I was an undergrad TA, interned for early head start, and have worked at a child care center as a part time teacher for 2 years and now as a full time administrator since I graduated last spring.


I forgot to add I applied for the 2 year residential track, policy concentration 

Edited by Sunset95
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15 minutes ago, Chebrutta said:

Omg. Did you call? Or did you get an email? 

Refresh my memory. I’m pretty sure you applied for priority, correct?

I’m really sorry you had to wait so long for so-so news. 

I received the email that my status had changed. I applied November 11, so that's why I have mixed feelings because they started waitlisting a couple weeks ago but people who applied after the priority deadline were admitted. It is what it is at this point.

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17 minutes ago, Olivia95 said:

That's okay! Everything happens for a reason. Things are 100% going to workout for you, maybe just not how you first envisioned. I will be taking my own advice If i get the same feedback. And its not a rejection! 

It's probably for the best. Columbia was my dream but if I'm being honest, I got very good vibes from UPenn. My gut is telling me that's the place to be and I think I'm going to follow it.

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29 minutes ago, Sunset95 said:

Sure! My overall undergrad gpa was 3.58, major around 3.8ish I believe. I was a human services major with minors in psychology and disability studies. I was in 2 honor societies and won an award for a paper I wrote on child care subsidies. I don't have as much work experience but I was an undergrad TA, interned for early head start, and have worked at a child care center as a part time teacher for 2 years and now as a full time administrator since I graduated last spring.


I forgot to add I applied for the 2 year residential track, policy concentration 

You sound like a dope applicant. No matter where you end up I'm sure you'll do excellent work. I also applied to the policy track, but advanced standing. I applied on 2/13 and am already dying of anxiety. Any advanced standing folks hear anything??

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2 hours ago, Kat_MSW2018 said:

I’m moving to NYC!! I think I’m going to apply to the dorms. :( lots of money. But safer and closest. I’m coming from Los Angeles so I don’t have the option to go check out places before paying! 

Oh! I'm coming from LA as well and applied advanced standing. I only applied for CSULB & Columbia. I shouldve applied for more schools:unsure: It's always been a dream of mine to live in NYC and my professor at CSULB only spoke great things about their program. I applied early Feb so you'll likely get an answer before me.  

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@Sunset95 I’m so sorry you didn’t get the results you had hoped for. I still haven’t heard anything (applied 11/30 priority advanced standing clinical) UPenn is an unbeleiveably prestigious school, equal to Columbia in my opinion. Very impressive, and you should be very proud. As everyone else said, not a rejection!!! 

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28 minutes ago, Moonlight008 said:

Oh! I'm coming from LA as well and applied advanced standing. I only applied for CSULB & Columbia. I shouldve applied for more schools:unsure: It's always been a dream of mine to live in NYC and my professor at CSULB only spoke great things about their program. I applied early Feb so you'll likely get an answer before me.  

Ahhhh!! What concentration? If I have figured out the method of their madness, I should be hearing back soon. I hope :(  You should be fine! Is Columbia your first choice then?

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1 hour ago, Chebrutta said:

Omg. Did you call? Or did you get an email? 

Refresh my memory. I’m pretty sure you applied for priority, correct?

I’m really sorry you had to wait so long for so-so news. 

Same. I know you'll make the best of it, and of course, there's still a chance that you could get in, but it seems like they could have told you this a month ago and saved you a lot of unnecessary anxiety. 

The part that really sucks is now there'll be more waiting to see if you get off the waitlist. But honestly, I'm kinda stumped as to why you didn't get in given your stats. Oh well, I guess admissions never truly makes sense unless you're privy to the process.

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1 hour ago, Sunset95 said:

I might accept the waitlist just to see what they say but I think I'm going to send in my deposit to Penn. You never know, I might change my mind later if I get accepted?

You have to realize, not everyone is invested in Colombia. You may very well get your spot. But I know I’d feel the same. We are here for you!!! Waitlist is better than a rejection!!

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This feels churlish to say given that I've only been waiting for a month, but If I have to wait until the third week of April just to get rejected I'm going to lose my mind. I have the feeling they haven't even read my application yet. When they do, it's going to be very quick. I just wish it was over with already.

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Thank you everyone for the words of encouragement! It's like I feel I can move forward but at the same time I feel like I'm still at square one; still in limbo! I think they just threw that at me because I gave them a date and they just needed to get something to me. It can't be a coincidence that they gave me something today. But anyway, thanks for letting me vent on here the past few weeks! It's been very therapeutic to talk with people going through the same thing! I'm still debating if I'm going to join the waitlist but I'm definitely going to commit to penn. 

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17 minutes ago, doctormelody said:

Same. I know you'll make the best of it, and of course, there's still a chance that you could get in, but it seems like they could have told you this a month ago and saved you a lot of unnecessary anxiety. 

The part that really sucks is now there'll be more waiting to see if you get off the waitlist. But honestly, I'm kinda stumped as to why you didn't get in given your stats. Oh well, I guess admissions never truly makes sense unless you're privy to the process.

Yeah this process has been the most confusing! I also forgot to add I picked the children, youth, and families practice so maybe that played into it as well? Idk at this point.

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10 minutes ago, Sunset95 said:

Thank you everyone for the words of encouragement! It's like I feel I can move forward but at the same time I feel like I'm still at square one; still in limbo! I think they just threw that at me because I gave them a date and they just needed to get something to me. It can't be a coincidence that they gave me something today. But anyway, thanks for letting me vent on here the past few weeks! It's been very therapeutic to talk with people going through the same thing! I'm still debating if I'm going to join the waitlist but I'm definitely going to commit to penn. 

There may be something to that theory. But yeah, I would just go ahead with your plans for Penn full-throttle and then if you get accepted off the waitlist later you might not even want to attend Columbia anymore and you could have the pleasure of rejecting them. ?

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14 minutes ago, doctormelody said:

There may be something to that theory. But yeah, I would just go ahead with your plans for Penn full-throttle and then if you get accepted off the waitlist later you might not even want to attend Columbia anymore and you could have the pleasure of rejecting them. ?

Wouldn't that be amazing haha. I would love to tell them "uh actually"?

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