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Summer mini-sabbatical before classes start this fall


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Hi everyone! I'm looking for something to do this summer as part of a personal "mini-sabbatical" that I'm taking before starting grad school this fall. 

Here's the background: I've worked FT since finishing college back in 2009. While working in my field I completed my MPA part-time while working and also caring for my ill spouse. After several years of nonstop stress from work, school, home, finances, etc. - I'm in desperate need of a break....so of course, I decided to get another master's degree! I know, I'm a bit of a masochist :) 

What's different this time? Working FT and grad school PT was no fun for many different reasons, mostly because I wasn't able to totally immerse myself in my studies because back then work had to be my #1 priority. This time around I am diving right in and will be attending school FT. I still haven't worked out what to do about work. I've been going back and forth between asking my current employer to switch me to PT work and just leaving and focusing 100% on school, but the work thing is a whole different story...

So back to my original question. Regardless of what happens with work, I am planning to take a few weeks off this summer to relax and chill out and hopefully do something, but I'm not sure what. I have a few interests but have had no time to pursue any of them. For example I've been writing on and off for a bit but haven't really had time to just focus. I'm not looking to go away on vacation - been there done that plus I already have 2 family/friend vacations scheduled for later this year. Home is hectic, so I'd like to go somewhere quiet and peaceful for a personal retreat, beginner's writing workshop, a conference, lecture series or something like that at. It could be at a university but doesn't have to be. For example, I've looked at the Iowa Writers' Workshop, the IHS Summer Seminars, the Wesleyan Writers Conference, etc. 

I'm located in CT, so ideally something in New England or upstate NY would be great because I could drive myself there. But I'm close enough to NYC airports that I would also be ok flying somewhere too.

Looking forward to hearing what suggestions you have!  

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I was in a similar situation years ago.  I don't know your particulars, but for me the best thing was to rest and free my mind for several weeks.  I wanted to pursue some of my interests during that period, but I realized the best thing was to unburden myself of thought instead of substituting one form of thinking for another.  In the end, I went back to school with a clear head--tabula rasa--and found myself refreshed and motivated for learning.  During that time, I did a lot of hiking, listening to nature, and did some fishing.  Even tried meditation. I quit my FT job when I returned to school and found PT work instead.  Since I had savings I could afford to supplement my reduced earnings.  I don't know what type of writing you're interested, but I would stay away from academia during the summer.  By the time you finished a summer program you won't have time to practice what you've learned.  You'll be immersed in tons of reading and writing in your FT program come fall.  If you really want to write this summer, just rent a cabin in the woods and write.  Your situation and mindset may not be the same, so take my advice with a grain of salt.         

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If you want solitude, you may want to look into local monasteries or something similar. They often offer solitude and the space to relax and focus on what you need. Alternately, perhaps an AirBnB in a peaceful location might serve the same function.

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I was an international student from the southern hemisphere, so I quit my job mid-July and had about a month to sell my stuff, travel a little bit, and say goodbye to family and friends. If you can afford it, I'd certainly recommend taking a hiatus from work. 

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On 5/13/2018 at 3:02 AM, rising_star said:

If you want solitude, you may want to look into local monasteries or something similar. They often offer solitude and the space to relax and focus on what you need. Alternately, perhaps an AirBnB in a peaceful location might serve the same function.

I got an AirBnB in Amherst last summer, and it was amazing. Cute, quiet little college town. Most of the students were away because of summer break. Tons of shops and cafes downtown, and most of it was within walking distance of where I stayed. There are some fun museums and such on campus and tons of quiet places to write.

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If you're into films I would look for a film festival.  You can quietly immerse yourself in movies, join the discussions after or not, dine out or not, do other site seeing if you want or not, etc.  Ultimately no one will think its strange if you don't feel very social and prefer to do your own thing.

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