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Harvard Div - Admitted Students Open House


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Hey everyone, I figure it would be a good idea for us to see who plans to attend the open house for admitted students at Harvard Divinity School which will be April 6th. Networking in advance is always great!

I'll be attending. I was admitted into the MDiv program. I am taking a red-eye flight from Los Angeles on Monday night and will arrive early Tuesday morning. I'll be leaving to head back to California on Wednesday late afternoon. I know they mentioned a social mixer that will take place on Monday evening, so I'm sad I'll be missing out on that.

But please let us all know if you plan to be in attendance, maybe we can working something out and all meet up together.

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Ahhh, I'm gonna try to make it-- I have a flight scheduled to go to Atlanta for Emory's MDiv students day this week, but I'm gonna try to switch my flight to Boston for Harvard's open house... Guess I should've had more faith in my chances of getting into Harvard before booking my flight to Atlanta. I can't take the time off of work to go to both! What a dilemma.

Hopefully I'll be there!

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Hi. I am accepted to the MTS at HDS. I am planning on going to the open house as well. You're right a little networking would be great, especially since I would be going up there alone. Unless I hear something astounding from Chicago this week, I will book my flighs for Monday afternoon and Wednesday morning. Thanks for starting this group.

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I'm planning on going. Was accepted for the MTS in a self-designed area of focus.

I actually did a semester of research at Harvard for my undergraduate work and took a couple Div school classes, but I'd love to meet some potential classmates.

I'm close by, about 2 hours away, so I'm not quite decided on when I'll be arriving.

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Edit-- I was able to switch my plane ticket! I WILL be able to attend! Just won't be able to stay for the community tea, as my plane Tuesday leaves at 6:30. C'est la vie.

But hoorah! Excited to meet future fellow HDS students!

(I'll be an MDiv student, by the way).

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I think it would be really awesome if we can work out a time to all meet one another. We've all been here to help one another throughout this whole process; whether that be with advice, hearing each other's vents, or even just encouraging one another. And if more than one of us choose to attend, then it will be great knowing that you already have a new friend in your incoming class.

What do you all think?

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Just so you know, if you have to miss the mixer, it isn't really a big deal.

When I was admitted, I made a big deal out of attending, because I thought there might be professors there, current students, etc. It was actually very informal and a lot of admitted students didn't bother going, and there were no professors or anything.

You will find this strategy useful during orientation week as well, should you decide to attend. At first, you try to attend each and every event, until you realize that it is both impossible and usually not necessary!

BUT, if you can do the summer language program this upcoming summer, DO IT!

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Just so you know, if you have to miss the mixer, it isn't really a big deal.

When I was admitted, I made a big deal out of attending, because I thought there might be professors there, current students, etc. It was actually very informal and a lot of admitted students didn't bother going, and there were no professors or anything.

You will find this strategy useful during orientation week as well, should you decide to attend. At first, you try to attend each and every event, until you realize that it is both impossible and usually not necessary!

BUT, if you can do the summer language program this upcoming summer, DO IT!

A very good tip. It is a tip I picked up in undegrad as well. Networking helps, but there are definitely different ways of doing it.

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I think you're right. I would definitely prefer going somewhere in the fall where I at least have acquaintances. Has anyone decided that Harvard is definite? How are you approaching housing options?

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I think you're right. I would definitely prefer going somewhere in the fall where I at least have acquaintances. Has anyone decided that Harvard is definite? How are you approaching housing options?

I am definitely leaning towards accepting their offer. As for housing, I have been looking at the Harvard-owned properties and will likely try to grab one of those if/when I accept my admissions offer.

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I'm going to the admitted students day and I already signed in pen for the HDS MDiv program. Look forward to meeting you guys!

I live down the street in Cambridge and my recommendation on housing is Craigslist, all the way. I've looked at the numbers and it is cheaper.

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I'm going to the admitted students day and I already signed in pen for the HDS MDiv program. Look forward to meeting you guys!

I live down the street in Cambridge and my recommendation on housing is Craigslist, all the way. I've looked at the numbers and it is cheaper.

You know, I've always been intimated by Craigslist when it comes to apartment hunting in metropolitan areas. Any tips on doing effective searches?

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You know, I've always been intimated by Craigslist when it comes to apartment hunting in metropolitan areas. Any tips on doing effective searches?

<br><br>I'm from the Boston area, and my suggestions would be to type in "davis," or "somerville." I plan on living in that area-- it's only a couple T stops from Harvard, right on the Red Line, and less expensive than places directly in Cambridge... plus, Davis Sq. is a really cool area. I also have friends who live in Lower Allston. It's not as convenient because it's not that close to a subway stop, but it's about a 15-20 minute walk from Harvard, and the 66 Bus can get you there no problem... though the buses don't exactly go by their schedule. Oh well. This area is the cheapest I know of while being pretty close to Harvard. My friends pay something like... in the mid 400's... <br>

Do with that what you will!

Edited by vanidyam
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I second the Davis Square tip. I lived there while doing an internship and it's a great little area. Less expensive, too. Inman square in Somerville is also close by, doesn't have a T-stop, but is about 15 minutes away from the Harvard campus by foot. In any case, I'm looking at Somerville and maybe Lower Allston.

I've had good luck on Craigslist the 2x I've looked in the Boston area, but not until April/May or so. Here's my apartment plan: my younger brother likely will have a summer internship in Boston with a small stipend. So in April/May we'll look at places that either want someone for a year starting in June, or places that need someone to take over the end of the lease and then, preferably, sign on for a full year in the fall. And then we'll take the place for the full term.


I am rather certain I'll end up at Harvard Div. I'm still waiting on one decision, but if I get in I don't think there's funding for me anyway...

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I will also be going to the accepted students day! I am very excited. I still haven't chosen between Harvard and Yale so hopefully attending both open houses will help with my decision. Anyone else in that boat? What are your deciding factors?

As for living in Boston, I live in Somerville now, near porter square. I split an apartment with my boyfriend, we each pay $650 and heat/electric ends up being around $70/month ($35/each). It's a great deal and only about a 15 minute walk from Harvard Div, because of where the Div campus is situated compared to the rest of Harvard campus. If you haven't been to Boston before, the div campus is not really THAT close to the Harvard T stop, so you might be better off living in somerville which is just as close but not as expensive! Porter square is not as hip as Davis, but there's still a lot going on and it's nice to be able to walk to class. If I go to Harvard I will definitely stay where I am. I live in a fairly large building with a great landlady, so if anyone wants more info, PM me! I get a spot in the little parking lot too, which is nice for groceries :)

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This is all great news. I was looking at Craigslist last night and found some places for around $500, which really surprised me. I was nauseated by the $1,000/month figure that I first saw. On a funny note, I saw that one of the apts on Davis Sq. described the area as "the Paris of the 90's". Odd, eh?

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I'm really excited to see that a ton of folks from our online cohort got in. I'll definitely be there on Tuesday, the 6th. I might be there for the night before too. I'm either going to come in the day before or stay the day after to scope out a good place to live. I'll probably be trying to find a largish (4 or 5 bedroom) house in Somerville if any other HDS folks that are interested.

I'm almost 100% that I'm going to Harvard. I was accepted to U Chicago too, but they're financial situation sucks, and it seems like it would be crazy to turn down a full scholarship to Harvard. From the looks of it, it seems like they were super generous this year!

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Hi everyone---

I hope this isn't an odd question, but I was wondering if anyone knows a student at HDS that might be willing to let some of us crash during our stay in Cambridge. If so, or if anyone wants to bunk together, let me know. I love to meet new people, promise I'm a cool dude, and think that we would all have a fun time getting to know one another. Hope this post isn't too campy. (The additional plus to this would also be that we would save several hundred dollars that could go towards actually moving to Cambridge this summer.)

And, Poet'sdaughter--- I love the idea of moving in with other HDS students in Somerville. Let me know how this idea is progressing.


Nick D.

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Hi everyone---

I hope this isn't an odd question, but I was wondering if anyone knows a student at HDS that might be willing to let some of us crash during our stay in Cambridge. If so, or if anyone wants to bunk together, let me know. I love to meet new people, promise I'm a cool dude, and think that we would all have a fun time getting to know one another. Hope this post isn't too campy. (The additional plus to this would also be that we would save several hundred dollars that could go towards actually moving to Cambridge this summer.)

And, Poet'sdaughter--- I love the idea of moving in with other HDS students in Somerville. Let me know how this idea is progressing.


Nick D.

Damn. I meant "their." Yikes.

That sounds great. As previously discussed, we should all meet up on April 6th and meet each other. It would be great to move in with some fellow HDSers.


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I can't attend the April 6th event, but I am going to try and get down there the week of the 30th.

If I do accept, I would love to live with some folks, since I will be trying to live as frugally as possible.

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Hi everyone---

I hope this isn't an odd question, but I was wondering if anyone knows a student at HDS that might be willing to let some of us crash during our stay in Cambridge. If so, or if anyone wants to bunk together, let me know. I love to meet new people, promise I'm a cool dude, and think that we would all have a fun time getting to know one another. Hope this post isn't too campy. (The additional plus to this would also be that we would save several hundred dollars that could go towards actually moving to Cambridge this summer.)

And, Poet'sdaughter--- I love the idea of moving in with other HDS students in Somerville. Let me know how this idea is progressing.


Nick D.

I have been wondering the same thing about host housing during the Open House visit. It save us a lot of money to not have to get a hotel in the area. Any ideas anyone?

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Hey guys,

I just didn't want you to think that I was ignoring you, because everyone knows I live close to Harvard! I just wanted to say that I'm trying to get off work for the 6th and make sure my roomie doesn't have plans for that before I extend housing offers. Unfortunately I might not know for a little while. I'll send PMs if my spare bed is available!

In the meantime, there's got to be a Harvard message board somewhere on grad cafe. Maybe current students have a couch they can offer up?

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