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Fulbright 2011-2012


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It's been fun stressing out with all of you these past few weeks. I got my notification for Bangladesh yesterday, and I'm in!


Status: Accepted

Which address: Temporary

Notification date: 04-18

Postmark date: 04-11

Method: Large manila

Contact: mckay.todd@gmail.com

Where will you be...: Dhaka

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I got a e-mail from the India Fulbright Office. It was rather strange.

1) " You mayemail/FEDEX/fax your bank information to Mr. Neeraj Goswami (neeraj@usief.org.in)so that we can write your official grant award document."

Wait they want me to send them my banking details before they tell me what my official grant award entails? I haven't seen any details on the stipend.

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Ok this really looks like a scam.

I got a e-mail from the India Fulbright Office. It was rather strange.

1) " You mayemail/FEDEX/fax your bank information to Mr. Neeraj Goswami (neeraj@usief.org.in)so that we can write your official grant award document."

Wait they want me to send them my banking details before they tell me what my official grant award entails? I haven't seen any details on the stipend.

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Fellow China finalists:

Yesterday evening I caved and emailed Jonathan Akeley to find out when letters were going out. He replied to me very promptly. His message in full:

"It's not possible to predict exactly when the final results will become available, but we're hoping that the final notification letters for China will go out by the end of April."

So looks like a bit more waiting.

Me, I'm going to chill out a bit, and stop running home from work every day to check the mail like a kid waiting on a Little Orphan Annie decoder ring. No, I'm going to kick my feet up and just keep it real for a while.

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I got a e-mail from the India Fulbright Office. It was rather strange.

1) " You mayemail/FEDEX/fax your bank information to Mr. Neeraj Goswami (neeraj@usief.org.in)so that we can write your official grant award document."

Wait they want me to send them my banking details before they tell me what my official grant award entails? I haven't seen any details on the stipend.

Yeah I'd say scam too, but that seems like a legit email address. weird.

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Fulbright Fellows to Europe and surrounding countries surrounding Europe:

I have created a facebook group, entitled Traveling Fulbright Fellows: Europe 2011-2012, on the basis of current (2011-2012) European Fulbright Fellows to have a way of staying with or at least contacting other Fulbright Fellows while traveling abroad. There are plenty of sites where people allow people to crash on their couch and in-return they get to crash on other peoples while traveling. Given the uniqueness of the Fulbright, we'll have fellows in just about every country in the world and in most major cities. People in the group will put on a document (on the facebook page) where they will be staying and the best way to contact them. Then when a person would like to travel to their city, they can contact them to see if they are okay with them staying. There will need to be ground rules set-up to avoid any unpleasant situations. This will also be great in case you run into some emergency while traveling, you'll have someone to contact. Current Rules: 1) Only 2011-2012 Fulbright Fellows are allowed to join/use this group 2) I'd like to set-up admins to each country to invite/accept other fellows to their country. 3) You must put your place up for use if you want to join (if you are living in a place like a dorm that won't allow it then post that on the doc and offer to show people around in your city). 4) Send me advice in how to make this a great forum.

If you'd like to join, please just send a request to join and your username on the Spreadsheet so I can check to make sure we don't have non-fulbrighter joining (at least to the best of my ability). Update the doc on the facebook page with your info asap after joining because I intend to kick people out by the time the program starts who have not entered in their info. This is suppose to be mutually beneficial for everyone so you must be willing to open your doors or at least your time to traveling Fulbrighters to your city. Again there will be ground rules to make sure nobody is put into an uncomfortable position.

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For Fulbright Mongolia applicants: I received this reply from Jonathan Akeley this morning, much to my dismay:

"It's not possible to predict exactly when the final results will become available, but we're hoping that the final notification letters for Mongolia will go out by the end of April"

Hang on guys :-)

Guess some more patience is in order. Well, now I have something to look forward to in May! (or around that time)

Thanks for letting us know. It was all I could do not to email somebody and ask about it!

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For the few Mongolia finalists out there, I have some disappointing news.... Aren't all notifications supposed to go out by April 30th??? Emailed John Akeley and this is the answer I got:

Dear ___,

We're hoping that the final notification letters for Mongolia will go out by the end of April.



Jonathan E. Akeley

Senior Program Officer - East Asia-Pacific

U.S. Student Programs Division

Institute of International Education

809 United Nations Plaza

New York, NY 10017

Phone (212) 984-5487

Fax (212) 984-5325

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It's been fun stressing out with all of you these past few weeks. I got my notification for Bangladesh yesterday, and I'm in!


Status: Accepted

Which address: Temporary

Notification date: 04-18

Postmark date: 04-11

Method: Large manila

Contact: mckay.todd@gmail.com

Where will you be...: Dhaka

Congratulations on your award! I'm assuming you are Todd on the spreadsheet?

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This is great seeing all these acceptances! Maybe the spreadsheet can finally be filled out!


Don't forget to email fulbright2011.2012@gmail.com with the following information:


Country, Region



Address of Notification

Notification Date

Postmark Date

Academic Status

Research Area

Woo hoo! We're nearing the end ... hopefully ...

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Has everyone finally heard from Korea? I know that some people's letters seemed to arrive much later than others, but there are quite a few empty spots on the spreadsheet.

I have not heard yet :( I think that probably means that I was not awarded the ETA.

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To any Morocco ETA finalists out there...

I got this message from Jermaine Jones today:

"The hard copy notification letters for Morocco were placed in the mail from my office in New York City last Friday the 15th. You should therefore hopefully receive yours sometime before the end of this week."

Did anyone hear back today?

OMG!! Gonna go check the mail NOW!! I'm in CA!!

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Rejected for Morocco ETA. :(

Post marked April 15, little white envelope. Permanent address, received 19 April. Not going to lie, I'm very disappointed, but feel a strange overwhelming sense of relief knowing I can now move onto plan B... whatever that may be, haha. Good luck to you all, and thanks for all the support!!

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I got word last week that I received a full grant to Portugal. No extra info on how much the allowance is. Anyone have any leads as to that? I assume it will be similar to that of Spain, but that's just a guess...

Parabéns! I also received the full grant to Portugal. They were pretty minimal on the details for me as well. I have no idea how much the allowance is despite my best efforts at scouting online. How much is Spain's?

O que vais estudar e onde vais no país?

Edited by pygn
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well I'll try to stay positive although it seems like few people get off the alternate list for South Africa

that's tough! it seems like a lot of the South Africa folks on this board are alternates, weirdly. i'm keeping my fingers crossed you all make it!

I still haven't heard. I'm starting to suspect/fear they sent the rejections in a different batch than the acceptances/alternates, since almost everyone on the spreadsheet has heard back already and no one was rejected. UGH

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that's tough! it seems like a lot of the South Africa folks on this board are alternates, weirdly. i'm keeping my fingers crossed you all make it!

I still haven't heard. I'm starting to suspect/fear they sent the rejections in a different batch than the acceptances/alternates, since almost everyone on the spreadsheet has heard back already and no one was rejected. UGH

I thought of that too, nakasa! i'm also waiting for sub-saharan africa! i think i need to stop analyzing the spreadsheet...

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To the Russia ETAers:

We should find out about our placements soon, hopefully this week or next week! This is what Oksana sent me:

I hope to finalize the placements sometime this week - thank you for your patience!

I asked her if we would receive notification of placement via email, but she didn't respond.

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Any other Central Asia finalists hear anything? I e-mailed Cara Doble to see if she knows yet when we'll hear. This is getting so late that it's really inconvenient. I have a teaching schedule in my department and a lot of logistical issues to work out if I get this.

Anyone hear anything?

Also, what are those of you with spouses/live-in partners doing about financing this? I can't rent my half of the bed (nor would I!), he can't cover the whole rent, and we also can't (and don't want to) move. I was thinking of using loans to cover the rent while I'm gone, but I increasingly feel like that might be a bad decision.

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Any other Iceland applicants receive notice today? I'm ecstatic to say I got the big manilla envelope!

This might be taboo to reveal, but for what it's worth to anyone out there: I applied last year for a Fulbright and didn't even make it to the finalist round. I completely reworked my application, started from absolute scratch even choosing a different (but closely related) country in which to work. So if things didn't work out for you this year, they mean it when they say that you can apply again. Good luck to all still waiting.

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