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Fulbright 2011-2012


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Malaysia folk:

Heard two things from another applicant today. First, the people at the Fulbright office are aware some letters didn't reach their addressees. Second, and probably much more interesting, Malaysia has decided to expand the program this year, and some of those designated as alternates are already being contacted and offered spots. On the order of 50 ETAs will be teaching in three provinces (Terengganu, and I believe Johor and Pahang).

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Wait is that just for a specific country or is it every country?

Qahira and I both applied to Egypt. I know Taiwan applicants got the same email: no CLEA due to budget cuts. I don't know if it will be the same for other countries, but chances look dim :( Oh will, I'm still grateful for what I got!!!

Edited by Ranita
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Url the Pearl - I can testify to what you said! Found out yesterday I was an alternate for ETA in Malaysia and had an email from Jonathan late yesterday afternoon asking me to call him. I called him this morning and was offered a spot so from alternate to awarded status I go. It's been a roller coaster of emotions in the past 24 hours to say the least but I am so excited!

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Url the Pearl - I can testify to what you said! Found out yesterday I was an alternate for ETA in Malaysia and had an email from Jonathan late yesterday afternoon asking me to call him. I called him this morning and was offered a spot so from alternate to awarded status I go. It's been a roller coaster of emotions in the past 24 hours to say the least but I am so excited!

Wow, that's awesome for you! Congrats!

I also got some good news last week, but due to graduation, etc., I didn't have time to share. Last week, I got promoted from alternate status to a full grant to Finland! Sat on the alternate list for 2 months. From how things transpired, I suspect that Finland found additional funding for me, as opposed to me being given a declined spot. I feel quite special considering the sizable budget cuts this year!

Good luck and patience to those who are still waiting. This is the month for good news!

I'd love to talk with other future Fulbrighters, so people feel free to message me! :)

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Qahira and I both applied to Egypt. I know Taiwan applicants got the same email: no CLEA due to budget cuts. I don't know if it will be the same for other countries, but chances look dim :( Oh will, I'm still grateful for what I got!!!

Same with Bahrain, they axed CLEA.

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Malaysia folk:

Heard two things from another applicant today. First, the people at the Fulbright office are aware some letters didn't reach their addressees. Second, and probably much more interesting, Malaysia has decided to expand the program this year, and some of those designated as alternates are already being contacted and offered spots. On the order of 50 ETAs will be teaching in three provinces (Terengganu, and I believe Johor and Pahang).

Accepted Malaysia applicants, what details were in the acceptance notification packet? (i.e. location, type of school, living situation, etc.)

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So, I am guessing that Fulbright still has not determined if there will be more funding available?

if you're asking about CLEA, I got an email from the Morocco Fulbright commissioner almost two weeks ago asking about CLEA plans - but only full granters in Morocco get CLEA as far as I know. And he never indicated that Moroccan awards were going to be cut. But that might be because its such a small program in comparison to Egypt ... we'll see what happens, I guess. Were you guys who found out CLEA was axed asked before hand what your plans were for it?

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So, I don't know about you other Turkey finalists, but I'm starting to lose it a little. Rachel's mass email said they hope to notify "hopefully" by the end of the month; has anyone heard any hint whatsoever to suggest we'll hear sooner than later?

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Any idea when we're supposed to get confirmation that we've passed our medical clearances?

I actually received mine today, but was under the impression that they weren't sending them out. Shows what I know!

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I received an e-mail today confirming my medical clearance (I put it in the mail from Oregon on 4/26). I had e-mailed Jonathon Akeley last week about it because I wanted to have my clearance done before I let my school run publicity, so I don't know if that had anything to do with it (the clearance e-mail, however, came from someone else).

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I received an e-mail today confirming my medical clearance (I put it in the mail from Oregon on 4/26). I had e-mailed Jonathon Akeley last week about it because I wanted to have my clearance done before I let my school run publicity, so I don't know if that had anything to do with it (the clearance e-mail, however, came from someone else).

Ditto here as well. From a Mrs. Aimee Hamilton.

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So I'm in an interesting situation. As some of you may know, I declined a research Fulbright (Finland). Two of my professors actually recommended that I decline it. I graduated in December and haven't been back to my university since--until today, that is. I brought some gifts for my letter writers and doled them out, but when I got to my fulbright advisor (who was also the person who introduced me to my field and supervised a number of independent studies), he was extremely cold. He brushed me off and seemed to be seething with anger. I called my friend who works closely with him and he is "extremely pissed" with me. So I guess I have to cross him off my reference list. I'm really not sure how to feel about this... Not sure what I'm trying to do by posting this here, but I wonder if anyone else has had a similar experience?

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Has anyone (for any country) gotten any information regarding the pre-departure orientation? Are we supposed to book our own flights there or will they be doing that for us? Is Fulbright getting us a hotel and everything or are we supposed to be taking care of thing ourselves? I keep trying to call Jonathan Akeley about it but I haven't been able to reach him yet.

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This site will answer your questions: http://fulbright.state.gov/orientation/china/faqs2

Jonathan says he will have more orientation information for the E.Asia ETA/Indonesia Full&ETA folks within 2 weeks


Has anyone (for any country) gotten any information regarding the pre-departure orientation? Are we supposed to book our own flights there or will they be doing that for us? Is Fulbright getting us a hotel and everything or are we supposed to be taking care of thing ourselves? I keep trying to call Jonathan Akeley about it but I haven't been able to reach him yet.

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Hello! I also was promoted from alternate status to a full grantee. I am from Paraguay. The Fulbright Commision let us know the results on December 2010 but in April 2011 they let me know the good news.

I was so frustrated before, but now I feel so happy!!!

I wish good look to those who still are waiting!

Fulbrighter please write me!!!

Wow, that's awesome for you! Congrats!

I also got some good news last week, but due to graduation, etc., I didn't have time to share. Last week, I got promoted from alternate status to a full grant to Finland! Sat on the alternate list for 2 months. From how things transpired, I suspect that Finland found additional funding for me, as opposed to me being given a declined spot. I feel quite special considering the sizable budget cuts this year!

Good luck and patience to those who are still waiting. This is the month for good news!

I'd love to talk with other future Fulbrighters, so people feel free to message me! :)

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So, I don't know about you other Turkey finalists, but I'm starting to lose it a little. Rachel's mass email said they hope to notify "hopefully" by the end of the month; has anyone heard any hint whatsoever to suggest we'll hear sooner than later?

I feel the same way, but, unfortunately, I haven't heard anything either. My campus advisers did say it was a good sign that I received the e-mail update. They figured it meant I was at least still being considered. Hoping we hear something soon.

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I'm not referring to CLEA. What I mean is, when will Fulbright know if they have additional funding for alternates who are still on the waitlist for an ETA or Full Grant? The information in the letter sent out to alternates said that they would know in late spring. When exactly is "late spring"?

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I just got the most shocking/ wonderful call ever. The Korean Fulbright comittee recevied extra funds, and I've been pushed from alternate to accepted! It will be crazy getting everything together in a month, but I still can't believe that I'm going to Korea.

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Any idea when we're supposed to get confirmation that we've passed our medical clearances?

I got an email about it yesterday. I mailed my forms in around 4/18 or 4/19.

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