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Fulbright 2011-2012


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This is great seeing all these acceptances! Maybe the spreadsheet can finally be filled out!


Don't forget to email fulbright2011.2012@gmail.com with the following information:


Country, Region



Address of Notification

Notification Date

Postmark Date

Academic Status

Research Area

Woo hoo! We're nearing the end ... hopefully ...

Just received my LARGE MANILA ENVELOPE with an ETA grant to MOROCCO!!

Name: IVA

Country: Morocco

Status: Accepted

Notification Date: 4/19/2011 (I'm in California)

Postmark Date: 4/15/2011

Academic Status: At Large (Just finished my MPH)

Research Area: Public/Community Health

I'm thinking the Morocco group is going to be relatively small, but perhaps we can get a Facebook group going :)

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Just received my LARGE MANILA ENVELOPE with an ETA grant to MOROCCO!!

Name: IVA

Country: Morocco

Status: Accepted

Notification Date: 4/19/2011 (I'm in California)

Postmark Date: 4/15/2011

Academic Status: At Large (Just finished my MPH)

Research Area: Public/Community Health

I'm thinking the Morocco group is going to be relatively small, but perhaps we can get a Facebook group going :)

I got accepted too!!!!!!!! I'm a Full Grant-er:

Name: carol brady

Status: accepted

Notification date: 4/19 (in Minneapolis, MN)

Postmark date: 4/15

academic status: undergrad

research area: political science


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Hi Carol, congrats! It looks like there's 2 of us thus far..

I got accepted too!!!!!!!! I'm a Full Grant-er:

Name: carol brady

Status: accepted

Notification date: 4/19 (in Minneapolis, MN)

Postmark date: 4/15

academic status: undergrad

research area: political science


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I'm sure we'll meet each other, considering that Slovenia only has two grants! I will be in the capital, doing a research project in the area of political science. My e-mail is KSklar8241 @ scrippscollege.edu

Regarding an interview in the language, definitely not. Alas, classes in Slovenian are few and far between. ;-) Oh, and I forgot to mention that I'm an undergrad, and got it at my current address .

Hey, you and the GF should talk! Do you have an email? Are you gonna be in the capital?

Edited by ubiubi
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I got a full fellowship, so I will be in Mexico City! Where will others be in Mexico?

Received my letter today (Monday) for Mexico and I'm in MA.

I got it! Mexico Business Fulbright here I go!!!

Also, does anyone in Mexico know their exact placement/location?

Good luck!!!

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haha, yeah! my mind is going overtime trying to figure this out, and what i've come up with is that some combination of the following is happening:

a) accepted/alternates have been informed and rejected people haven't

B) it's just coincidence that everyone on the spreadsheet has been accepted/made an alternate

c) my university mail system is really slow

it could be any one (or combo) of these things, so in conclusion i have no idea. so helpful, i know :)

Rooting for you! I received mine a day later than some other guy in NC for the same program, so you might be on to something with our mail. Best of luck!

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Ah well, more waiting... at this point I just want to know. I've spent a long time trying not to get my hopes up too much! Although I would love to do my sustainable livelihoods research project, even if I don't get the Fulbright I'll be visiting Mongolia again this summer after I finish some English teaching in China. Can't wait for some fresh suuteitsai!

Good luck fellow Mongolia applicants! Hang in there!


For the few Mongolia finalists out there, I have some disappointing news.... Aren't all notifications supposed to go out by April 30th??? Emailed John Akeley and this is the answer I got:

Dear ___,

We're hoping that the final notification letters for Mongolia will go out by the end of April.



Jonathan E. Akeley

Senior Program Officer - East Asia-Pacific

U.S. Student Programs Division

Institute of International Education

809 United Nations Plaza

New York, NY 10017

Phone (212) 984-5487

Fax (212) 984-5325

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HAHAH! Sounds good! You think we should create a "Fulbright 2011-2012" group on Facebook? There's a 2010-2011 one and I requested to join so I can ask questions & speak to some folks.

Congrats to the awardees and g'luck to those still waiting to hear!

Can I visit y'alls in Morocco when it gets cold in Germany? laugh.gif

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Congrats Kelly! Looks like you & I are both ETAs..any idea how the placement w/ the university is going to work? The other Morocco applicant has a full grant, so she has more flexibility.

Congrats, and make that 3!!! I'll be an ETA in Morocco this fall.....so excited!

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i'm going on three weeks after initial acceptance, and still no word about placement for my ETA. has anyone else waited that long? everyone i know has gotten it within two weeks...

Same, although IIE did send snail mail stating that they're still trying to place me.

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Did the people in the spreadsheet listed as alternate, then accepted, get accepted because someone already dropped out? I received a letter from the Fulbright office of Indonesia telling me that I was an alternate and to let them know if I wanted to stay on the list or not. I don't understand why they sent me this when the Fulbright office in New York already notified me that I am an alternate. When do they find out if they have more money to send other people?

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I'm sure we'll meet each other, considering that Slovenia only has two grants! I will be in the capital, doing a research project in the area of political science. My e-mail is KSklar8241 @ scrippscollege.edu

Regarding an interview in the language, definitely not. Alas, classes in Slovenian are few and far between. ;-) Oh, and I forgot to mention that I'm an undergrad, and got it at my current address .

Congrats ubiubi! I went to Pitzer and took oh soooo many classes at Scripps!

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Hey everyone! Congrats on those acceptances thus far! I just got my letter today, ETA to Bangladesh :-) No other details, I´m sure those will come in due time. Anyone else headed to Bangladesh? Hit me up: molly.mag.mar@gmail.com

Edited by mollymm16
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For those waiting for Egypt, I just received an email from Jermaine, who said: "decisions have not yet been made" and "I really hope that this will be done soon, but I have no way of confirming that at this time."

!صبر جميل

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any updates of Sri Lanka?? I emailed Cara like two days ago and got no response...dunno how i should feel about that

I got my letter from IIE on Monday--I was listed as an alternate. The letter was postmarked Friday--I believe all notifications, acceptance and otherwise, went out at the same time. So hopefully you'll get yours soon!

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Update for South Africa people if anyone is interesting in hearing. I emailed Jermaine Jones and asked about our timeline for finding out about placements etc. and about how many people got grants. They had posted on 4 ETAs were being given but now there are 10? Thats great!


The Fulbright office in South Africa takes the lead in terms of the placement process of ETAs. I’m not totally sure of how they go about deciding who will be assigned to which institution, but if previous years are any indication, most of you should know your placements by early/mid-summer.

And you are one of 10 people awarded ETA grants to South Africa for the coming year. Nine additional students have been awarded standard (research/study) grants to South Africa for 2011/2012. I can’t put you in touch with each other at this early stage, so would ask that you hold off a little while on this.

I hope this helps.



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For those waiting for Egypt, I just received an email from Jermaine, who said: "decisions have not yet been made" and "I really hope that this will be done soon, but I have no way of confirming that at this time."

!صبر جميل

Ooooooh this makes me want to find out where Bahrain stands in the decision-making process. I can't believe Morocco people have started to find out! First in the region!

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