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2021-2022 Application Thread


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On 4/6/2022 at 12:27 AM, IAMK said:

Is there anyone who heard about the waitlist on UMD or Pittsburgh?

It is really stressful to wait for hearing the result...  

Claiming an acceptance to UMD off the waitlist. Good luck hearing back– I hope you get into a school you want to go to!

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On 4/4/2022 at 1:47 PM, REGISTERONRAINYDAY said:

Does anyone know anything about the chances of waitlisted students to get accepted? Like the data in previous years?

wl is tricky, depending on schools. some schools intend to recruit 15, so they send out 25 offers; but some just send out 15.

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53 minutes ago, AnxiousGradStudent01 said:

Question: for those of us waiting to hear back from waitlists, will we hear back ON Apr 15, or on Apr 16 after people decline their offers on the 15th?

It could be either. If the school is a big upgrade, there's no shame in reneging on another school and taking the apr 16 offer. 


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6 hours ago, uncle_socks said:

It could be either. If the school is a big upgrade, there's no shame in reneging on another school and taking the apr 16 offer. 


The new 4.15 agreement says waitlist offer post-4.15 can override the previously accepted offer without asking for release.

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5 hours ago, modesteffect said:

The new 4.15 agreement says waitlist offer post-4.15 can override the previously accepted offer without asking for release.

Would you please to clarify it? I do not understand your posting. Does it mean that I do not have to contact the school to revoke my previous offer??

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8 hours ago, IAMK said:

Would you please to clarify it? I do not understand your posting. Does it mean that I do not have to contact the school to revoke my previous offer??

You don’t need a written release, but you need to let school know 

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Anybody else here on the Princeton waitlist? / know anything about Princeton's history with their waitlist? I've heard some pretty discouraging things, along the lines that it is not uncommon for Princeton to not use their waitlist at all in a given year. After receiving the waitlist notice I emailed the grad studies chair with a 'letter-of-continued-interest' type of thing, and also my potential supervisor with updates about research development, but no response from either. Any recommendations on next moves? I'd like to email, basically, to ask what my chances are but not sure how to do this (especially given two unreplied-to emails).

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1 hour ago, floortile said:

Anybody else here on the Princeton waitlist? / know anything about Princeton's history with their waitlist? I've heard some pretty discouraging things, along the lines that it is not uncommon for Princeton to not use their waitlist at all in a given year. After receiving the waitlist notice I emailed the grad studies chair with a 'letter-of-continued-interest' type of thing, and also my potential supervisor with updates about research development, but no response from either. Any recommendations on next moves? I'd like to email, basically, to ask what my chances are but not sure how to do this (especially given two unreplied-to emails).

I would exactly do what you said: "ask them what your chances are". Indeed, suppose you already have an acceptance. In that case, I suggest stating something like: "I would appreciate knowing what my chances are in Princeton since I have to make a decision this week. Princeton is my top choice, yet I will be able to wait just until this week. Hoping your understanding about this difficult situation. Best wishes". 

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Dear all,

I was off waitlist and got admitted to TAMU with full funding yesterday. Thrilled ! For anyone who is on the waitlist and still waiting for good news, I hope my case can give you some hope.



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Just got told I'd be extended an offer from the University of Virginia after 2.5 months on the waitlist. I am thrilled as I had not been accepted to any PhD programs and was ready to shell out for one of the two masters' programs I had been accepted to. This process has been beyond stressful, so I am sending love and strength to anyone else still holding out in these last few days. All the best, I'm out.

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Just got extended waitlist offers by Harvard and UCSD… anybody got off waitlist at Princeton? 


Good luck to all! There will be lots of movements these two days. Fingers crossed for everyone and never lose hope!

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32 minutes ago, fortheloveofgrad said:

Hello! Waitlisted 2 months ago and now received a request to have a "call" with the director of admissions but the language is very vague, the email just says they will be considering some waitlisted students for admission after all. What should I expect? Is this an interview? If anyone has a similar experience, would love to hear what was discussed in this type of call

I got a call like that and got offered the spot off the waitlist.. what happened is basically I was asked about my research interests and why I was interested in that specific university, then I was told about the program and offered a spot. Good luck!!

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Just got an unofficial offer from Duke, off the waitlist. They said to ask for an extension of a few days from the other program i'm considering until Duke Graduate School sends me an official letter. I've asked for the extension and been granted one. Most likely will accept Duke if the official offer comes. 

Very happy, but just want the cycle to end now! 

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