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1 minute ago, Croissant Waffle said:

Congrats! I didn't get any financial info yet. Hopefully get some scholarship though.

In case you are having the same issue, I emailed the office of financial aid and they are saying that they didn't get my ssn, so they haven't processed my fafsa yet. I'm going to call tomorrow though because that doesn't seem right. I haven't had issues with other schools. Hopefully we can sort this out!

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Good luck to anyone with RISD interviews this weekend! Let us know how it goes :’)


Based on responses from GradCafe in the last 10 years, the interviews were more casual. I still feel like I need to prep for scenario questions which…I’m not a fan of. ?

Edited by futuredesigner
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I was rejected from UGA today. I feel like they didn't see the best version of my art because they decided to not use Slideroom this year. (applicants could only submit a pdf no larger than like 10MB) Kind of weird to have an interview with Northwestern but get rejected from UGA, I must admit...I'm surprised. Guess I underestimated how competitive UGA is ?‍♂️

I wasn't as sad or disappointed as I thought I would be though, I am so relieved to just hear back from a school lol....one less interview I have to do ?

And now hearing people received interview invites from UCSD makes me think I am not a finalist. Goodluck to everyone that received that email today, San Diego is absolutely beautiful and the program gives a nice stipend :

Edited by Gaara
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On 2/8/2023 at 3:43 AM, sussy.spacek said:

Are you sure you're not conflating students with faculty? Faculty members and core critics definitely commute but they don't go in everyday. But I think, majority, if not all students, live in New Haven during their time in the program.

Hmmm, as an owner of apartments in NYC, three of my renters are Yale graduate students....

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Hi Boolakanaka, were your tenants painting or art MFA students?  If so did they have studios in NYC?  and then did they carry all their work in for reviews and crits?  it seems like for a philosophy grad student at yale, no prob for the commute - and maybe for a photographer - but for a painter or a sculptor it would be problematic.  Not to mention it's at best a 90 minute commute if you're driving, and over 2 hours on the train each way.  It seems a huge waste of time for a maker, and you miss out on the community aspect of being in an MFA program.... which is important to some of us - others may already have that community in place.  So for some it living in the city might be feasible, but for others it wouldn't work at all. 

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1 minute ago, Animapaint said:

Hi SocialKonstruct, were your tenants painting or art MFA students?  If so did they have studios in NYC?  and then did they carry all their work in for reviews and crits?  it seems like for a philosophy grad student at yale, no prob for the commute - and maybe for a photographer - but for a painter or a sculptor it would be problematic.  Not to mention it's at best a 90 minute commute if you're driving, and over 2 hours on the train each way.  It seems a huge waste of time for a maker, and you miss out on the community aspect of being in an MFA program.... which is important to some of us - others may already have that community in place.  So for some it living in the city might be feasible, but for others it wouldn't work at all. 

A friend of mine went to yale undergrad… he never met any MFA students who commuted from NYC, but knows of art history phd students who do. I think it’s because MFA students have classes 4-5 days per week whereas phd students only need to be on campus twice a week. Hope this helps!

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Just finished my MICA interview! Questions were extremely fast paced, I stumbled over a few of them because I was nervous. Luckily I prepped for any question possible but tbh could have prepped more. It seemed to have go well and I'm so glad I did my research!! 

I also completely forgot to change my zoom name before but the interviewer was late anyways so thankfully she didn't see that mistake. 

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1 hour ago, blueangel said:

Just finished my MICA interview! Questions were extremely fast paced, I stumbled over a few of them because I was nervous. Luckily I prepped for any question possible but tbh could have prepped more. It seemed to have go well and I'm so glad I did my research!! 

I also completely forgot to change my zoom name before but the interviewer was late anyways so thankfully she didn't see that mistake. 

Congrats on finishing your interview! 
I have a SAIC interview tomorrow. I know an interview will be different from school to school, but can I ask you some questions? How many interviewers were there? And, Do you mean the research on the program or professor or what? 

I hope you get admission to MICA. Good Luck!

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37 minutes ago, dawndothat said:

Congrats on finishing your interview! 
I have a SAIC interview tomorrow. I know an interview will be different from school to school, but can I ask you some questions? How many interviewers were there? And, Do you mean the research on the program or professor or what? 

I hope you get admission to MICA. Good Luck!

Thank you so much!! There was only 1 interviewer (there's 2 faculty members for the painting program at MICA), and I def recommend research on both the program and professor. It's nice to show that you researched the person interviewing you. They also might ask which professors you want to work with (in my case theres only 2 so they didn't ask that). She also asked why this school and what stands about about their program. 

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So first time poster but lurked for a while. Thanks for all the info everyone, you helped me cut the chord and stop checking email last March hahah.

so far I’ve gotten a usc roski painting interview that was done last Friday. ( one week ago )

Just landed in Chicago and doing Saic tomorrow. Would love to hear some info if anyone has an idea what faculty to expect just to familiarize myself with more depth.

And I created an account to let people know the interview request for Cranbrook just hit my inbox


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