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Has anyone else had any issues logging into the UCLA Portal?


Have tried every login password i can remember possibly using and it keeps saying they don't even have my email on file, had no issues logging in prior to submitting and have email conformations saying they received my app to the email i used 

got my rejection from northwestern and my invitation from yale yesterday! Not too sad about the northwestern rejection because it wasn't really a good fit for me, kinda bummed yale isn't doing interviews in person this year because for me personally I think I interview much better in person than on zoom, wanted a good excuse to visit NY for a couple days too lol

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7 hours ago, Pavol R said:

When applying to Yale MFA painting/printmaking , does anyone know how much importance yale puts on your previous gpa ? Is there a minimum gpa one must have to be considered? 

I can't imagine that your GPA would have a huge impact on your application. I suppose if your GPA is really low they might ask you to explain it. Some people take a huge gap between undergrad and the MFA, or their undergrad was in something other than art, so undergrad GPA isn't very telling about the person and their artwork. The thing I have heard consistently through this process is that your portfolio, letters of rec, and statement are the most important parts of the application. 

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2 hours ago, lysol said:

Has anyone else had any issues logging into the UCLA Portal?


Have tried every login password i can remember possibly using and it keeps saying they don't even have my email on file, had no issues logging in prior to submitting and have email conformations saying they received my app to the email i used 

got my rejection from northwestern and my invitation from yale yesterday! Not too sad about the northwestern rejection because it wasn't really a good fit for me, kinda bummed yale isn't doing interviews in person this year because for me personally I think I interview much better in person than on zoom, wanted a good excuse to visit NY for a couple days too lol

I just tried and everything seems ok on my end.. hoping we hear from them soon though! sorry you're having issues with the portal that's frustrating ?

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Yeah figured out the account itself as attached to an old email, even though I entered my new one for all the fields in the app- looks the same as when I submitted it... Hopefully it will be sent out by friday

have opened and viewed the application without actually doing it multiple times over the years for UCLA just out of curiosity, was super stressed and regrettably procrastinated on my apps and the login didn't save like all the other schools, honestly submitting everything was really stressful and a total blur for me, sure it was like that for a lot of people though haha

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Hi everyone, found this recently and it has been very helpful. Figured I would also share briefly that I applied to nine schools with a photo/video concentration. I already completed an interview at one, University of Arizona, and then got a rejection from Northwestern. Seems it is also a rejection from UCLA if the interview requests have already gone out. The ones I am still waiting on are U Michigan, UT Austin, VCU, UCSD, Carnegie Mellon, and Wash U in St Louis. Good luck to everyone and will update if I hear back from other schools.

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20 hours ago, Frank0000000 said:

Got my official rejection from Northwestern this morning! Wasn't too disappointed because I didn't get an interview invite so I wasn't expecting too much ?

Hoping to hear back from UCLA or Stanford soon!!! Anyone applying to the University of Michigan? 

Yeah I'm applying to Michigan as well and assuming the interview requests will come out soon if they haven't already (hoping obviously that they haven't lol).

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3 minutes ago, risaurus said:

Hey, any suggestions on how to choose the right faculty to interview with?

One of them I researched when applying and had mentioned her work in my statement. I really loved her website and the projects she does with students so I went ahead with her. I'd look at their work and see what aligns the best with your work and interests.

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Does anyone have any interview tips for 3-year graphic design students candidates? ?

My interview is going to be 25 minutes long, and I assume they'll ask me about specific projects in the portfolio or ask me to talk about a project. In addition, I assume they'll ask me the basic questions, "Why grad school now? Why this school?" etc.

How much time should I allot for each question? I don't know how long the portfolio is or how many questions they'll ask me, I just won't want my answers to be too long or ramble, but I also don't want to overestimate how many questions they'll ask me and give 1-minute answers to 3 questions.

Thanks for any help! ?

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2 minutes ago, futuredesigner said:

Does anyone have any interview tips for 3-year graphic design students candidates? ?

My interview is going to be 25 minutes long, and I assume they'll ask me about specific projects in the portfolio or ask me to talk about a project. In addition, I assume they'll ask me the basic questions, "Why grad school now? Why this school?" etc.

How much time should I allot for each question? I don't know how long the portfolio is or how many questions they'll ask me, I just won't want my answers to be too long or ramble, but I also don't want to overestimate how many questions they'll ask me and give 1-minute answers to 3 questions.

Thanks for any help! ?

mine is for sculpture but any guidance would be incredibly welcome

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17 minutes ago, Boolakanaka said:

More than a few folks who do a Yale MFA actually live and commute from NYC

Ah well in that case we should feel upset. 

Has anyone heard from Pratt or Bard? For those waiting for Columbia, in 2020 I got an interview there, but it didn't come until February 19th. Their deadline was also more than a week later than other schools, so I wouldn't be surprised if those letters didn't go out until next week. 


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