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SSHRC 2011


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Hi, I am new here! I just got the B Category letter.

Can I have the chair of grad studies in my department sign my form, or does it have to be the Dean of the Graduate School, for the whole university, cuz I have no idea how to reach her, and it probably is going to be signed by her secretary anyway.

for what it's worth, this was the second time I applied. My score is 22/30 in poli sci, and I'm at a decent school in the us

p.s., if you got bad news: I know it is disappointing to hear the bad news, but I absolutely guarantee you that it says nothing about you, your talent, your future,.... just try again, and it'll hopefully stick next time.

Edited by imissoilers
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I found out from my Faculty of Grad Studies that I got a CGS today--yay!! So, if you are still waiting--contact your FGS--they have the results!!!

My stats are as follows:

- just finishing MA

- no publications

- one major conference presentation, several grad student conferences (do those count?)

- 8.86 GPA (9 point scale)


- several university awards/fellowships and one smaller external

- letters from my supervisor and committee member--both assistant profs

- ranked #2 (out of 2) in my department, and #11 by my uni overall

Don't know my score yet, b/c I don't have the letter from SSHRC. Tomorrow maybe?

Anyway, congrats to all who've had good news! And if not this year, keep trying!

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I am new here too, also B-category & poli sci.

SSHRC limits the number of hours of employment per 12-month period to 450. this means that as long as you do 20 hours per week and yet still fall within the 450-hours/year limit, you're still ok.

Just out of curiosity, which year of your doctoral studies are you entering this Sept?

my tuition is almost 50k: if I accept the sshrc, can I still work as a TA (20 hours/week)? If not i might have to decline it. unsure.gifangry.gif thanks for your help

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Has anyone recently contacted SSHRC regarding what date they are planning to send out MA letters?

No, not in about a week or two. It someone could call and post their response, that would be amazing.

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Letters have arrived in St. John's, NL today. I received the 3-year CGS valued at $35K/annum!

My status:

I'm just finishing up my Masters of Philosophy in Humanities (M. Phil) at Memorial University with a 4.0/4.0 GPA. I had no publications and only one un-refereed conference presentation at the time of application. I think that's kind-of understandable considering that my undergrad was in (electrical) Engineering, so something would be wrong if I could switch and publish right away. I had two great supervisor's references (both in the philosophy department) and a very great reference from my head of department (humanities). I'm doing Science and Technology Studies (or History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, depending on your tastes) and I've been accepted to the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology at the University of Toronto (who won a - virtual - coin toss over York's STS program). My program of study was dealing with changes in power system infrastructure in Canada in the Large Technical Systems research tradition - mostly related to history and technology policy. My score was 18.8 and I had a SSHRC for the second year of my Masters.

Sorry if that's TMI. I'm often curious what other's are researching and what kinds of program of study are getting funded this year. Hopefully it might help figure out where you stand. At the very least it might distract you from worrying for a few seconds.

Good luck all.

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I just called the main number. The woman who answered said beginnig of May. I said, as in next week? She chuckled and said that she was told to tell callers that they are working on it and that it should go out beginning of May. Let's cross our fingers for next week...

No, not in about a week or two. It someone could call and post their response, that would be amazing.

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If you go under Joseph Bombardier MA under funding opportunites, there's a list of links and a contact number for general info on MA awards at the bottom. Perhaps someone else can call early next week!

what number did you call? i tried calling yesterday a few times but couldn't get through so dont know if i was using the right number or not! thanks :)

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No letter yet, but my department head informed me I've been award a $105,000 CGS! Can't believe my good luck (let's admit, it's a mix of luck and qualifications).

Don't know my score, but I'm going into my 2nd year PhD, applied once before (wait-listed, can't remember my score).

- I had an MA SSHRC

- Currently hold highest level internal scholarship from our university

- 6 conference presentations, 4 non-referreed contributions

- Multiple RA experiences (including SSHRC funded projects)

- Personal/professional experiences relevant to my program of research

- Grad and Undergrad averages around 88%

- Supportive letters from a full and associate professor

- Supervisor has SSHRC funding/project

- Several internal/external awards/medals/honours

Studying cultural psych in Saskatchewan.

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I think I might be the first to report that I didn't receive an award. I am in Edmonton, so it is a bit surprising that I got the letter already. The postmark is April 21st.

My score was 16/30. Applying first time for doctoral awards, received a Master's SSHRC for this past year, one conference presentation (and a few grad conferences), no publications. 4.0 GPA and a number of awards/scholarships throughout grad school and undergrad. I just emailed them to ask if I'm on a waitlist, but they probably would have told me if I was. Although I wasn't totally depending on this for funding next year, I still really wanted it.

Best of luck to everyone who is still waiting to hear back. I think I'm going to go and try to buy some cheap Easter chocolate to soothe my wounded feelings...

EDIT: OK, not the first rejection after all. I took too long to whine about my sorrows :)

I just thought I'd let you know that I also applied to the fine arts section, and that I got a score of 16.6 and was informed that I was placed on a waiting list. I have written to sshrc to try and find out what the cut off score was, and where I stand on the list. If I get any information, I'll let you know. Pretty glum news, and weather in St. John's is as miserable as my mood. I feel your pain.

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Just received the letter. I received a SSHRC 'B' category award with a score of 28.3/30. Here's some stats that may help with future applicants?

Entering 3rd year of doctoral program in September

Graduate GPA of 9.0/9.0

A university fellowship and a number of internal uni scholarships and awards

1 international conference

1 local conference

1 double-blind refereed publication

A number of non-refereed publications

Finalist (albeit unsuccessful) in the Vanier competition

I hope these bits are indeed helpful for others - Best of luck to all those still waiting.

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Hello: new with this forum, but followed threads on this site while waiting for the SSHRC notification to arrive.

I will be starting doctoral work in the Humanities at Concordia in the fall, coming from a background in philosophy and the fine arts, and will be focusing doctoral work specifically on poetics.

I've just learned I've been awarded a 4-year SSHRC Doctoral Award, with a score of 19.2/30.

I am very pleased with this, but have one question: I see there are a few people who have won the CGS with a lower overall score than mine. I'm curious: why is this so?

Thanks so much--

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Hello: new with this forum, but followed threads on this site while waiting for the SSHRC notification to arrive.

I will be starting doctoral work in the Humanities at Concordia in the fall, coming from a background in philosophy and the fine arts, and will be focusing doctoral work specifically on poetics.

I've just learned I've been awarded a 4-year SSHRC Doctoral Award, with a score of 19.2/30.

I am very pleased with this, but have one question: I see there are a few people who have won the CGS with a lower overall score than mine. I'm curious: why is this so?

Thanks so much--

Different committees.

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Finally! Received my letter in the UK today. I received a 2-year SSHRC award. This was my first time applying. And my stats are:

* 4.0 Undergraduate Average

* Graduated my master's in the UK with a distinction

* No Conference presentations and three publications in peer-reviewed journals

* Three reference letters from professors, two from my first and second PhD supervisors

* Received a studentship with my current university

Good luck to everyone!

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I asked for a confirmation and was confirmed. I received it early (monday at noon), so I sent my e-mail and got my answer before the rush.

Just to let people know, they got back to me today - so yeah, if you don't get a confirmation right away, no need to panic.

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I was just notified by my grad coordinator that I got a CGS!

Entering my first year Ph.D. in Sep in Philosophy.

At the time of application I had:

2 publications in grad journals

3 conference presentations


SSHRC Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement (spend 4 months studying in Germany)

OGS in 2nd yr of masters

a few TA and RA ships

other substantial internal awards

solid A average in MA, A- average in undergrad

letter from current MA supervisor and a law/philosophy prof. (both are full professors)

no score yet, but super excited nonetheless!

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Hi. I am in Vancouver and finally got the letter yesterday. I was so scared to open the envelope.

I got a two year B category award. Score 20.6/30.

- Starting my third year this Sep in education.

- First time applying for SSHRC (was an international student, and just became a PR last year)

- Don't know how to calculate GPA but my average grade in my doctoral course work is 91%

MA course work grades were about the same, but I've got some low grades in my undergrad. (although that was not in Canada)

- One refereed publication in a not at all prestigious academic journal

- 3 or 4 conference presentations locally, nationally and internationally.

- Several non refereed publications like newsletters, book reviews

- Strong letters from two popular figures in the field (I'm sure this made up my shortfalls in other aspects)

- Had 6 profs to look over my program of study and revised it like 10 times.

I hope this info is helpful for whoever is trying for next year.

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I found out from my Grad Studies Department on Tuesday, but officially received the letter in the mail yesterday that I received a CGS which was a very welcome surprise.

In terms of my application:

I am in the second year of my PhD (in a streamlined program MSc-PhD program so the first year of my PhD was my MSc)

No conferences or publications at the time of my application

Several internal/external scholarships - but no OGS or SSHRC and this was my first application to SSHRC.

Average of 85 in my undergrad, A+ in my MSc

Based on the weakness of the above, I had to make sure that my research program was persuasive enough and I'm pretty thankful that I was able to do so.

Overall, I scored a 17.8/30.

However, I do have one question that might seem somewhat ridiculous considering I feel like I should know this already... I have been having some discussions with people about whether the CGS is a general scholarship with no restrictions on the usage of the award or if the award is meant to be used strictly on research-related costs. Can anyone help clarify the matter? Thank you! And congrats to the other successful applicants (and a big sorry to those who were unsuccessful).

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I just thought I'd let you know that I also applied to the fine arts section, and that I got a score of 16.6 and was informed that I was placed on a waiting list. I have written to sshrc to try and find out what the cut off score was, and where I stand on the list. If I get any information, I'll let you know. Pretty glum news, and weather in St. John's is as miserable as my mood. I feel your pain.

Hmmm--in my email from SSHRC they said that the cutoff score for the waiting list in Fine Arts was 17.7. But maybe they meant that this was the cutoff score for awards, and anything below that was close to that number would be on the waiting list? Or maybe I forgot what committee I applied to! Whatever the case, they confirmed that my 16 was too low to be waitlisted. Good luck to you.

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However, I do have one question that might seem somewhat ridiculous considering I feel like I should know this already... I have been having some discussions with people about whether the CGS is a general scholarship with no restrictions on the usage of the award or if the award is meant to be used strictly on research-related costs. Can anyone help clarify the matter? Thank you! And congrats to the other successful applicants (and a big sorry to those who were unsuccessful).

Hey Dave,

I believe that the CGS is a 'general' award. I know it's paid out as a stipend through your university - or at least that's what the award holder's guide says. I'm not 100% certain, but it was my impression, based on conversations with my supervisor, that as long as you're still a student and not applying for the standard research grants, SSHRC scholarship money is yours to live on and spend as you see fit (for research or otherwise). There is nothing in the regulations that stipulates that the CGS must be spent on research-related expenses. I'm certainly hoping this isn't the case ;)

Here's the regulations: http://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/funding-financement/using-utiliser/guide-A/regulations-reglements-eng.aspx

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I found out from my Graduate Studies Department today that I received a CGS! My second time applying - I applied last year and got wait listed. I received a MA SSHRC. I was wait listed for the MA, too; my peers received their notifications in May 2009 and their funds in Sept.; I found out I was put on a wait list in May of 2009 and they notified me in Jan of 2010 that I received one & my funds came in Feb.! - so hope for those of you that are put on the alternate list for MA anyway).

Discipline: Indigenous Studies

1st year PhD Program

2nd time applying

MA average: 93

4 peer reviewed publications (3 articles/1 co-edit of a university press book)

4 conference presentations (2 invited)

9 non-refereed contributions (articles/documentary/guest lectures)

2 RAs for SSHRC funded research

1 letter from my current supervisor and 1 letter from one of my current professors.

2 major external scholarships/a number of smaller ones

My proposal was significantly better than last year with more focus & clarity. I had a clear research question and ensured I pointed out how there were gaps in the current scholarship on my topic and how my research could fill those gaps. I had 3 professors give me feed back on the drafts of the proposal (I did at least 10 drafts too!). Hope the info helps someone!

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