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Political Science - Fall 2011 Cycle


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On 1/31/2011 at 2:26 PM, humanprovince said:

So you got an acceptance letter but your status still says pending? I live in the Middle East, and not only does mail rarely get here in from the US in a timely manner, sometimes it doesn't arrive at all...

The letter makes it sound like they first notify by letter and then personally follow up by phone/email. Not sure what the website is for, really. Maybe formal notification from the graduate school.

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Anyone claim the Davis admits/rejects?

Also, I have a heard a rumor that UIUC will not have a cohort next fall due to budget issues. Any confirmation?

Personally, I have no information about the rumor. However, I do remember a post from someone who was accepted at UIUC.

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Just received an offer via e-mail from UCLA. Funding for five years and guaranteed 4-year TAship. I applied for Methods and Formal Theory and I'm international (Italy). They stressed the fit of my interests with the faculty.

First school I've heard from, still 18 schools to go.smile.gif

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Just received an offer via e-mail from UCLA. Funding for five years and guaranteed 4-year TAship. I applied for Methods and Formal Theory and I'm international (Italy). They stressed the fit of my interests with the faculty.

First school I've heard from, still 18 schools to go.smile.gif

Congratulations, but my word - you must've spent a fortune applying! I suppose it's worth it now that you're accepted, though.

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Just received an offer via e-mail from UCLA. Funding for five years and guaranteed 4-year TAship. I applied for Methods and Formal Theory and I'm international (Italy). They stressed the fit of my interests with the faculty.

First school I've heard from, still 18 schools to go.smile.gif

Congrats! Out of curiosity, did you apply to Rochester as well?

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Congratulations, but my word - you must've spent a fortune applying! I suppose it's worth it now that you're accepted, though.

I just had no idea about how being from an Italian university could be considered. I tried to maximize the chances. But yes, I did spend a good amount of money

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On 1/31/2011 at 6:35 PM, bandersnatch said:

Definitely not true, I received a very competitive offer.

I did apply to Rochester as well. (also Caltech, Michigan, WashU St. Louis, Berkeley, Chicago etc)

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On 1/31/2011 at 6:46 PM, Livio88 said:

I did apply to Rochester as well. (also Caltech, Michigan, WashU, Berkeley, Chicago etc)

Excellent. I'm hoping you'll keep us abreast of any upcoming acceptances as well. Personally, I'm especially eager to hear from Rochester, and it's good to know there's another Rochester applicant on the forum, so that if acceptances go out and I'm not one of them, at least I'll know.

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Just received an offer via e-mail from UCLA. Funding for five years and guaranteed 4-year TAship. I applied for Methods and Formal Theory and I'm international (Italy). They stressed the fit of my interests with the faculty.

Congratulations! Your subfields are very interesting since they're not traditional substantive subfields (it sounds more like an econ program)... I take it you're a political economy applicant?

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Yay!! There are other formal theory pol sci candidates. Good luck to everyone!!! I am applying to Rochester, Caltech, Berkeley, etc... (didn't apply to UCLA)...This week is really nerve-wracking...!!!...Every day, I feel less confident...

PS:...were y'all very specific on your subfield within political science?...I feel like in quant pol sci the fields overlap greatly...so I focused on both camparative and IR....I wasn't very specific on subfield other than methods...I'm starting to think that was a mistake.

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Upon further consideration, I guess a better second question would be: What time and date is the dinner reception with graduate students during admit week? Any admitted student will know this, and it does not vary from person to person... :)

3/4, 5:30 pm. See you there! :)

Edit: they wrote 3/4 on the schedule but it's actually 3/3...

Edited by tarrou
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On 1/31/2011 at 6:46 PM, Livio88 said:

I did apply to Rochester as well. (also Caltech, Michigan, WashU, Berkeley, Chicago etc)

Congratulazioni Livio, buona fortuna con gli altri applicazioni!

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Yes, but not per diem. Also, you will probably be bunking with a current graduate student, they won't fix you up at the local W hotel.

That may depend the university--last year I met someone who was considering CMU's PhD program in linguistics, and it seemed that they paid for her hotel stay.

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Yay!! There are other formal theory pol sci candidates. Good luck to everyone!!! I am applying to Rochester, Caltech, Berkeley, etc... (didn't apply to UCLA)...This week is really nerve-wracking...!!!...Every day, I feel less confident...

PS:...were y'all very specific on your subfield within political science?...I feel like in quant pol sci the fields overlap greatly...so I focused on both camparative and IR....I wasn't very specific on subfield other than methods...I'm starting to think that was a mistake.

I was pretty specific (Comparative) since my main interest is coalition theory and, in general, spatial theory of voting. Know little about American Politics, no interest at all in IR.

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3/4, 5:30 pm. See you there! :)

Edit: they wrote 3/4 on the schedule but it's actually 3/3...

Good to see your post was real! Still can't believe they contacted you on a Sunday - they must really want you there! Sorry I doubted that. Guess there is still some hope for those who haven't heard from Stanford...

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Hi, just to claim the UCLA acceptance for Comparative this morning (email from Prof. Geddes).

Funding - $23,000 in first year and $15,000 minimum in fourth and guaranteed TAship for 3 years, so 5 years in total.

The email looked standard with one personalized line. Good luck people!

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With a great sense of relief and joy, I got acceptances from Wisconsin and UCLA last night. Both full packages, details forthcoming from Wisconsin and a similar package as the other UCLA folks.

Hey, congratulations. If I remember correctly, you've had a topsy turvy couple of years with apps, no? So it must be a relief to have such a breakthrough!

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