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NSF GRFP 2010-2011


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do you think being from a small state really helps? and do you think minorities and people of disabilities (learning and physical) really helps too?


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I'm hoping for April 5th or 6th because I'm going to a conference these days and it would be fun to find out then! Also I think they do it in the middle of the night to avoid an overload on the fastlane system.

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do you think being from a small state really helps? and do you think minorities and people of disabilities (learning and physical) really helps too?


The state thing isn't really about size of the state so much, but more about the fact that since Congress gives NSF their budget, at least one person from every state needs to get an award so that no congresspeople complain that their state was left out (at least that's how it was explained at the "learn to submit an awesome NSF GRFP app" panel at my uni). For example, if no one from Wyoming is in the original award-winners list, the top-ranked person from Wyoming out of the honorable mention pile gets promoted. But again, this is based on second hand info.

I'm guessing being a minority or having disabilities gets you broader impact points if you play your cards right in your essays. Not sure how much it actually helps when it comes to the final applicant selection.

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I was going to say 4/12, but since that's taken I'll say 4/11. Did anyone pick that already? I don't think they will do 4/1. Even if they had the list ready to go out then I bet they wouldn't release it on April Fool's Day...

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April 25th, 2 am. (Someone said NDSEG would be near the end of April because the DoD won't know its budget for a while. I'm just applying the same to the NSF.)

i called ndseg....they said mid april....so I would expect nothing sooner

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i say april 14th 15:35 EST!

is there anyway to just post all of what we wrote? maybe we can create a database of winner and non winner essays from all universities? by the end of my app, I was tired of going to the graduate department to review past winners.


had a dream last night that NSF posted the results. But the only way to view them was to look at the list (not fastweb results but past winners) and search the last name without choosing a year [ie blind search]. Any one well studied in Freud and Jung? I think I'm going insane!

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i should have figured out a good way to mention that i'm gay to up my chances then

i think an african american out of the closet gay woman in a wheelchair (because a purple heart war vet) who is a single mother of......5?......and became an american from fleeing persecution of another nation would be even better!

Edited by topcat84
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thanks for the -1 rep points......'NOT sorry if upset someone by pointing out, or rather "quipping," on facts regarding the undeniable exponentially increasing socialist agenda of the US govt. which has already been discussed in this thread [so yes be aware there are tea-partiers and birthers in technical fields and yes I am aware its not Obama doing - since it trully started in the 1850s with radical republican reconstruction]. ANYWAYS....not lookin to troll....NEW topic on NSF anyone?

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Because of some weird stuff that's happening with the state budget, my program doesn't know how they're going to fund me if I don't get this. (I'm a first-year student.) ARRG.

What about people whose admissions decisions are riding on this? They've got to announce it April 15 or before, right?

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Because of some weird stuff that's happening with the state budget, my program doesn't know how they're going to fund me if I don't get this. (I'm a first-year student.) ARRG.

What about people whose admissions decisions are riding on this? They've got to announce it April 15 or before, right?

I think they will try their best, but try to tell CONGRESS about our deadline. They don't really care about OUR deadline since there are so many OTHER deadlines. Like my advisor told me last year, grant money and academic admissions never line up so money is always a crapshoot. Like you mentioned with your state budget, it doesn't line up with academic school year. It's unfortunate. But we can only hope a budget is passed before then.

Edited by crimsonengineer87
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