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Anthropology 2011

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Someone on the results page said they were rejected from Emory and that the admissions officer confirmed that all of the finalists have been notified.

Emory must be finished with their selections; those of us waiting are probably on the rejects list.. :(:(

I guess I've been put back in my place now and learned something in the process. It sucks, but it is what it is.

Darwinism I suppose... we weren't selected for

I'll post my 'rejected' status on Results when I'm officially notified.

PS - Do we already have thread for what makes a successful candidate, or should we start one anew for 2011? If I need to find a worthy pursuit, I'd like to know how to best spend my time and where to spend it before trying again.

Cultural Anthropology and Biological Anthropology generally follow their own admissions calendars, so that isn't necessarily relevant to you.

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Hi everyone,

I got a skype interview from my POI at Yale. I'm in seventh heaven now but extraordinarily out-stressed. Please do help me get some insight to how interviews would go because I absolutely have no experiences of that. Anyone else got any interview from Yale? What would they ask and what percentage of interviewees would drop after all the interviews are conducted?

Still any news from Brown? Anybody heard from NYU sociocultural anthro?

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I saw from the result page that someone was invited for an interview by Duke. May I ask if the email was sent by your potential advisor or the department secretary? Many thanks!

I was contacted by the potential adviser, who connected me with department secratary in order to set up an interview with two members of faculty that I hadn't planned on working with.

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Hi everyone,

I'm wondering if anyone has insight into the schedule for acceptances at Columbia or Harvard. I've tried using the results board, but there do not seem to be many acceptances posted. In other fields at Harvard (such as African American studies), I know people usually get calls around Valentine's Day. Any help would be appreciated as I'm also trying to think about alternative plans (when to make them, etc.), especially considering my girlfriend.

Thank you!

Hy mate, Columbia was super late last year. I think I got rejected finally mid April.

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So far not a peep out of the anthropology department at Brown. They're closed up tighter than the Vatican Conclave. Anxiously awaiting the plume of white smoke.

Hy mate, Columbia was super late last year. I think I got rejected finally mid April.

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Yes-- I am an Emory finalist and am 98% certain that all finalists have been contacted/interviewed at this point. But don't lose heart! We all face a few disappointments, especially in this soul-crushing process. Do you have any more applications out? As far as worthy pursuits, I would recommend spending as much time gaining research experience, and if possible, living/working in your potential field site.

Someone on the results page said they were rejected from Emory and that the admissions officer confirmed that all of the finalists have been notified.

Emory must be finished with their selections; those of us waiting are probably on the rejects list.. :(:(

I guess I've been put back in my place now and learned something in the process. It sucks, but it is what it is.

Darwinism I suppose... we weren't selected for

I'll post my 'rejected' status on Results when I'm officially notified.

PS - Do we already have thread for what makes a successful candidate, or should we start one anew for 2011? If I need to find a worthy pursuit, I'd like to know how to best spend my time and where to spend it before trying again.

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I just saw on the results page that some lucky candidate has got an interview by HASTS. Could you please tell us more about it? Any other candidates have been contacted for interview yet? Do you think that interview requests have all been sent out on Feb, 3 or is there still the slightest hope for the others to hear from HASTS? Please do keep us updated!

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On 2/3/2011 at 2:35 PM, Anthroman said:

So far not a peep out of the anthropology department at Brown. They're closed up tighter than the Vatican Conclave. Anxiously awaiting the plume of white smoke.

yeah, no news from Brown yet. when do they notify? also, i haven't heard a word from cornell yet either.

anyone know anything about WashU?

in other news, i got accepted w/ a scholarship to Brown for public health.

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that UCLA-Anthro/Archaeology rejection on the results board has me shaken up this morning. I haven't received anything, though I suppose if someone really did get a rejection, that silence can only be a good thing at this point.

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I just got my notification from Brown and unfortunately I have been rejected. This is how it works: they'd send you an email asking you to refer to the website where you'd find the results which would be either rejection (my case), wait-listed or acceptance as some lucky guy posted in the results page.

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Hi PersianDoc, sorry to hear about the bad news from Brown. Would you mind filling us in though on your Yale interview? It's amazing that you got one! I am just curious if no interview means no hope? You can private message me if you prefer, good luck with it!

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Hi there,

I would definitely keep you updated regarding my Yale's interview. Tell me if you also got one. Have you applied to Yale's sociocultural antrho at all? Have you got any news from HASTS? Someone's got an interview and no interview means rejection indirectly,


Hi PersianDoc, sorry to hear about the bad news from Brown. Would you mind filling us in though on your Yale interview? It's amazing that you got one! I am just curious if no interview means no hope? You can private message me if you prefer, good luck with it!

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I just got an email from the graduate secretary at UCSB letting me know that the department has admitted me. Waiting now to hear officially from the Graduate Division, but they've invited me out for a "meet and greet" weekend at the end of February. It's really too bad that the UC system is hurting as bad as it is; my POI informed me during my interview that at this point it'd be unlikely that I would get any significant funding offer. Oh well, still excited that the first news this season is good news!

Now back to waiting on the remaining nine schools.

Edited by Cashmere
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Yes-- I am an Emory finalist and am 98% certain that all finalists have been contacted/interviewed at this point. But don't lose heart! We all face a few disappointments, especially in this soul-crushing process. Do you have any more applications out? As far as worthy pursuits, I would recommend spending as much time gaining research experience, and if possible, living/working in your potential field site.

Congratulations! I am waiting on some other schools; thanks for asking. I'll try again for Emory next year if I don't get accepted into Pitts or Temple. They might get tired of me though if I try more than twice.

If you don't mind, please post something here if you run into biological candidates at the interviews.

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Congratulations! I am waiting on some other schools; thanks for asking. I'll try again for Emory next year if I don't get accepted into Pitts or Temple. They might get tired of me though if I try more than twice.

If you don't mind, please post something here if you run into biological candidates at the interviews.

if it's like years past, the interview to yale means you're accepted. so no need to be nervous. congrats. but as with any program you apply to, do due diligence on the department and everyone you'll be working with.

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Hey Polanthro!

I have no idea if no interview means no acceptance at Yale. I still hope everyone would get into their program of interest. Have you applied to HASTS? I could tell no interview means rejection regarding HASTS since they have mentioned interview as part of their selection procedure. My gut feeling says that I'm also rejected from HASTS because someone got their interview request already!


Thanks PersianDoc, I didn't get an interview at Yale even though I applied so I guess that means a rejection?

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Hello, everyone! Congrats to those with significantly positive advances in their application process. I've been trolling this thread frequently enough that I finally decided to make an account and post. This week brought me rejections from Duke and Brown....nor have I heard any sort of interview-esque news from Yale, Emory, or Northwestern. I'm assuming Yale and Emory are putting me in the reject pile, but I was wondering if anyone knows anymore about Northwestern. I saw two people have received interview requests. Does that make any future for me at Northwestern increasingly hopeless as well??? :-( Would be a shame. As an Africanist, Northwestern was one of my top top choices, and I love the idea of their interdisciplinary clusters.

Not sure if anyone else has applied to Virginia, but I also received an e-mail from the departmental grad admissions chair asking me to set up a phone chat this weekend. At least SOME promising news in a flurry of direct and implied rejections.

Courage à tous!

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Hey Mattsika,

Don't you lose heart! No one seems to be sure of anything regarding the interviews! I'm having my first interview tonight and I'm about to have a nervous breakdown. Heaven forbid I wouldn't have a heart attack during the interview.

It's good news you got an interview from Virginia. It's something to be celebrated. As I posted earlier I was also rejected from Brown where I always thought would be a definite acceptance. I had the best communication with an important decision maker and they always encouraged me to apply. They always admired my project, etc. I was kinda shocked when I got the rejection! C'est la vie comme tu sait!

I think we all have no choice but to play the rest of our cards well!

Bon Courage

Hello, everyone! Congrats to those with significantly positive advances in their application process. I've been trolling this thread frequently enough that I finally decided to make an account and post. This week brought me rejections from Duke and Brown....nor have I heard any sort of interview-esque news from Yale, Emory, or Northwestern. I'm assuming Yale and Emory are putting me in the reject pile, but I was wondering if anyone knows anymore about Northwestern. I saw two people have received interview requests. Does that make any future for me at Northwestern increasingly hopeless as well??? :-( Would be a shame. As an Africanist, Northwestern was one of my top top choices, and I love the idea of their interdisciplinary clusters.

Not sure if anyone else has applied to Virginia, but I also received an e-mail from the departmental grad admissions chair asking me to set up a phone chat this weekend. At least SOME promising news in a flurry of direct and implied rejections.

Courage à tous!

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Hey Laska,

Can you tell me more about Yale's interview. Although you helped relieve my anxiety to a great deal, I'm losing all my senses one after another because I'm having my first interview within three hours. I barely breathe. Hey dude, I need to take propranolol. What if something goes wrong? What is that wrong? Apologies everyone, I'm nuts!

if it's like years past, the interview to yale means you're accepted. so no need to be nervous. congrats. but as with any program you apply to, do due diligence on the department and everyone you'll be working with.

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my impression is that it is just a recruiting tool. you'll get a feeling that it was extra-tough to get in, so you'll be more inclined to go. but actually you are already admitted. unless the primary person you will be working with interviews you (and even then) don't be surprised if your interviewers have not actually carefully read your application materials, especially your paper. it might seem a little embarrassing to them if you assume that they have read it and they haven't. but i don't think you can really do anything wrong at this point, at least for Yale, unless they have really changed their approach.

Hey Laska,

Can you tell me more about Yale's interview. Although you helped relieve my anxiety to a great deal, I'm losing all my senses one after another because I'm having my first interview within three hours. I barely breathe. Hey dude, I need to take propranolol. What if something goes wrong? What is that wrong? Apologies everyone, I'm nuts!

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I'm interviewing with Yale today too and am so nervous!!! Who is everyone interviewing there with? I am talking to P Sean Brotherton, Marcia Inhorn, and Cather Panter-Brick. From what I've heard though is that they interview about 20-25 people and accept only 4. :(

my impression is that it is just a recruiting tool. you'll get a feeling that it was extra-tough to get in, so you'll be more inclined to go. but actually you are already admitted. unless the primary person you will be working with interviews you (and even then) don't be surprised if your interviewers have not actually carefully read your application materials, especially your paper. it might seem a little embarrassing to them if you assume that they have read it and they haven't. but i don't think you can really do anything wrong at this point, at least for Yale, unless they have really changed their approach.

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