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A New Level of Obsession


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It just occurred to me that watching YouTube videos of the Ph.D. hooding ceremony from my top choice school might qualify me as crazy.

God. I was not cut out for waiting. This is going to be a miserable few months at this pace.

For serious. I've cried like four times in 24 hours. I've eaten three times that many clementines.

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I've decided to start working out again. If nothing else, bitching about how much I hate it will make the time go faster....I hope....and make it so that my winter depression doesn't overtake me, especially during this waiting period....

This sucks.

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I've been thinking a lot about how if I end up in New England, I'll have to have a complete wardrobe overhaul. Cute scarves and boots galore!

I mean, I also fret about how I'll actually survive weather below 50 F, but whatever.

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It just occurred to me that watching YouTube videos of the Ph.D. hooding ceremony from my top choice school might qualify me as crazy.

God. I was not cut out for waiting. This is going to be a miserable few months at this pace.

I'm only half-ashamed to admit that I've watched undergrad recruiting/promo videos for a number of institutions that I'm applying to. :wacko:

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I'm only half-ashamed to admit that I've watched undergrad recruiting/promo videos for a number of institutions that I'm applying to.

on retrospect, it might not be a bad idea to check out safety schools. watching dept/univ/town videos might help to develop more respect towards these little guys. who knows, i/we might actually end up in our safetys!

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With Google Maps, I've pinpointed all the schools I'm applying to. I've also looked up the driving distances between where I live (Miami) and each city [as if I were moving there]. Plus planning out each trip in my head including friends' places I can crash at along the way.

Conclusion: driving to California will be the toughest. I don't know anybody in the west.

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With Google Maps, I've pinpointed all the schools I'm applying to. I've also looked up the driving distances between where I live (Miami) and each city [as if I were moving there]. Plus planning out each trip in my head including friends' places I can crash at along the way.

Conclusion: driving to California will be the toughest. I don't know anybody in the west.

HAHA! I did the exact same thing! And ditto on California! I've had family already tell me if I decide to move to Cali, then I may just be on my own. Such love...

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I realize that this is only ennabling our common sickness, but I've discovered that some of the departments to which I've applied allow public online access to their faculty calendars . . . meaning I've looked up when adcomms are meeting and, for some, when they're discussing application decisions. Somehow, I'm relieved to know that they can't have rejected me yet.

I am completely insane.

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I've been checking apartments on Craigslist.org for months now in the cities of the schools I want to go to the most. Let me find places I love when I haven't even gotten in anywhere yet. Yep - going off the deep end!

I've been thinking a lot about how if I end up in New England, I'll have to have a complete wardrobe overhaul. Cute scarves and boots galore!

I mean, I also fret about how I'll actually survive weather below 50 F, but whatever.

Okay, you are both secretly me!

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I've been checking apartments on Craigslist.org for months now in the cities of the schools I want to go to the most. Let me find places I love when I haven't even gotten in anywhere yet. Yep - going off the deep end!

not that i haven't thought of this, but the guilt-laden thought of 'what if i don't get in because i crossed the line by looking at the places wayyyy ahead of time' has kept me checked.

I mean, I also fret about how I'll actually survive weather below 50 F, but whatever.

life here is always around 10F. cold is fine with me.. it's the snow i hate the most. and i can't get over the feeling of how am i going to survive for next 3-4 years in miserable weather conditions in the midwest... ugh!

With Google Maps, I've pinpointed all the schools I'm applying to...

this is like a time travel man - you've worked out to the finest details and bravo, you found all the Sarah Connors before landing on earth! :D

my newest level of obsession: checking wisc-madison status page every 5 minutes - this is the only school i care about at the moment!

Edited by bhikhaari
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With Google Maps, I've pinpointed all the schools I'm applying to. I've also looked up the driving distances between where I live (Miami) and each city [as if I were moving there]. Plus planning out each trip in my head including friends' places I can crash at along the way.

Conclusion: driving to California will be the toughest. I don't know anybody in the west.

I did the exact same thing.

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I'm only half-ashamed to admit that I've watched undergrad recruiting/promo videos for a number of institutions that I'm applying to. :wacko:

I just 1-upped your crazy: reading the undergraduate admissions office's student blogs for each school. wacko.gif

(In my defense, it's actually quite interesting to read about the different types of undergraduate cultures out there.... especially since their cultures all seem so drastically different from my school's!)

Well. I'm glad I've found a place where this kinda stuff doesn't sound completely whacko.

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Ok... here are my weird confessions

These came about from being in my OCD bordom/creative head space trying to decide who to work with and where to apply, trying to make sense of it all

I processed the info I collected in odd ways...

1) I drew "maps" between people, ideas, their collaborations with others, trying to trace their intellectual lineage and ripples. I used numbers and colors. These maps resembled trees, webs, or small flowers.

2) I put together an equation to compare profs based on their impact on science relative to their time within the profession. it was eerie to compare the numbers to my "gut" guess of who was most similar to each other, even if they were decades apart within their profession

3) paired the intellectual "taste" of each prof and my impression of them with a bottle of wine/beer/liquor, I was then able to describe and compare the "flavors" and "colors" of each professor relative to each other, and carefully noted my reaction. I just matched each personality with an imaginary aroma, texture, tone, etc...

Edited by coffeecoffeebuzzbuzz
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Ok... here are my weird confessions

These came about from being in my OCD bordom/creative head space trying to decide who to work with and where to apply, trying to make sense of it all

I processed the info I collected in odd ways...

1) I drew "maps" between people, ideas, their collaborations with others, trying to trace their intellectual lineage and ripples. I used numbers and colors. These maps resembled trees, webs, or small flowers.

2) I put together an equation to compare profs based on their impact on science relative to their time within the profession. it was eerie to compare the numbers to my "gut" guess of who was most similar to each other, even if they were decades apart within their profession

3) paired the intellectual "taste" of each prof and my impression of them with a bottle of wine/beer/liquor, I was then able to describe and compare the "flavors" and "colors" of each professor relative to each other, and carefully noted my reaction. I just matched each personality with an imaginary aroma, texture, tone, etc...

Man, it sounds like you really researched your schools to the point of ... well, insanity. But I almost find it admirable.

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Well, hopefully my unusual approach toward information will be appreciated where ever I end up. One of the unexpected challenges with grad school is that many of the programs seem way too "normal", a dash of quirky eccentric style is more my cup of tea. Too bad none of my grad school choices are in places like Portland or Austin, towns that pride themselves on keeping it weird...

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I just 1-upped your crazy: reading the undergraduate admissions office's student blogs for each school. wacko.gif

(In my defense, it's actually quite interesting to read about the different types of undergraduate cultures out there.... especially since their cultures all seem so drastically different from my school's!)

Well. I'm glad I've found a place where this kinda stuff doesn't sound completely whacko.

That did 1-up me...

until I watched the undergraduate videos from TheU.com for my schools. Though, it did prove helpful a little bit in getting an idea of the atmosphere of some of the campuses.

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