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Yeah, my letter was the same. I'm glad to know that UPenn believes that I, [applicant], have what it takes to succeed at [university of applicant's choice].

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Sorry to all on the UPenn rejections. Wondering, however, what this means for those invited to Friday's visiting day- acceptances and waitlist? Or will there be another round of rejections next week? It is my top choice now that Columbia is out of the picture, and I am totally unsure of how to interpret my place right now.

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So, I followed through on the message and talked with someone from NYU, who congratulated me on being admitted! (S)He said that I should be getting an email soon with all the details, hopefully by the end of the week, but not to panic if it doesn't arrive by Friday because things are clogged up at the graduate admissions side.

Oh, and I wasn't invited to the prospective student weekend, so apparently that has nothing to do with your chances. But, then again, maybe it's because I applied for the Dual PhD in History and French Studies. Who knows?

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Has anyone heard anything from Washington or Boston College?

I haven't posted since I was applying to master's programs. I'm now applying to doctorate programs.

I was accepted at U of Washington last week. I received a call from the director of graduate studies.

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Just got a rejection from Georgetown's MAGIC program in the mail. I'm sad, but not really. D.C. would have been a far trek for me anyways.

I'm hoping for two more decisions this week though. Maybe one will come with good news (and money plz?).

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Did everyone else's UPenn rejection say "I trust that you have been, or will soon be, admitted elsewhere to a university of your choice?" That seems like not the smartest thing to say in a form letter (in my case I do have one but still...)

Sounds similar to Stanford's condescending rejection email. They wrote, "I sincerely hope that you secure admission to another program and that you will find a way to continue your interest in history."

[sarcasm] Yes Stanford, I will somehow try to move on. [/sarcasm]

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I just received Vanderbilt's rejection email, short, sweet, and oh so painful. sad.gifI knew it was only a matter of time before a rejection made its way to me, but this one hurts; Vanderbilt would have been a good fit. Oh well.......unsure.gif

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Just got a rejection from Georgetown's MAGIC program in the mail. I'm sad, but not really. D.C. would have been a far trek for me anyways.

Does anyone know the reputation of the MAGIC program, especially with regard to how it is perceived by admission committees? If I'm rejected from all the MA/PhD programs I've applied to (which seems more and more likely) this is where I'll likely end up as I was accepted last week. I've done this whole process with little guidance as I've been in the work force for several years, thus I have don't have much insight into the scuttlebutt on various programs. I applied because it fits with what I want to do and I thought it prudent to apply for some MA-only programs but I'd like to know more than what is on the website.

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What is with these letter rejection writers? It isn't like it is hard to refrain from being jerks about it. "I hope you find someone else who wants you," is something (mean) you say to the person you just broke up with - and it isn't terribly wrong, because there actually are lots of people to date out there. "I hope you are accepted to a different history program that wants you" is just stupid.

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I have a job interview lined up. Plan C is in motion.

In regards to form letters, how would you write one without sounding cold, condescending, and distant? Maybe a [gendered] maternal 'I couldn't afford to nuture your dreams' [/gendered] instead?

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I have a job interview lined up. Plan C is in motion.

In regards to form letters, how would you write one without sounding cold, condescending, and distant? Maybe a [gendered] maternal 'I couldn't afford to nuture your dreams' [/gendered] instead?

Form letters shouldn't contain apologies/words of consolation because the reader will never perceive those as being sincere. A simple "best wishes in all your endeavors" would suffice instead of "hopefully another program accepts you [because we sure didn't want to]."

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Have to agree. How hard would it be to draft a more appropriate letter? "We wish you well in your future endeavors" would be less condescending than "We are sure someone else will take you," when, clearly, they are saying this to everyone who applied and got rejected.

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Form letters shouldn't contain apologies/words of consolation because the reader will never perceive those as being sincere. A simple "best wishes in all your endeavors" would suffice instead of "hopefully another program accepts you [because we sure didn't want to]."

I totally agree, but then what else would you write in the letter?

Component 1: We are rejecting you.

Component 2: Vague form excuse (money, competition, you are not that great, etc.)

Component 3: Best wishes in all your endeavors.

The only thing is, the more neurotic of us would construe the last component as condescending, even if less so than Penn's 'Someone will love you, I am sure'

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I totally agree, but then what else would you write in the letter?

Component 1: We are rejecting you.

Component 2: Vague form excuse (money, competition, you are not that great, etc.)

Component 3: Best wishes in all your endeavors.

The only thing is, the more neurotic of us would construe the last component as condescending, even if less so than Penn's 'Someone will love you, I am sure'

That's about right. Leaving off component 3 would be best, even. "We regret to inform you...many qualified candidates...best, Grad Program." I would not be offended that they didn't wish me luck, and that seems to be where they get tripped up.

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Congrats to the UT European acceptances!

That was one of my top choices, and I haven't heard from them. I hope this doesn't mean what I think it does...

I've been assuming it does. Curious to hear more about Texas, since I think they actually had money too.

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