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SLP/Communication Disorders Masters Applicants


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Sigh. I'm getting kinda depressed reading all the Northwestern acceptances on the results page. My status page still has no 'view decision' link. This doesn't stop me from checking every hour or so...

Grats to everyone who got in! I really hope to be joining you...!

Seyeau, if you don't mind me asking, what are your stats? Congrats on UMD acceptance! I was waitlisted and not sure why...

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Seyeau, if you don't mind me asking, what are your stats? Congrats on UMD acceptance! I was waitlisted and not sure why...

I have a 3.94 CumGpa and a 4.0 MajorGpa. I'm an out of field applicant, majored in Linguistics. Lots if research in Linguistics as well. V610 Q710 AW4.5.

.... And I was flat out rejected from Northwestern this moring. Sigh.

I was pretty sure I would at least get waitlested at NU. But C'est la vie. I guess we will never really know why they decide what they do...

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I have a 3.94 CumGpa and a 4.0 MajorGpa. I'm an out of field applicant, majored in Linguistics. Lots if research in Linguistics as well. V610 Q710 AW4.5.

.... And I was flat out rejected from Northwestern this moring. Sigh.

I was pretty sure I would at least get waitlested at NU. But C'est la vie. I guess we will never really know why they decide what they do...

Wow, seriously, y'all have such impressive stats!!!!

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I have a 3.94 CumGpa and a 4.0 MajorGpa. I'm an out of field applicant, majored in Linguistics. Lots if research in Linguistics as well. V610 Q710 AW4.5.

.... And I was flat out rejected from Northwestern this moring. Sigh.

I was pretty sure I would at least get waitlested at NU. But C'est la vie. I guess we will never really know why they decide what they do...

Bummer about Northwestern. Was it your top choice? Your stats are quite impressive. I am also an out-of-field applicant, majored in Animal Science at Cornell, 3.4GPA, but 3.67 in my SLP courses. 730V, 660Q, 4.5AW. Lots of hands on experience with children with special needs in clinical, school, and home-based settings... I wish they could tell us WHY they didn't choose us, you know? Why am I not the right fit for UMD, why are you not right for Northwestern? I just don't get it!

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Bummer about Northwestern. Was it your top choice? Your stats are quite impressive. I am also an out-of-field applicant, majored in Animal Science at Cornell, 3.4GPA, but 3.67 in my SLP courses. 730V, 660Q, 4.5AW. Lots of hands on experience with children with special needs in clinical, school, and home-based settings... I wish they could tell us WHY they didn't choose us, you know? Why am I not the right fit for UMD, why are you not right for Northwestern? I just don't get it!

It seems that a lot of people applying this year have amazing stats and experience. I bet they are looking really hard at the rec letters and personal statement for those deciding factors

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It seems that a lot of people applying this year having amazing stats and experience. I bet they are looking really hard at the rec letters and personal statement for those deciding factors

I agree. I don't think it's all about numbers. It can be comforting (or frustrating) to be able to compare the numbers because they're the only concrete indicator that we really have, but I think it's a "whole package" thing.

Edited by tayfray
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Bummer about Northwestern. Was it your top choice? Your stats are quite impressive. I am also an out-of-field applicant, majored in Animal Science at Cornell, 3.4GPA, but 3.67 in my SLP courses. 730V, 660Q, 4.5AW. Lots of hands on experience with children with special needs in clinical, school, and home-based settings... I wish they could tell us WHY they didn't choose us, you know? Why am I not the right fit for UMD, why are you not right for Northwestern? I just don't get it!

Yeah, I don't know. I guess we'll never know. It was sort of my top choice. But I'm pretty adaptable, I'm sure I will be happy wherever I end up. And I'm sure as highly ranked as they are they probably got a ridiculous number of apps too. Oh well. At least I've been accepted other places!

You have great stats as well - seems like a lot of experience! I don't have nearly that much. Was UMD your top choice? I'm not sure about going there, mostly because the cost of living is a lot higher than the other schools I was looking at. We'll see! Good luck with your other schools!

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By the by, has anyone heard anything from Syracuse about when we will be getting notification letters? I had my phone interview on 3/1, but that was one of the latest days. Also, on the results from last year, it seems like they sent out notifications around 3/20-ish and had some kind of open house for accepted students... I guess I'm just antsy for information from them! The interview made me want to go there more.

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By the by, has anyone heard anything from Syracuse about when we will be getting notification letters? I had my phone interview on 3/1, but that was one of the latest days. Also, on the results from last year, it seems like they sent out notifications around 3/20-ish and had some kind of open house for accepted students... I guess I'm just antsy for information from them! The interview made me want to go there more.

I completely agree, I'm getting so antsy! I had my interview on 2/25 and haven't heard any updates yet. They were so helpful and enthusiastic on the phone and pretty much sold the program to me, which was a nice change from me selling myself to them. I mentioned I was interested in working with/researching in the autism area and she gave me plenty of information on the local autism groups and clinical placement opportunities....it has definitely moved up in my rankings of schools I applied to.

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I agree. I don't think it's all about numbers. It can be comforting (or frustrating) to be able to compare the numbers because they're the only concrete indicator that we really have, but I think it's a "whole package" thing.

The prof here on our adcom that always speaks at our NSSLHA meetings says that personal statement is most important to him, followed by rec letters, followed by GPA, followed by GRE. He pretty much said to all of us "As long as you're topping 3.5 and 1000 GRE, you should have a decent shot to go to grad school". He also said that high grades and GREs don't often help a student as much as bad GPA/GRE can hurt a student. People thought I was crazy for starting my personal statement over the summer and told me that I should have spent more time studying for the GRE but I think it paid off :)

I think we forget, too, that sometimes it's just about school fit and personal fit. Maybe they are looking for people with certain interests/backgrounds, so what it comes down to in a rejection/waitlist is not "He/she wasn't good enough", but "These other people might be a better fit for our program". Not really very comforting I guess to everyone, but to me it works.

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The prof here on our adcom that always speaks at our NSSLHA meetings says that personal statement is most important to him, followed by rec letters, followed by GPA, followed by GRE. He pretty much said to all of us "As long as you're topping 3.5 and 1000 GRE, you should have a decent shot to go to grad school". He also said that high grades and GREs don't often help a student as much as bad GPA/GRE can hurt a student. People thought I was crazy for starting my personal statement over the summer and told me that I should have spent more time studying for the GRE but I think it paid off :)

I think we forget, too, that sometimes it's just about school fit and personal fit. Maybe they are looking for people with certain interests/backgrounds, so what it comes down to in a rejection/waitlist is not "He/she wasn't good enough", but "These other people might be a better fit for our program". Not really very comforting I guess to everyone, but to me it works.

Right. What they want are good students who are going to be successful and not drop out of the program. The numbers can't really tell you that. All they can really do is weed out people who don't have good study skills.

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Right. What they want are good students who are going to be successful and not drop out of the program. The numbers can't really tell you that. All they can really do is weed out people who don't have good study skills.

They definitely want to admit students who will complete their program successfully...but I think it's also a lot about the fit. You might be applying to a research1 school but have very little interest in research, but just as good credentials as someone with a tad bit more research interest, who ends up getting in.

My fiance was wondering, A) if there are so many well-qualified students who are rejected to these SLP programs and B) there is a great need for qualified SLPs, then WHY DON"T THEY EXPAND THE PROGRAMS OR CREATE NEW PROGRAMS TO KEEP UP!?!?! Wouldn't that make sense???

Have a great day y'all ;)

Seyeau, honestly UMD was my top choice, because I took my pre-reqs there, but I just didn't like one of my teachers, who is currently the director of the program. I really like the LEAP program, but I like GWU, TOWSON(they are renovating a new building and moving their clinic), and LOYOLA's clinic better.

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I agree. I don't think it's all about numbers. It can be comforting (or frustrating) to be able to compare the numbers because they're the only concrete indicator that we really have, but I think it's a "whole package" thing.

Hey Tayfray,

Which school are you considering attending?? It would be so cool to know someone going to Emerson too! I just signed up for the March 30th admitted students thing. I know you have a tough choice between MGH and Emerson (and the other schools you are still bound to be accepted into) but I think this is it for me. I'm just waiting for Bloomsburg but the last time I called they said they were only accepting 28 students so I don't really have my hopes up.

This process is just insane! But getting in is just the first part. Now we have to survive it! And I do agree, its definitely not just the GPA or GRE, rec letters and statements are very important too.

Have a great week everyone! I hope everyone hears some good news this week!

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They definitely want to admit students who will complete their program successfully...but I think it's also a lot about the fit. You might be applying to a research1 school but have very little interest in research, but just as good credentials as someone with a tad bit more research interest, who ends up getting in.

My fiance was wondering, A) if there are so many well-qualified students who are rejected to these SLP programs and B) there is a great need for qualified SLPs, then WHY DON"T THEY EXPAND THE PROGRAMS OR CREATE NEW PROGRAMS TO KEEP UP!?!?! Wouldn't that make sense???

Have a great day y'all ;)

Seyeau, honestly UMD was my top choice, because I took my pre-reqs there, but I just didn't like one of my teachers, who is currently the director of the program. I really like the LEAP program, but I like GWU, TOWSON(they are renovating a new building and moving their clinic), and LOYOLA's clinic better.

There are not enough teachers, as much as they'd want to expand, I think. :(

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There are not enough teachers, as much as they'd want to expand, I think. :(

Also, I think clinical placement can be an issue too. There are lots more opportunities in the cities, I think, but out in the middle of nowhere there are fewer schools and hospitals and private clinics, so it can be hard to provide appropriate practicum for students without overcrowding the clinical site with students.

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My applications were completed FEB 1.

I had an interview with UNM last week and have an interview with TTHSC this week so I know those decisions have yet to have been made. Anyone have any experience with these schools? Know if they have sent letters out yet? Thank you!

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So I was told to email the faculty member assigned to my interview about setting up a time. I did that Friday shortly after receiving the email; however, she has not responded to me yet. I want to drive up to Knoxville for an in person interview, and I'm only home for one more week. Should I email her again or would that be pestering her too much??

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From Portland State's Website:

Our selection process is delayed due to delays in receiving information from CSDCAS. Students will be notified of admission status by mid-April 2011. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you kindly for your patience.

Mid-April, nooooo!

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From Portland State's Website:

Our selection process is delayed due to delays in receiving information from CSDCAS. Students will be notified of admission status by mid-April 2011. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you kindly for your patience.

Mid-April, nooooo!

I so called that one. ;)

See what you get for outsourcing your application, PSU?

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HUGE congrats!!! Can I ask how you were notified? If it was via postal, where do you live and what was the postmark? I'm in NJ so it will take 1+ more days. UGH! Congrats again.

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My applications were completed FEB 1.

I had an interview with UNM last week and have an interview with TTHSC this week so I know those decisions have yet to have been made. Anyone have any experience with these schools? Know if they have sent letters out yet? Thank you!

Pretty much all my schools had a Feb 1st deadline, too, and I've only heard from one (of six). I think most of the people who are hearing back right now are the ones who applied to schools with December or early January deadlines. I know it doesn't help to say this, but I think we'll just have to wait a while longer. dry.gif (Especially those of us who applied to Portland State!)


Congratulations! That's totally awesome. Go get a drink or some ice cream or something to celebrate. :)

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Also, I think clinical placement can be an issue too. There are lots more opportunities in the cities, I think, but out in the middle of nowhere there are fewer schools and hospitals and private clinics, so it can be hard to provide appropriate practicum for students without overcrowding the clinical site with students.

Clinical placement was definitely an issue for some of the schools I applied to. They won't take on any more students then they can successfully place for external practicums. And even for the schools in big cities with a lot of clinical resources, there are usually multiple programs competing with each other for placements.

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