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MFA 2011 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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I totally understand how you feel! I'm teaching elementary school right now too (but abroad) and little kids suck up sooooooo much energy on top of everything else!

I hate to admit it, but I haven't painted in almost 6 WEEKS!! Depressing I know!!! The only art I have done is sample art projects for little kids and posters for my lessons. The week after I finished apps I spent working and sleeping....and then I had gained a few lbs from the stress of applications and now I'm spending my studio time at the gym until I get back in shape!! I attempted to paint in my bedroom one day, but then got dizzy and sick with the oil paints (bad ventillation) and decided to stop. Now the past 4 weeks, between applications, the gym, school, and writing lesson plans, I haven't had the time :-(. Now I gotta study for a big test to finish my teaching license. So double no time :-( Once I finish getting my license in May I will have more time again...can't wait for spring breakkk!!!

Haven't had any rejection letters yet...but the parents are definitely getting annoyed by my obsessing over it.

Don't feel bad about not getting into yale....there are like 1500 applicants! and it's partially a lottery ticket for sure...every school is. It's also probably hard for me to comprehend the disappointment because i haven't experienced it yet. You just can't let it bring u down!!

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I applied for painting

~ and thanks!

my friend applied there to the interdisciplinary program did you do painting or interdisciplinary???? Has anyone else heard from CCA? and CONGRATS on the inteview, good luck!

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As rejection letters come, everyone should remember and keep this in mind:

You could be one of the greatest painters/ sculptures/ whatevers in the world and still get rejection letters!! I visited several schools...and from what I have learned, they may even LOVE your work and STILL not accept you.

A) you may be doing work that is very different from what others in that program are doing, and they may feel you won't fit in. The type of work also changes every year!! In 2010 maybe a bunch of figurative painters all graduated for example, and if you are a figurative painter you would then possibly have no one to relate to!

B) you may be doing work that is too similar to what others in the program are doing!! If they already have 2 landscape painters, for example, and you paint landscapes....they may choose the figurative painter instead of you, to have a little more variety. (learned this at MICA)

C) I heard that some schools like Tyler will actually reject people who's work is too developed....if you're body of work is super consistent to the point where you are doing similar stuff over and over...they may say, "why would you wanna come to grad school when you already know exactly what you are doing?!"

D) they may like your work, but they may feel that your personal goals as an artist are not consistent with what their program has to offer...or how their program is structured!

E) I visited Hunter, and they told me that sometimes they choose the wrong applicants on accident. They said they have had situations where someone's work looks different in their photographs, and when they get accepted and come to school it turns out to be different in real life.

Point is.....as disappointing as it is, don't be discouraged, being rejected doesn't mean that you don't have what it takes.

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As rejection letters come, everyone should remember and keep this in mind:

You could be one of the greatest painters/ sculptures/ whatevers in the world and still get rejection letters!! I visited several schools...and from what I have learned, they may even LOVE your work and STILL not accept you.

A) you may be doing work that is very different from what others in that program are doing, and they may feel you won't fit in. The type of work also changes every year!! In 2010 maybe a bunch of figurative painters all graduated for example, and if you are a figurative painter you would then possibly have no one to relate to!

B) you may be doing work that is too similar to what others in the program are doing!! If they already have 2 landscape painters, for example, and you paint landscapes....they may choose the figurative painter instead of you, to have a little more variety. (learned this at MICA)

C) I heard that some schools like Tyler will actually reject people who's work is too developed....if you're body of work is super consistent to the point where you are doing similar stuff over and over...they may say, "why would you wanna come to grad school when you already know exactly what you are doing?!"

D) they may like your work, but they may feel that your personal goals as an artist are not consistent with what their program has to offer...or how their program is structured!

E) I visited Hunter, and they told me that sometimes they choose the wrong applicants on accident. They said they have had situations where someone's work looks different in their photographs, and when they get accepted and come to school it turns out to be different in real life.

Point is.....as disappointing as it is, don't be discouraged, being rejected doesn't mean that you don't have what it takes.

Thanks- that was a nice little pep talk.

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Okay, Okay. I have been reading this forum for a few days- it's time to post. I wish you all the best of luck.

I applied to: CCA, Pratt, VCU, and RISD.. feeling like I should have added 6 or 7 more schools!!!! Ugh. Oh Sh*t.

Anyone know anything about MFA at Pratt? Haven't seen it on anyone's list so far...

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what program did you apply to at CCA? and good luck to you too!

Okay, Okay. I have been reading this forum for a few days- it's time to post. I wish you all the best of luck.

I applied to: CCA, Pratt, VCU, and RISD.. feeling like I should have added 6 or 7 more schools!!!! Ugh. Oh Sh*t.

Anyone know anything about MFA at Pratt? Haven't seen it on anyone's list so far...

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One of my professors went there. She has cool work...a figurative painter. I don't know much else about it, but I heard that they have a lot of scholarships, and you can't go wrong with new york city

Okay, Okay. I have been reading this forum for a few days- it's time to post. I wish you all the best of luck.

I applied to: CCA, Pratt, VCU, and RISD.. feeling like I should have added 6 or 7 more schools!!!! Ugh. Oh Sh*t.

Anyone know anything about MFA at Pratt? Haven't seen it on anyone's list so far...

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Okay, Okay. I have been reading this forum for a few days- it's time to post. I wish you all the best of luck.

I applied to: CCA, Pratt, VCU, and RISD.. feeling like I should have added 6 or 7 more schools!!!! Ugh. Oh Sh*t.

Anyone know anything about MFA at Pratt? Haven't seen it on anyone's list so far...

I applied to Pratt for Painting. What are you applying for?

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I have a friend at Pratt right now for GD and she LOVES it! She has felt really good about the program from the beginning. She has been living in the city for a while so it wasnt much of a cultural/ financial adjustment, but she def loves the program and tried talking me into applying there.

I applied to Pratt for Painting. What are you applying for?

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I have a friend at Pratt right now for GD and she LOVES it! She has felt really good about the program from the beginning. She has been living in the city for a while so it wasnt much of a cultural/ financial adjustment, but she def loves the program and tried talking me into applying there.

Maybe it's changed for the better, then - I've heard the exact opposite for graphic/communication design there. Alums I know have characterized the program as anything from "ok, I guess..." to "a waste of time and money". That's at the graduate level, mind you; I hear much better things about their undergrad program. As always, your mileage (and particular discipline) may vary.

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hi all,

I have heard back from two... Faster then I ever expected!

UC davis (fellowship offer, but Im not clear how much..I wanna full ride!)

and tyler wants an interview. (for sculpture)

still waiting on 5 schools. march is going to be a tricky month.

gotta get ready for the Tyler talk---

they want a 20 minute slide presentation and Q and A about my work.

yikes!!!! practice speeches, here I come..

I hope it helps someone, at least slightly, to know that the results are starting to come in.

my friend is applying (for east asian studies not art) and commented there is a touch of destiny in these things.

thinking about it I have to agree..... its so out of our hands!

good luck to everyone!

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Hello all,

Nice to know I'm not alone. Feel like I am going crazy with anticipation. Haven't heard anything yet.....

Schools I've applied to:

Carnegie Mellon

Cornell - drawing/painting

Penn State - drawing/ painting

University of Michigan

Montana State (deadline Feb 15) - drawing/painting

University of Montana (deadline Feb 15) - drawing/painting

I really want University of Michigan or Carnegie Mellon! Michigan interviews 20 people on the short list - they fly you out to Ann Arbor for an interview. I am desperately waiting for that call. You would think it would be in Feb? Maybe the snow is causing a delay? ( Like I said, desperate).

Carnegie Mellon's grad admissions coordinator said they start sending acceptances out in Feb if you make the first round. If you are somewhere in the middle of the pack, you might wait until April.

I just want this uncertainty to end!

Check out my site yvonnekunz.com: Most of my application portfolio is the 2010 work.


Update - rejected from University of Michigan. Terribly disappointed; it was my top choice.

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Update - rejected from University of Michigan. Terribly disappointed; it was my top choice.

Even in the worst case, you should just keep on trying!

In my case this is my 3rd year applying. once out of undergrad in 2003, then to just hunter in 2008 (both times rejected.. well I got in a SAIC postbac in 2003, but did not want it)

now again.

in between I moved to nyc and made art like crazy, now I think this time I will do OK. but point being, I would not let the rejections get you down too much.

they keep coming, and you keep going. in the end we get to where we need to go.. I think art is like an endurance contest sometimes. if you keep at it you will get by.

Edited by sarah J
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